Religion in the Graeco-Roman World From Augustus to Constantine
Anxiety & Longing ► Existential “anxiety” Question of life purpose Threat to traditional Gods due to influx of new cults Debunking of traditional myths among educated classes ► Shift toward “monotheism” Platonist focus on The One Aristotelian emphasis on “Unmoved Mover,” Supreme Mind Pantheism (or panentheism) among philosophers ► Stoic teaching of the Universal Logos (pervading world soul) ► Divine “spark” in human logos ► Appeal of revealed religion Oriental religions, esp. mystery cults Oracles & prophetic cults
Humans as Fallen Souls ► Merging of Platonism & Aristotelianism in popular philosophy ► Hierarchy of being The One — Good Nous (Mind) — Intelligibles Psyche (Soul) — Souls Hyle (Matter) — Privation, absence of form; evil ► Path of spiritual ascent Humans are fallen souls; true home is Nous (or The One) Ascend through contemplation; return to origins
Origen of Alexandria (c. C.E. 182–251) ► Peri Archon (de Principiis) ► The Fall results from turn away from contemplation of the One to focus on individual intelligences ► Result is diaphora (dispersion; multiplicity) ► Fall from permanence into time (living successively) ► Salvation is anakephaliosis (“recapitulation”; return to original state of unity)
Gnosticism ► Most influential proponents Basilides Marcion Valentinus (d. c. 160) ► Gnosis is not mere “knowledge” Secret wisdom Deep comprehension/realization of the truth ► Existential problem: “things fall apart” ► Solution: liberation from material to spiritual realm
Orders of Being ► Three levels of existence: Pneumatic (divine; true being; good) Psychic (divine “spark”) Hylic or sarkic (tends toward non-being; evil, deprivation) ► Three concomitant types of humans Pneumatics comprise body, soul, & spirit Psychics comprise body & soul Hylics or sarkics comprise body only ► Three “ends” of such human beings Pneumatics predestined to salvation (i.e., spiritual liberation and restoration to the Pleroma) Psychics capable of salvation through works (requires liberation of soul from the body) Sarkics simply will die; no chance for salvation (there is nothing to save!) ► See The Tripartite Tractate 118–124