Apostrophes Or The little marks that do a lot
Show a missing letter or letters (or numbers) Show ownership or possession Single letter or single number plurals* *This one is REALLY rare!
Contractions ◦ Do not = Don’t (missing “O”) ◦ Will not = Won’t (missing “O”, and spelled differently) ◦ Can not = Can’t (missing “N” and “O”) Letters (or numbers) Removed ◦ Up and at ‘em! (“Up and at them!”) ◦ Six O’Clock (Six “of the clock”) ◦ I was born in ‘68. (“1968”)
Apostrophe GOES WITH THE OWNER or USER Apostrophe always goes IMMEDIATELY AFTER the OWNER or USER Add an “S” if there isn’t already one there (or an “S” sound, such as some “Z” words.) NO APOSTROPHE FOR WORDS THAT ARE ALREADY POSSESSIVE (his, hers, its, etc.)
The car that belongs to Jill (Jill’s car) The house that belongs to James (James’ house) The shop for women (women’s shop) The playground used by children (children’s playground) The picture that belongs to him (his picture)
Saying more than one of a letter or a number Remember that this is REALLY rare ◦ I got three A’s on my report card. ◦ The basketball team has two 4’s on the court. You DON’T use this for MULTIPLE letters/numbers: ◦ The kindergartner knew her ABCs.
Write out the following sentences, using apostrophes correctly. ◦ I went to the shop to see (the dog that belongs to Mr. Hooper). ◦ We (should not) open our presents early. ◦ Look at all the animals here! ◦ I left my bag in the girls locker room. ◦ I want more but I cant have more.
◦ I went to the shop to see Mr. Hooper’s dog ◦ We shouldn’t open our presents early. ◦ Look at all the animals here! (no change) ◦ I left my bag in the girls’ locker room. ◦ I want more but I can’t have more.