Frontloading Academic Language: Stepping-Stone to Success for English Learners English SOL Institute October 16, 2014 Donna Webb Loudoun County Public Schools
Language Objectives: Using the strategies presented and working in small groups, participants will discuss how to customize the strategies to meet the needs of their students at the grade levels they teach. Content and Language Objectives Content Objectives: Participants will identify specific strategies for academic language development that they can incorporate into their instructional practices. Participants will interact with each other to practice specific academic language development strategies to familiarize themselves with the instructions of how to introduce the strategies to their students.
Small Groups 1. Divide students into small groups 2. Give each group one small ball 3. Give each group a vocabulary word. When given a signal, the student holding the ball gives a response of an association with the word (synonym, antonym, property) and then tosses the ball to another member of the group, who does the same. 4. Play continues until all members of the group have contributed to the game. Modified from Research-Based Vocabulary Instruction for English Learners, CAL, Dec WARM-UP: PLAY BALL! Provides an opportunity for verbalization, oral practice, review, elaboration, formative assessment
Emphasis: Closed and open sorts: teacher-assigned meaning, individualized meaning ‘Handshakes’ and ‘Getting to Know You Better’ Strategies for introducing new academic terms, developing familiarity and expanding to abstract understanding Emphasis: Word recognition, pronunciation, correct spelling Emphasis: Word in isolation, additional oral practice and exposure Emphasis: Word variations, root words, affixes Emphasis: Words’ relationship to content and abstract ideas BINGO WORD SEARCH CONCEPT DEFINITION MAP WORD SORTS VOCAB PAINT STRIPS
Introduce new vocabulary, play using Smartboard/Promethean board or word strips. Use as a warm-up, extension, center/station During unit, give clues instead of the actual words. Use variations: 4 corners, X marks the spot, around the world, etc. Use as a review. Try using synonyms, antonyms, rhyming words, cloze practice. Turn over to students whenever possible. BINGO: Beginning-Middle-End of Unit One strategy-many uses
Websites available to create your own word search document: (subscription required) /free-puzzlemaker/ (free) /free-puzzlemaker/ (free) ordsearch/ (free) ordsearch/ Word Search Locate words in isolation, allows students to practice pronunciation, can be used throughout unit
OPEN SORT: STUDENT-DIRECTED Give students content-specific word/symbol strips, have them categorize the strips into ways that make sense to them. Review their work and have them describe their reasoning for the categories they developed. Let the students sort the words by themselves first, then collaborate with a peer, small group, etc. Give students content-specific word/symbol strips, have them arrange the strips into teacher- selected categories. Review their work and have them describe their reasoning for their placements. CLOSED SORT: TEACHER-DIRECTED Word Sorts: Open and Closed Two types: One student-directed, one teacher-directed Strips can contain words, symbols, shapes, etc.
Students can create paint strips and store them in a vocabulary notebook, pocket folder, ring clips or other storage device. Home improvement stores often have discontinued samples that can be obtained simply by asking. Color coding might also be used to distinguish between units – shades of blue for oceanography, brown for earth surfaces, etc. Vocab Paint Strips A visual way to organize words according to root word, affixes, or parts of speech move mover (n.) moveable (adj.) moving (v.) remove (v.) moved (v.) removed (v.) removable (adj.)
Components: Concept term Definition or description Properties Examples Concept Definition Map A graphic organizer that helps students make connections within a concept
Building Academic Language: Essential Practices for Content Classrooms, Grades 5-12, Zwiers, J. Making Content Comprehensible for Secondary English Learners: The SIOP Model (2nd Edition), Echevarria, Vogt & Short Academic Language for English Language Learners and Struggling Readers: How to Help Students Succeed Across Content Areas, Freeman, Y. 99 Ideas and Activities for Teaching English Learners with the SIOP Model, Echevarria, Vogt & Short 2012 Amplification of the ELD Standards, Kindergarten–Grade 12, References, Sources and Recommended Readings
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