Introducing automated ELISA - ChemWellTM Geoffrey Anderson Unitech Scientific LLC Lakewood, CA Visit us:
ChemWellTM Wine Autoanalyzer Manufactured by Awareness Technology Unitech Scientific - Exclusive Distributor
ChemWell uses microwells for all reactions, chemistry and EIA. First analyzer in the world to combine biochemistry and microplate EIA into one instrument. ChemWell uses microwells for all reactions, chemistry and EIA.
A ChemWell Tour Optical system 2 syringe pumps Wash head Windows 95, 98 or XP Wash and rinse bottles reactions Reagents Samples DI water
Designed for labs doing: ChemWell Designed for labs doing: 100 - 1000 tests per day or 400 EIA per 8 hours Recommended workload
Continuous Sample Loading “Stat” sample priority Low Operating Cost ChemWell Features & Benefits Easy to Use Continuous Sample Loading “Stat” sample priority Low Operating Cost Intuitive, Open Software Proven, Reliable Technology
Calibration Options Cut-off (Semi Qualitative) Multi-point Polynomial fit Cubic Spline fit . . . and more Store Calibration Curves Wine Controls: Chart Levy Jennings
ChemWell runs ELISA as well as Enzymatic reagents Unitech offers Histamine ELISA kits Botrytis and Aspergillus ELISA kits are in development So let’s take a quick review of the steps and principals of ELISA reagents.
Immuno Complex: an Antigen with its matching Antibody Ag stands for Antigen Ag Ab stands for Antibody Ab An antigen and its antibody fit together like 3 dimensional puzzle pieces.
Diagram of a simple ELISA with a positive sample (sample has Ag in it) Mix the sample and diluent together in a microwell that is pre-coated with specific Ab Incubate for x minutes until the Ag in the sample binds to the Ab on the well walls. Start with an Add the sample Incubate until Ab-coated well with some Ag in it complexed Ag Ab Ab Ab-Ag Ag Ab-Ag Ab Ab Ab Ab Ab Ab
Conjugate is a specific Ab bound to an Enzyme. Wash out the Add a Incubate until remaining sample conjugate complexed Ab-E Ab-Ag-Ab-E Ab-Ag Ab-Ag Ab-E Ab Ab Ab Ab-Ag-Ab-E Ab-Ag Ab-Ag Ab-E Ab-E The conjugate has a second antibody to the same antigen, allowing you to make an antigen sandwich (with antibody bread). It also leaves an enzyme hanging off.
Washing . . . removes the unbound conjugate, without removing bound antibodies. Wash out the Add a Substrate + Enzyme remaining conjugate substrate produces color S Ab-Ag-Ab-E-S Ab-Ag-Ab-E Ab-Ag-Ab-E Ab Ab Ab Ab-Ag-Ab-E-S Ab-Ag-Ab-E S Ab-Ag-Ab-E S S The more Enzyme available, the more color will develop. Many ELISA’s use a stopping solution to end the color generating step before reading.
Reliable Results: Enzymatic and ELISA Precise pipetting Washes probe inside and out Liquid sensing Temperature controlled
Easy to Maintain Proven Reliability, over 500 sold Self Diagnosis Phone/email support by Unitech Modular Design
Economical to Use Dramatically reduces LABOR Laboratory Administrative
Warranty 1-year parts & labor Warranty Extended Warranty available 6-Month Preventative Maintenance Free replacement of warranteed parts Other repairs if required Loaner instrument within 72 hours
Easy to own Price start at $27,500 Reagent rack cooling option Add $2000
ChemWell Distributed by Unitech Scientific