How could the Father tell the world of love and tenderness? He sent his Son, a newborn babe, with peace and holiness. How could the Father show the world the pathway we should go? He sent his Son to walk with men on earth, that we may know. How could the Father tell the world of sacrifice, of death? He sent his Son to die for us and rise with living breath. What does the Father ask of us? What do the scriptures say? Have faith, have hope, live like his Son, help others on their way. What does he ask? Live like his Son. Words: Words: Mabel Jones Gabbott, b Music: Music: Michael Finlinson Moody, b © 1982 by Mabel Jones Gabbott and Michael Finlinson Moody. Arr. © 1989 IRI This song may be copied for incidental, noncommercial church or home use. Enr. Act. 7
I am going to tell you about responsibilities a certain person has.I am going to tell you about responsibilities a certain person has. I will give the clues one at a time to what this person does.
WhenWhen you think you know what this person does, you should come to the front of the room room and whisper the answer to me.
If you are correct, you should remain standing.If you are correct, you should remain standing. If you are wrong, you should sit down and listen for more clues.If you are wrong, you should sit down and listen for more clues.
I work outdoors. I am very concerned about those in my care. I sometimes have to fight off wild animals or thieves. I must be very watchful. I must protect the young. ??
I must search for those that are lost. Those I watch know my voice and follow me. I search for good pastures and clean water for those in my care.I search for good pastures and clean water for those in my care. ??
AngelsAngels announced the birth of Jesus Christ to some people who have these responsibilities. Iwatch over sheep. ??
During the lesson we are going to learn about the Good Shepherd, who is Jesus Christ.During the lesson we are going to learn about the Good Shepherd, who is Jesus Christ. ?
“Lesson 23: The Good Shepherd,” Primary 7: New Testament, 75
TheThe shepherd symbolizes Jesus’ relationship with His followers because good shepherds were devoted to their sheep.
In biblical times, flocks were driven into a sheepfold at night. Asheepfold has high walls topped with thorns or sharpened branches to prevent wolves from leaping in.
Each shepherd took a turn guarding the sheep by lying across the open entrance.Each shepherd took a turn guarding the sheep by lying across the open entrance. They literally became the gate or door ( JJJJ oooo hhhh nnnn :::: 7777,,,, ).
IfIf a wild animal managed to leap over the walls, the shepherd would give his life if necessary to protect the sheep.
When the shepherds called their flocks in the morning, each sheep recognized its master’s call.When the shepherds called their flocks in the morning, each sheep recognized its master’s call. For a sheep to be kept safe, it had to follow its master closely as he led it to good pasture.
A shepherd takes care of sheep.A shepherd takes care of sheep. He helps them find food and water.He helps them find food and water. He does not let them get hurt or lost.He does not let them get hurt or lost.
He knows them and loves them and would give his life to save them.He knows them and loves them and would give his life to save them. Jesus Christ called Himself the Good Shepherd.Jesus Christ called Himself the Good Shepherd.
He is our shepherd. We are His sheep. He loves us.He is our shepherd. We are His sheep. He loves us. He helps us learn the truth.He helps us learn the truth. He teaches us how to live so we can return to Heavenly Father.He teaches us how to live so we can return to Heavenly Father. He gave His life for us.He gave His life for us.
The Savior told the people in Jerusalem that He had other sheep.The Savior told the people in Jerusalem that He had other sheep. He said He would visit these other sheep. The people did not understand.
After Jesus was resurrected, He visited His sheep in the Americas.After Jesus was resurrected, He visited His sheep in the Americas. The Book of Mormon tells about His visit there.The Book of Mormon tells about His visit there. Jesus stayed many days, healing the sick and blessing the people.
He gave them the priesthood and organized His Church. He gave them the priesthood and organized His Church. Jesus taught the same things to these people that He had taught to the people in Jerusalem. Jesus taught the same things to these people that He had taught to the people in Jerusalem.
Why do the sheep follow their shepherd? Let’s read J J J J J oooo hhhh nnnn :::: 4444 What do you think it means to “know His voice”? Whose voice do we need to know? How can we come to know the Savior’s voice?
Who are spiritual thieves and robbers today? Let’s read J J J J J oooo hhhh nnnn :::: 1111; Joseph Smith Translation, John 10:8 Think of people or things that might influence you to turn away from your shepherd, who is Jesus.
Why weren’t the sheep led astray by “thieves and robbers”? Why weren’t the sheep led astray by “thieves and robbers”? Let’s read John 10:8 Let’s read John 10:8John 10:8John 10:8 How can we protect ourselves from evil influences? How can we protect ourselves from evil influences? Who else can help protect us from these influences? Who else can help protect us from these influences?
How is Jesus the Good Shepherd? Let’s read J J J J J oooo hhhh nnnn :::: 9999 –––– How does knowing that Jesus is the Good Shepherd help us follow Him? How does knowing that Jesus is the Good Shepherd help us follow Him? If Jesus is the Good Shepherd, what are we? If Jesus is the Good Shepherd, what are we?
How does the Good Shepherd show His love for His sheep? How does the Good Shepherd show His love for His sheep? Let’s read John 10:11 Let’s read John 10:11John 10:11John 10:11 From whom did Jesus receive the power to lay down His life and take it up again? From whom did Jesus receive the power to lay down His life and take it up again? Let’s read John 10:17–18 Let’s read John 10:17–18John 10:17–18John 10:17–18
He could take up His life again because His father, Heavenly Father, was immortal. He could take up His life again because His father, Heavenly Father, was immortal. Jesus was able to die because His mother was mortal. Jesus was able to die because His mother was mortal.
What does it mean to us that “the good shepherd giveth His life for the sheep”?What does it mean to us that “the good shepherd giveth His life for the sheep”? Let’s read John 10:11 Let’s read John 10:11John 10:11John 10:11 How does Jesus’ sacrifice make it possible for us to live with Him and Heavenly Father again?How does Jesus’ sacrifice make it possible for us to live with Him and Heavenly Father again?
One way Jesus Christ is the Good Shepherd is because He voluntarily suffered for our sins and gave His life for us. One way Jesus Christ is the Good Shepherd is because He voluntarily suffered for our sins and gave His life for us. Therefore, we all will be resurrected and we all can repent, be baptized, and be forgiven for our sins. Therefore, we all will be resurrected and we all can repent, be baptized, and be forgiven for our sins.
We are going to learn another story that shows a way the Good Shepherd cares for His sheep.
Jesus was going to Jerusalem. Along the way some people wanted Jesus to bless their children. The disciples told the people not to bother Jesus. The disciples told the people not to bother Jesus.
But But Jesus Christ loves children. He He told the disciples to let the children come to Him.
Jesus also told the disciples that they should be like little children. Jesus also told the disciples that they should be like little children. Then they could live with God in heaven. Then they could live with God in heaven.
Why did Jesus’ disciples try to send the children away? (Joseph Smith Translation, Matthew 19:13.) Why did Jesus’ disciples try to send the children away? (Joseph Smith Translation, Matthew 19:13.)
What did Jesus say when His disciples tried to send the children away? Let’s read M M M M M aaaa rrrr kkkk ::::
What did He do for the children? Let’s read MMMM aaaa rrrr kkkk :::: How do you think you would have felt if you had been one of those children? How do you think you would have felt if you had been one of those children?
How How does knowing that Jesus loves us make it easier to follow Him?
Jesus said that we need to “become as a little child” if we want to enter the kingdom of God. Jesus said that we need to “become as a little child” if we want to enter the kingdom of God.
Let’s read M M M M M aaaa rrrr kkkk :::: ; M M M M M oooo ssss iiii aaaa hhhh 3333 :::: ; N N N N eeee pppp hhhh iiii :::: –––– What do you think it means to “become as a little child”?
What do you think you need to be like to enter the kingdom of heaven? What do you think you need to be like to enter the kingdom of heaven? Why does Jesus want us to enter the kingdom of heaven?
I have a piece of string for each of you. I have a piece of string for each of you. Enr. Act. 1 One end should be at your feet and the other end should point away from you. One end should be at your feet and the other end should point away from you. Lay your pieces of string on the floor in front of you. Lay your pieces of string on the floor in front of you.
Try to push the string away from you. Try to push the string away from you. Enr. Act. 1 This experiment shows how shepherds lead their sheep. This experiment shows how shepherds lead their sheep. Now, try to pull the string toward you. Now, try to pull the string toward you.
Let’s read JJJJ oooo hhhh nnnn :::: 4444 Enr. Act. 1 In Israel, the shepherds lead their sheep by walking in front of them. In Israel, the shepherds lead their sheep by walking in front of them. In some other countries, shepherds drive the sheep. In some other countries, shepherds drive the sheep.
Enr. Act. 1 Jesus, as our Good Shepherd, leads the way and asks us to follow Him. Jesus, as our Good Shepherd, leads the way and asks us to follow Him.
Let’s read and discuss P P P P P ssss aaaa llll mmmm Enr. Act. 2
Divide into small groups. Divide into small groups. Think of ways Jesus has shown and continues to show His love for us. Think of ways Jesus has shown and continues to show His love for us. How do these things help us know that Jesus loves us? How do these things help us know that Jesus loves us? Enr. Act. 3
Let’s read and discuss the account of Jesus blessing the Nephite children ( 3333 NNNN eeee pppp hhhh iiii :::: –––– ,,,, –––– ). Enr. Act. 4
Let’s review the first three articles of faith: 1. We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost. Enr. Act. 5
Let’s review the first three articles of faith: Let’s review the first three articles of faith: 2. We believe that men will be punished for their own sins, and not for Adam’s transgression. Enr. Act. 5
Let’s review the first three articles of faith: Let’s review the first three articles of faith: 3. We believe that through the Atonement of Christ, all mankind may be saved, by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel. Enr. Act. 5
Enr. Act. 6 Let’s memorize JJJJ oooo hhhh nnnn :::: : I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth His life for the sheep.
I bear testimony that Jesus loves each one of us and wants us to follow Him. I bear testimony that Jesus loves each one of us and wants us to follow Him. I know this from experience in my own life and have felt Jesus’ love. I know this from experience in my own life and have felt Jesus’ love. I know I have been blessed for following Him. I know I have been blessed for following Him.
The hymn, lesson and scripture story are from The hymn, lesson and scripture story are from Images and clipart are from,, Microsoft Office, and other websites indicating the images were in the public domain or permitted for church and home use. Images and clipart are from,, Microsoft Office, and other websites indicating the images were in the public domain or permitted for church and home use. Please do not use this presentation for commercial use. Feel free to alter the presentation for use in church or home to suit personal preference. Please do not use this presentation for commercial use. Feel free to alter the presentation for use in church or home to suit personal preference. This presentation is intended to supplement, not replace, the lesson manual and scriptures. Teachers should refer to the manual, scriptures and other resources when preparing and conducting the lesson. This presentation is intended to supplement, not replace, the lesson manual and scriptures. Teachers should refer to the manual, scriptures and other resources when preparing and conducting the lesson.