Current Research in Airport Ground Transportation Prepared by Peter B. Mandle Jacobs Consultancy Prepared for Airport Ground Transportation Association Fall Conference Fort Worth, Texas September 11, 2007
2 JCI Outline Airport Cooperative Research Program Current ACRP projects related to: Airport terminals People movers/walkways Parking and roadways Synthesis—GT Rules Other research Opportunities for you Questions
3 JCI What Is the ACRP? Airport Cooperative Research Program Created in December 2003 as part of the Vision 100 – Century of Aviation Act Program is run by representatives of airport operating agencies Purpose: collaborate on airport research taking insight and direction from various disciplines
4 JCI How Does It Work? Funded annually by FAA—about $12 million in 2007 Administered by National Academies / TRB on behalf of FAA (like NCHRP and TCRP) Research projects can be suggested by anyone (e.g., AGTA) ACRP Oversight Committee evaluates all submitted problem statements and selects those best meeting its objectives Project Panels formed to oversee each selected project Competitive selection of Research Teams by Project Panels Research Teams conduct and publish guidelines, reports, etc.
5 JCI ACRP Research Fields 1.Administration 2.Environment 3.Policy and Planning 4.Safety 5.Security 6.Human Resources 7. Design 8. Construction 9. Maintenance 10. Operations 11. Special Projects 12. Synthesis
6 JCI ACRP Terminal Building Research Project Completion Date Research Team U.S. Airport Passenger- Related Processing Rates 1/15/08HNTB Guidebook for Airport-User Survey Methodology 6/15/08 Jacobs Consultancy Spreadsheet Models for Airport Terminal Planning and Design 12/5/08 Landrum & Brown
7 JCI ACRP Terminal Building Research Project Completion Date Research Team Airport Passenger Terminal Planning Guidebook 2/28/09 Landrum & Brown New Concepts for Airport Terminal Landside Facilities 6/08/08 Corgan Associates Passenger Space Allocation Guidelines for Planning and Design of Airport Terminals 9/01/08 Trans Solutions
8 JCI ACRP People Mover Research Project Completion Date Research Team Guidebook for Planning and Implementing Automated People Mover Systems 6/01/08L + E A Guidebook for Measuring Performance of Automated People Mover Systems 6/01/08L + E Airport Passenger Conveyance System Usage / Throughput Not yet started ---
9 JCI ACRP Road and Remote Terminal Project Completion Date Research Team Airport Curbside and Terminal- Area Roadway Operations 3/05/08 Jacobs Consultancy Planning Guide for Off-Site Terminals Active Market Sense
10 JCI ACRP Parking Research Project Completion Date Research Team Evaluating Airport Parking Strategies and Supporting Technologies 06/05/08 Jacobs Consultancy Effects of Constrained Public and Employee Parking on Airport Access Not Yet Started --
11 JCI Legal Aspects of Airport Programs Synthesis Project Completion Date Research Team Survey of Airport Laws and Regulations of Commercial Ground Transportation 04/05/08 Smith Amundsen, LLC (Lewis Bricker) Survey of Airport Laws and Regulations of Commercial Ground Transportation—Synthesis
12 JCI Survey of Airport Laws and Regulations of Commercial Ground Transportation Purpose: Summarize all Federal, state, and local regulations for airport ground transportation operations Goals: Understand regulation in various locals Compare government policies Centralize all operations policies to enable knowledge sharing
13 JCI Survey of Airport Laws (cont.) Study Areas: For-hire personal transportation –Taxi cab open / closed systems –Tax and fee schemes –Operation procedures Other personal transportation –Share-ride / shuttle services –Courtesy / charter vans –Rental cars
14 JCI Survey of Laws (cont.) Research Plan: Contact airport administrations Search published municipal codes Review state regulations dealing with CGT Review state regulations dealing with airports Review published airport regulations Review and summarize Federal laws Synthesize into a preliminary report Conduct follow-up research as necessary
15 JCI How To Participate In Future Projects Submit a problem statement What does your airport need? What will you Airport director find useful and immediately beneficial Volunteer for a Project Panel Lead/participate in a Research Team Encourage others in your agency to do so
16 JCI Other Research Amount of other on-going research related to airport ground transportation is limited Often more theoretical or international in nature ACRP research projects intended to be more practical in nature and of immediate value
17 JCI To Learn More: Also see Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP) Or contact: Peter Mandle