Spare of Vertical Steering Magnet5 Spare Steering PS for DR (repaired) 5 more steering PS (not repaired) Horizontal Steering will be use the steer, rotated.


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Presentation transcript:

Spare of Vertical Steering Magnet5 Spare Steering PS for DR (repaired) 5 more steering PS (not repaired) Horizontal Steering will be use the steer, rotated by 90 degrees 1. Steering Magnets Hardware Check of ATF extraction line

2. BPMs Short electrode, narrow pipe We have 3 type of strip-line BPMs in ATF extraction line. Short electrode, wide pipe Long electrode, wide pipe

Present Strip-line BPM List in ATF beamline Blue ; wide beam pipe Red ; Long Electrode ( High Resolution) BPM Name Electro de Pipe Dia. OriginalModifiedBellows Magnet Thick. Pipe Length Total Length Magnet Thick. Pipe Length Total Length OriginalModified Upstrea m Downstrea m Upstrea m Downstrea m ML1X40 Narro w ○○ ML2X40Wide ×○ ML3X40Wide ×○ ML4X40Wide ×○ ML5X40Wide ○○ ML6X40Wide ×○ ML7X40 Narro w ×○ ML8X120 Narro w ○○ ML9X120 Narro w ○○ ML10X120 Narro w ○○ ML11X120 Narro w ○○ ML12X120 Narro w N/A ○○ ML13X40 Narro w N/A 170N/A 170×× ML14X40 Narro w N/A ×○

nameold namefunctiontype locationcomments ML1XML2XBPMstripline (L.R.)d/s end of QF1X (Hitachi 180) ML2XML3XBPMstripline (L.R.)d/s end of QD2X (Hitachi 180) ML3XML4XBPMstripline (L.R.)d/s end of QF3X (Hitachi 180) ML4XML5XBPMstripline (L.R.)d/s end of QF4X (Hitachi 180) ML5XML6XBPMstripline (L.R.)u/s end of QD5X (Hitachi 180) ML6XML7XBPMstripline (L.R.)u/s end of QF6X (Hitachi 180) ML7XML1XBPMstripline (L.R.)d/s end of QF7X (Hitach 60) ML8X BPMstripline (H.R.)d/s end of QD8X (Hitachi 180)ZV6X move by +80mm ML9X BPMstripline (H.R.)u/s end of QF9X (Hitachi 180) ML10X BPMstripline (H.R.)d/s end of QF13X (Hitachi 180) ML11X BPMstripline (H.R.)d/s end of QD14X (Hitachi 180) ML12XML14XBPMstripline (L.R.)d/s end of QF15X (Hitachi 180) QBPM1X BPMC-band cavityd/s end of QD10X (QEA 180) No mover QBPM2X BPMC-band cavityd/s end of QF11X (QEA 180) No mover QBPM3X BPMC-band cavityd/s end of QD12X (QEA 180) No mover QBPM4X BPMC-band cavityd/s end of QD16X (QEA 180) No mover QBPM5X BPMC-band cavityd/s end of QF17X (QEA 180) No mover QBPM6X BPMC-band cavityd/s end of QD18X (QEA 180) No mover QBPM7X BPMC-band cavityd/s end of QF19X (QEA 180) No mover QBPM8X BPMC-band cavityu/s end of QD20X (Hitach 60) C-band BPM with Hitachi QBPM9X BPMC-band cavityd/s end of QF21X (Hitach 60) C-band BPM with Hitachi nameold namefunctiontype locationcomments ML1FFML12XBPMstripline (H.R.)between QM12FF and QM11FFpulse-to-pulse feedback ML2FFML13XBPMstripline (L.R.)d/s dump bend

QD8X ML ZV 60 ZH ZH3XZV6X H mm Long BPM QF9X H5 180 ZH ZH4X ML To upstream Long BPM

BS3X (d/s half) 500 BS3XZV1X ZV OTR OTR1X 3. SLAC OTR Monitor Can we put str. ? Modify ?