AGENDA Thurs 9/29 Ticket in: Progress Report Mind Mover #12: Superior People Calendar & Announcements GPA/Tutorial Analysis Selective & Purpose Driven Reading ▫Great Leaders Grow Deep Roots Ticket Out: Notes on reading HW: Tutorial Form DUE: TUES 10/4 ▫Progress Report DUE: Thurs 10/6
Mind Mover #12: Superior People “ Good leadership consists of showing average people how to do the work of superior people.” ▫John D. RockefellerJohn D. Rockefeller What are your first impressions of this quote? What do you think Rockefeller meant by “average people? In what historical time period did Rockefeller live? Does the historical time period have an impact on the message of the quote? Does Rockefeller’s position in society have an influence on his attitude toward leadership? Why/why not?
Calendar & Announcements Notes Summary Due Date: Thurs 10/6 Next SAT: Nov 5 (Register by Oct 7) Next ACT: Dec 10 (Register by Nov 7) CSF Applications??? College VHS Mon. 10/3 PSAT: Oct. 12 th ◦ Scholarship Alert!!—2 applications for next grading period Community Service—min. of 10 hours for Fall semester
Selective and Purpose Driven Reading Step 1: Scan the entire text Long texts (book, novel, textbook) Table of contents Chapter Headings/subheadings Index Short texts (editorial, speech, essay, letter) Paragraph focus or function Introduction/examples, making an argument
Selective and Purpose Driven Reading Step 2: Examine historical & rhetorical context Answer these questions before or during reading: 1. What was taking place when this text was written? 2. What events of circumstances might have influenced the writing of this text? 3. Who is the author/artist? What do we know about this person and his/her background or experiences? 4. What words would you use to discuss the way he or she writes (paints, or…)? 5. Is the writer’s language academic? Personal? 6. What might the author’s purposes be for producing this text? Is there more than one? 7. What might be the author’s point of view or interests? How do you know? 8. Who is the audience for this text? How do you know? Is there more than one audience? 9. What is the writer’s relationship with the audience? Does s/he agree with them? Disagree? On what issues?
Selective and Purpose Driven Reading Step 3: Review purpose for reading Review prompt and parts of reading For example, when studying historical context, use these categories: 1. H istorical events that affected the leader’s life, chronological 2. S pecific leader actions in response to historical events 3. I nfluences upon leader’s life: family, historical events, cultural influences Step 4: Plan for notes/ recording information How will you identify parts of the text that are important to the prompt? How will your organize information into categories? 1. H ighlight using different colors for each category 2. C ornell notes for each category/topic Step 5: Read and take notes
Selective and Purpose Driven Reading Step 6: Pause at various points during reading and respond to the following questions: 1. Do I understand what I am reading? If not, what can I do to better understand? 2. Is this text helping me answer my prompt? Why/not? 3. What is the central point of the text? What appears to be most important to the author? 4. How does the author tell me what s/he believes? 5. What is missing from the text that I need to know? Step 7: Review the text structure How is the text organized? How does understanding the organization help to understand the text? Write a summary of what you have read. If others are reading the same text, compare with other students.
Selective and Purpose Driven Reading Step 8: After reading, determine how to integrate into writing: Look at notes to find information to use in writing. 1. Is there a quote or paraphrase that stands out? 2. Is there information similar to another source you have read? 3. Is there information that is new/original you need to add to your outline? Combine information from all sources using paraphrasing/outlining. Add notes/citations to drafts of work immediately after finish reading/note-taking. Review the purpose for reading and determine next steps. 1. Do you need more sources? 2. Are the sources you’ve read so far have similar or difference perspectives?
“Great Leaders Grow Deep Roots” (a.k.a. the “oak” article) Practice selective & purpose driven reading 1.Campbell’s article provides material for identification & discussion of characteristics of great leaders who were catalysts for change 2.Using steps just introduced, dissect and analyze article. ▫Step 2: Written about business leaders to business people