To Save Energy Every Time HUMAS – PLN Distribusi Bali
210 MW 80 MW 150 MW 130 MW ElectricityPower Supply of BALI (EXISTING & PLANNING) Electricity Power Supply of BALI (EXISTING & PLANNING) PLTG Pemaron PLTG Gilimanuk Cable Oversea PLTG / PLTD Pesanggaran GI Negara GI Gilimanuk GI Pemaron GI Amlapura GI Payangan GI Antosari GI KAPAL GI Pesanggaran GI Nusa Dua GI Sanur GI Gianyar GI Baturiti GI Pdg Sambian GI Kuta POWER AVAILABLE TOTAL 580 MW PEAK LOAD BALI MW PLTU Batubara Celukan Bawang x130 MW PLTU Batubara BALI TIMUR x100 MW PLTP Bedugul MW + 3x55 MW PLTU Batubara NusaPenida x100 MW
Fuel Consumption Electricity Power Supply for Bali: –PLTD Pesanggaran 152 MW –PLTG Gilimanuk130 MWHSD –PLTGU Pemaron 80 MW –Transfer from Java via cable200 MW 65% electricity in Bali use Fuel (HSD) Electricity Consumption in Bali is MWh per day (Data th 2007) By Assumption 1 Liter HSD = 3 kWh, so each day we use and burn HSD almost : 65% x kWh = Liter 3 + 1,4 Million Liter / day If the price of HSD for Industries Rp ,-/Liter, it means each day same as Rp. 12,6 Billion.
Budgeting Cost of Production Cost of generate = Rp / kWh Cost of distribution= Rp. 304 / kWh Cost of Services= Rp. 45 / kWh COP (Cost of Production)= Rp / kWh Average Sales price (Subsidy)= Rp. 600 / kWh Cost of generate = Rp / kWh Cost of distribution= Rp. 304 / kWh Cost of Services= Rp. 45 / kWh COP (Cost of Production)= Rp / kWh Average Sales price (Subsidy)= Rp. 600 / kWh HSD/Solar price= Rp / Ltr Cost of transport = Rp. 665 / Ltr Total price for fuel = Rp / Ltr SFC = 0,3 Liter/KWH → = 0,3 x Rp = Rp / KWH (excluded cost of operator, maintenance and oil engine) HSD/Solar price= Rp / Ltr Cost of transport = Rp. 665 / Ltr Total price for fuel = Rp / Ltr SFC = 0,3 Liter/KWH → = 0,3 x Rp = Rp / KWH (excluded cost of operator, maintenance and oil engine)
OVERVIEW : Comparison
OVERVIEW : Daily Load Characteristic time MW Work day Sunday hari Nyepi Saturday
Portion of Consumption
Comparison of Consumption & Customers
Result of Observation A few of Customer still not care about saving energy. The lamps and equipments still “on” although are not needed. Average switching design of the building still using centralize system. Many of the customer still using the old lamp that not save energy. The uncontrollable equipment still not use auto switching as timer switch to optimize consumption.
Who Responsible ?? PLN Customers Government Producer/manufacture Saving Energy depends on: Habit or attitude Design Equipment
Easy Steps To Save Energy Make commitment to all employees and people you meet. Replace all the old lamps with new product by the energy saving lamp. Redesign of centralize switching system become partial system. Use “timer switching” of all equipment that is not controllable. Reduce and shift consumption on the peak load time (17.00 – Wita)
Energy Saving Tips Turn off your lamps and equipments that are not needed. Adjust temperature degree in your freezer depends on capacity. Adjust AC temperature with room degree (25 C) Make sure all of equipments at “off” position (not stand by) when we do not use and don’t stop only by using remote control. Choose lamp and all equipments which can save energy. Avoid iron, rice cooker, water pump and other at peak load time ( )
Demand Side Management Avoid using electricity when they are nor needed Choose the saving energy lamp Avoid using iron, rice cooker, water pump at Reduce only 50 watt – Operate Genset (Emergency Unit) at –
Multiple effects of saving energy For internal, Saving energy means reducing cost and efficiency. Care and contribute to keep sustainable and continuity electricity supply. For Nation, it means helping “Load of Subsidy”. It means helping Nation to keep “Devisa”, because they do not import the Fuel It means reducing to burn fuel which same as reducing CO2 emission, so that, we care about global warming.
Advise Mr. Gde Prama said about “3-S Principle” that starts from Saya (Myself), Sekarang (Now) and Sederhana (Simple). The Earth is not the ancestors’ inheritance but deposit for descendants.
Conclusion Growth of sfdlectricity supply and electricity demand is not balance, go to crisis condition. The Energy Primer is limited and will finish PLN avoids to use fuel consumption and shift to renewable energy All customers must know about this crisis and save energy every time