Gifts of Grace (Eph. 4:11-16) PASTORS
What is a pastor?
poimen (ποιμην) –pastor –shepherd
What is a pastor? poimen (ποιμην) –pastor –shepherd presbuteros (πρεσβυτερος) –elder –presbyter episkopos (επισκοπος) –bishop –overseer
Goals of the Gifts (Eph. 4:11-16) Short-term: –Equipping saints for work of service –Building up the body of Christ Long-term: –Unity of the faith & the knowledge of Christ –Maturity measured by the stature of Christ Marks of progress: –No longer children tossed by deceit –Speaking the truth in love
The Shepherd’s Role in the Growth of the Sheep
John 10:1-15
The Shepherd’s Role in the Growth of the Sheep John 10:1-15 Acts 20:28-32
The Shepherd’s Role in the Growth of the Sheep John 10:1-15 Acts 20:28-32 Ezekiel 34:1-22
Goals of the Gifts (Eph. 4:11-16) Short-term: –Equipping saints for work of service –Building up the body of Christ Long-term: –Unity of the faith & the knowledge of Christ –Maturity measured by the stature of Christ Marks of progress: –No longer children tossed by deceit –Speaking the truth in love