NMI Integration Testbed Three Years of Middleware Evaluation, Integration & Inspiration Mary Fran Yafchak SURA IT Program Coordinator NMI Integration Testbed Manager Southeastern Universities Research Association
Reminders & Logistics Agenda changes: GSU and UVa changing positions David Shealy instead of Jill Gemmill for UAB TACC reception - food, bus Wireless connectivity Video capture courtesy of University of Michigan WLAP (Web Lecture Archive Project) - Kevin Mitchell Evaluation form We value interaction!
About SURA Not-for-profit organization promoting collaboration in science and technology 62 Member Universities and Colleges throughout Southern/Southeastern United States Mission: Foster excellence in scientific research, to strengthen the scientific and technical capabilities of the nation and the Southeast, and to provide outstanding training opportunities for the next generation of scientists and engineers. Major programs: High Energy / Nuclear Physics (Jefferson Lab) Information Technology Coastal Ocean Research On the Web at:
Southeastern Universities Research Association NMI NMI GRIDS USC/ISI, U Chicago, UIUC/NCSA, UCSD, U Wisconsin *Enterprise & Desktop Integration Technologies NMI-EDIT* Internet2, SURA, EDUCAUSE NMI (NSF Middleware Initiative) Goal: inter-operable middleware infrastructure Initial structure: Later awards broadened the scope: Open Grid Computing Environments Collaboratory (OGCE) – Indiana U, UMich, NCSA, TACC/UT Austin, U Chicago Common Instrument Middleware Architecture (CIMA) – Indiana U
Southeastern Universities Research Association The NMI Integration Testbed Developed and managed by SURA under NSF ANI Testbed Sites evaluate NMI components upon release Real life research and enterprise contexts See: NMI Participation DEVELOPERS SUPPORTERS CONTRIBUTORS ? future expansion UAB UAH UFL FSU GSU UMich TACC UVA Sites NMI Integration Testbed (USC) REU Students Testbed Grid USERS Implementers Target Communities NMI Integration Testbed
Southeastern Universities Research Association Initial Structure Evaluation of NMI components in real world environments Broad CFP so we wouldn’t “talk to ourselves” about component utility and usability Sponsored site category for a level of assurance Unsponsored site category to involve more institutions with willingness and resources to participate Testbed Manager to insure program objectives through development and care-taking of process Workshop in recognition of relationship to Outreach
Southeastern Universities Research Association Areas of Activity As spec’d: Evaluation of NMI Releases 1, 2, 3 & 4 Project & enterprise integration Annual workshop Project expansion: More workshops & training development –SURA-PACS NMI Directory workshop, Summer 2003 NSF REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates) student positions Development of NMI Testbed Grid
Southeastern Universities Research Association NMI Component Evaluation Testbed as a whole to evaluate each release comprehensively; blend of site and NMI goals for individual component selection Evaluation with guidance from NMI management team (Component Testing Guidelines, available on Testbed Web site) NMI R1 June 2002 Sept components 61 reports Focus across the board NMI R3 May 2003 Aug components 57 reports Heavy on grids & new authn/authz NMI R2 Nov 2002 Feb components 59 reports Focus across the board NMI R4 Dec 2003 May components 57 reports emphasis on new components or expansion in key deployments Increase over time in practical evaluation but “in-Lab” evaluation still important for new project integration
Southeastern Universities Research Association Project/Enterprise Integration Catalyzing advanced R&E infrastructure Authoritative identity management for centralized directories & multiple active applications Campus grids for ready access to distributed resources –MGRID (UMich), UTGrid (TACC), USCGrid, Integrating experience to benefit existing projects E.g. UAH in MEAD (Modeling Environment for Atmospheric Discovery) and LEAD (Linked Environment for Atmospheric Discovery) Expanding access for new users E.g. Georgia State physicists’ Distributed Muon Detector Grid in collaboration with Georgia high schools. Documenting in case study series (in progress)
Southeastern Universities Research Association Workshops & Presentations NMI Integration Testbed results workshops April 2003, component overview & implementation November 2003, updates & implementation progress September 2004, focus on cumulative experience Presentations to raise awareness & understanding Internet2 Members’ meetings, EDUCAUSE annual conference, North Carolina Grid Forum, GlobusWorld, Oklahoma SuperComputing Symposium, SuperComputing, various at Testbed sites & SURA Leveraging experience for training development SURA-PACS NMI Directory Services workshop –Small group training for early adopters in Council of Independent Colleges and NSF AN-MSI communities –In collaboration with NMI-EDIT, using Directory Services Roadmap as a guide –
Southeastern Universities Research Association NSF REU Student Experiences Valuable learning for students; broader current input and future participation in NMI SURA provides administration; sites provide experience and mentoring Five positions at four sites: GSU –Muon particle detector GRID for K-12 –GRID-enabled Applications Catalog UMich –NMI components in ATLAS and MGRID TACC/UVA –Grid Portals for the NMI Integration Testbed
Southeastern Universities Research Association NMI Testbed Grid Initiated September 2003 from existing funds Captured dispersed synergistic activity into meaningful deliverables Impact to NMI Expand use and evaluation of NMI components for integrating grids into the enterprise Leverage unique perspective and position of the NMI Testbed to contribute to grid development Identified leads for key areas: Georgia State University - “Grid-building” (identifying/uniting resources) and application development (cataloging, exploration) University of Virginia - Scaling the Grid through technology & policies for cross-certification and secure inter-institutional access
Southeastern Universities Research Association The focus of this workshop 3-Year highlights from those who were there! University of Alabama at Birmingham University of Alabama in Huntsville University of Florida Florida State University Georgia State University University of Michigan Texas Advance Computing Center (UTexas/Austin) University of Virginia University of Southern California