Pleistocene species diversity for a shallow marine shell bed near Savannah, GA. Project Member: Olufolajimi Okunlola Research Advisor : Dr. John Anderson Gosner, Kenneth L.,1978. A Field Guide to the Atlantic Seashore from the Bay of Fundy to Cape Hatteras, Houghton Mifflin Company, New York, 329 p. Rehder, Harald A., The Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Seashells, Alfred A Knopf, New York, 894 p. Kaplan, Eugene H., A Field Guide to Southeastern and Caribbean Seashores: Cape Hatteras to the Gulf Coast, Florida, and the Caribbean, Houghton Mifflin Company, New York, 425 p. Markewich, H. W., Pavich, M.J., Schultz, A.P., Mahan, S. A., Aleman- Gonzalez, W.B., Bierman, P. R., Geochronologic evidence for a possible MIS- 11 emergent barrier/beach-ridge in southeastern Georgia, USA, Quaternary Science Reviews, 60: Patterson, David B., Mead, Alfread J., Bahn, Robert A., 2012, New Skeletal Remain of Mammuthus columbi from Glynn County, Georgia with Notes on their Historical and Paleoecological Significance, Southeastern Naturalist, 11(2): References Acknowledgements We would also like to thank the Peach State Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (PSLSAMP) and the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Talent Expansion Program (STEP) for hosting us and funding the research program. Data and Results. Methodology Wash sample to remove the Silt and Clay size fraction Sieved the 4 samples using a stack of sieves to separate from 4 mmm to.063mm (7 sieves) Determined the statistical measures for each sample. Used Folk and Ward’s methods based on the sieve fraction parameters. Determined the species of fossils from the 4 mm fraction from 3 of the sieved samples (Lower, Middle, Upper shelly zone) Picked the species not in the 4 mm sample, but that was in the 2 mm and 1 mm fraction. Determined the Species Diversity Indices for each sample of the 3 samples picked. Introduction\ The Pleistocene epoch existed during the Sangamon interglacial period that was about 150,000 years ago. There was global warming when the sample was collected and the beach elevation was 2m above sea level, which is during the Pamlico barrier and Princess Anne barrier. Some marine bed samples were collected from the Forest City Gun and Rod Club, Savannah, GA in 120,000 years ago. The sample contains for different layers, which are: the sand above the shelly zone, the upper shelly zone, middle shelly zone and lower shelly zone. We carried out various observations on the four different layers collected from the shores of the Forest City Gun Club to know the various species diversity present at that point in time. Abstract The Atlantic coastal plain in Southeastern Georgia has been the subject of the numerous investigations but no detailed mapping. This part of Southeastern Atlantic Coastal Plain is in the structural low known as the Southern Georgia Embayment and is characterized by numerous costal barrier islands and intervening marshes. Markewich et al. (1992) described the emergent Pliocene and Pleistocene sediments as being predominantly fossil-poor, transgressive, regressive, or prograding barrier sand.