One-dimensional hole gas in germanium silicon nanowire hetero-structures Linyou Cao Department of Materials Science and Engineering Drexel University 12/09/2005
Motivation-Why? Quantum Confinement not reported in NW Ballistic Transport Conductance Quantification Controlled synthesis of NW offering substantial potential to engineer in 1-D electronic system Band-gap engineering in hetero-system widely used in semiconductor technique
Si/Ge NW Ge Si Ge Si EcEc EcEc EvEv EvEv EfEf E vac Electron injection Lattice match, Si, Å; Ge, Å Bandgap offset Valence band(VB) offset ~0.5eV Why Si/Ge: intrinsic-Ge (i-Ge) core: Chemical deposition Vapor 5, 10, 15 nm Au cluster 30 sccm 10% GeH 4 in H sccm H 2 Nucleation at 315˚C& 300Torr for I min Growth at 280˚C& 280Torr for 15 min i-Si shell: SiH 4 (5 sccm) at 450˚C&5 Torr for 5 min How Si/Ge:
Chemical Vapor Deposition
Epitaxial growth: Si lattice match with Ge, eliminating scattering from surface deffects Intrinsic silicon and gemanium: eliminating scattering from ionized dopant Thin Si shell: facilitating electric contact to Ge core and decreasing dislocation Circular geometry: forming a channel because of confinement potential between Si and Ge. 5 nm High-resolution TEM image Structure Features
Fabrication of Devices 50nm Ni n-Si R<0.005Ω.cm nm SiO 2 6nm Al 2 O 3 n-Si R<0.005Ω.cm nm SiO 2 Top Gated Top Gated 2-5 nm Si /10nm Ge 5~50nm Cr/Au Annealing: 300 o C for 15 min in H 2 Electric Measurement enviroment: pressure<10-4 Torr Back Gated Back Gated
1-D Hole Gas 10-nm- Ge(core)/Si(shell)Separate 20-nm Ge or Si Vg=-10V Vg=0V Vg=+10V Vsd=-1V Vg=-10V Vg=0V Current increase as Vg changes from -10V to +10V: P-type Core/shell structure has much larger current: Hole accumulation
Ge Si EcEc EcEc EvEv EvEv EfEf E vac Electron injection Metal Contact Schottky contact Unannealed Transparent contact Annealed
Coulomb Blockade-Unneeded Vg=-9.38 V T=1.5K, Vsd=0.5mV L=112nm Unannealed Ge/Si wire, tunnel barrier exists between contact and silicon shell, which acts as Coulomb Island
Coulomb blockade-Conception
Ballistic Transport-Conception Electron Reservoir 1-D conductor Finite conductance, which is independent to wire length No electron-phonon scattering due to ultra-high velocity of electron
Ballistic Transport L=350nm,T=4.7K L=170nm,T=300,50,10, 4.7K Single-mode ballistic transport observed in Ge/Si at back-gate structure Ballistic transport at room temperature ascribed to reduced acoustic phonon scattering, further theoretical studies needed, especially confinement effect on phonon modes 0.7 structure. spontaneous spin polarization due to the formation of a spin gap or a localized spin Variation at conductance plateau suggestive of Fabry–Perot interferences
Top gate Increases the gate coupling, to probe transport through more than one subband. Subband observed in G-Vsd (B) Subband spacing obtained from transcondutance as functions of Vg and Vsd Experiemental value consistent with theoretical calculation based on an effective mass model with a cylindrical confinement potential 5k 10k 50k 100k
Conclusion Create a 1D hole gas system in Ge/Si core/shell NW heterostructures. Ballistic transport through individual 1D subbands due to confinement of carriers in the radial direction Little temperature dependence, suggesting a room temperature carrier mean free path on the order of several hundred nanometers
Questions: Physical model for Ge/Si, the effect of depletion thickness of Ge/Si?? Effect of radial size of Ge/Si Effect of spin polarization?? Theoretical Explanation for Ballistic Transport in Si/Ge??
What we can do?? 1-D Electron Gas, inverse Ge/Si?? Controlled 1-D gas via external field, like Quantum Hall Effect Compound Semiconductor Hetero-Junction?? Multi-layer Junction to make coupled hole- electron,hole-hole,electron-electron gas?? Bipolar transistor, like Optic-electronic