New Marketing Strategy: Samsung GALAXY Gear Team #7 Kim SeongJae
Why Failure? New Strategy Samsung’s strategy Customer’s response Failure Analysis SWOT Analysis New Strategy Expected prospect
Why Failure?
Call Smart Relay Memographer Find my device Media Controller 갤럭시 기어는 노트3와 연동 >call : 갤럭시 기어에서 바로 전화를 걸고 받을 수 있다. 양손에 물건이 있거나 요리를 하는 도중에도 통화 가능 (갤럭시 노트3와 기어의 연동거리느 최대 10m이다.) >smart relay : 갤럭시 노트3에서 메시지, 이메일 등이 수신되면 바로 알려주는 갤럭시기어. 받은 내용을 노트3를 통해 확인할 수 있어서 보다 유기적인 스마트 라이프. >memographer : 사진 또는 동영상 촬영이 가능. 기억하고 싶은 소중한 순간을 색다른 방법으로 간직할 수 있다. 촬영한 내용은 노트3에 바로 저장. >find my device : 갤럭시 노트3를 어디다 두었는지 기억나지 않을 때 기어가 찾아줌. 노트3의 위치를 벨소리와 진동으로 알려줌 >media controller : 노트3로 듣고 있던 음악을 갤럭시 기어로 자유롭고 편리하게 컨트롤 가능. 야외 활동 중에도 보다 쉽고 빠른 곡 선택과 음량 크기 조절 가능. Media Controller
Samsung’s Strategy
Failure! Failure Customer’s Response World Sales Marketing Cost 800,000 50,000 5,000,000,000,000 Agency, Retailer Failure! Failure Failure Failure
Failure Analysis Why Failure? Remember, This is Watch! Concept Item Immature Wearable Device Market High Price (396,000 won) Only Samsung Smart Phone Bad Design & Heavy weight Battery Life (only 24 hour) Just accessary for Smart Phone Remember, This is Watch! Just focus, This is new, convenient, innovate smart device Forgot Basic Marketing Strategy Concept Item Catch Customer’s Response. Create Innovate Image (Market Starter)
New Strategy
SWOT Analysis Strength Weakness Opportunity Threat Brand Image (Smart Watch = Samsung) (From Best Follower To First Mover) Convenient Hands Free Device No worry to loss (always wear) Technology (Smart Device, Tizen OS) Money Manpower High Price Only Samsung Smart Phone Bad Design, Heavy Weight Battery Life Incomplete Tizen OS Excessively Tech-oriented SWOT Analysis Opportunity Threat Market Share (World 54%) Wearable Device’s Potential (55,000,000) Smart Phone Saturation (Price down) Customer Needs For Function Tablet PC’s success Immature Wearable Device Market Customer’s recognition (Toy, Accessary) Loyalty for Classic Watch Innovate Venture Competitors (Pebble) W.D Health Care Area First Mover (Nike) High Expectation for Apple’s I-Watch Classic Watch Brand Growth (33%) 1970s SEIKO, CITIZEN (Electronic Watch) High-end Watch Centralization Sony’s Fall, Small-Medium Competitors
SWOT Analysis Strength Weakness Opportunity Threat Brand Image (Smart Watch = Samsung) (From Best Follower To First Mover) Convenient Hands Free Device No worry to loss (always wear) Technology (Smart Device, Tizen OS) Money Manpower High Price Only Samsung Smart Phone Bad Design, Heavy Weight Battery Life Incomplete Tizen OS Excessively Tech-oriented SWOT Analysis Opportunity Threat Market Share (World 54%) Wearable Device’s Potential (55,000,000) Smart Phone Saturation (Price down) Customer Needs For Function Tablet PC’s success Immature Wearable Device Market Customer’s recognition (Toy, Accessary) Loyalty for Classic Watch Innovate Venture Competitors (Pebble) W.D Health Care Area First Mover (Nike) High Expectation for Apple’s I-Watch Classic Watch Brand Growth (33%) 1970s SEIKO, CITIZEN (Electronic Watch) High-end Watch Centralization Sony’s Fall, Small-Medium Competitors
Customer Needs IDC Survey(2013) I - Commerce Not Yet Portability Payment(34%) Remote Control(33%) ID Card(30%) Key(28%) Portability Passbook + Touch ID + I-beacon Cost, User Knowledge, Security Not Yet
STP Strategy Segmentation Targeting Positioning Office Worker Useless Function Camera Health Call …. Segmentation Targeting Reduce Price! Positioning Improve Battery Life Office Worker Mobile Payment Smart Office
Mobile Payment NFC Based Hands Free Definitely Convenient! Near Field Communication Convenient Fast (0.1sec) No Lose of Energy Cheaper Cost Security Contents (Museum, Theater) Most Convenient than other device (hands!) Short Moving Line No Worry to Loss Definitely Convenient!
Smart Office Smart Office ID Card, Key ID Card(30%) Key(28%) Reduce Cost Autonomy in Work BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) Group Application ID Card(30%) Key(28%) No worry to Loss No need Battery Security Not only Office Everywhere Information Fatigue Notifying Important Information (Vibration) Reduce Fatigue Enhance Productivity Tizen OS – Compatibility IoT, IoE
Expected Prospect Recent Trend Google Wallet (City Bank, Master Card) Paypal, Square AT&T, Verizon Wireless, T Mobile USA - ISIS Sony – FeLiCa Transportation Card, Membership Card
Expected Prospect Prospect Quick Starter Market Leader Smart Watch = Watch Hands Free Always with You Develop Specific Area Mobile Payment Smart Office Samsung Galaxy Series Quick Starter Market Leader
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