History Test 1
Chapter 1
Question 1 The ruins of a Viking settlement proving they were in North America first was found where? Newfoundland
Question 2 Definition: Inhabitants of the Yucatan Peninsula whose civilization was at its height from AD 300 to 900. Their civilization included a unique system of writing, mathematics, architecture, sculpture, and astronomy. Maya
Question 3 One of the major failings in how the European viewed the cultures of the indigenous people was? Europeans did not see each indigenous culture as different and distinct from one another
Question 4 When the slave trade began what part of Africa were most of the slaves captured? Western Africa
Question 5 Definition: A theory that states God has decreed who will be saved and who will be damned. Predestination
Chapter 2
Question 6 Definition: English colonist, explorer and writer whose maps and accounts of his explorations in Virginia and New England were invaluable to later explorers and colonists. John Smith
Question 7 How did the Europeans respond to the hospitality of the Native Americans they encountered? They mistook Indian hospitality as indications that they had surrendered to a “superior” power
Question 8 Why did the English monarch support the creation of colonies for his nation? The English King sought to export religious dissidents but keep them as subjects.
Question 9 Definition: A government rule by or subject to religious authority. theocracy
Question 10 Who were the Scots-Irish? Scottish lowlanders who immigrated to Ireland, then after two or three generations came to America
Chapter 3
Question 11 This religious group called itself the “Society of Friends;” they were granted Pennsylvania as a haven in which to practice their religion. Quakers
Question 12 Who had led the Parliament in England in a civil war the ended in the execution of the King? Oliver Cromwell
Question 13 Definition: The prosecuting in 1691 and 1692 of almost 200 people in this Massachusetts town for allegedly practicing witchcraft. Salem
Question 14 Definition: American colonist who led a rebellion named for him in 1676 in which a group of landless freemen attacked neighboring Indians and burned Jamestown in an attempt to gain land and greater participation in the government of Virginia. Nathanial Bacon
Question 15 Where were the Pilgrims headed when they landed in Massachusetts at Plymouth Rock? Jamestown & Virginia
Chapter 4
Question 16 Definition: A philosophical movement of the eighteenth century that emphasizes the use of reason to scrutinize previously accepted doctrines and traditions and that brought about many humanitarian reforms. Enlightenment
Question 17 Definition: An English philosopher and author of An Essay Concerning Human Understanding (1690), which challenged the notion of innate knowledge, and Two Treatises on Civil Government (1690), which discussed the social contract. John Locke
Question 18 Definition: An American public official, writer, scientist, and printer. He proposed a plan for union at the Albany Congress (1754) and played a major part in the American Revolution. He helped secure French support for the colonists, negotiated the Treaty of Paris (1783) and helped draft the Constitution (1787).
Answer 18 Benjamin Franklin
Question 19 Definition: The name for the Seven Years’ War in North America. The conflict began in 754 in the Ohio Valley between British colonists and the French and their Indian allies. French and Indian War
Question 20 Why did England begin to pay more attention to the colonies which resulted in an increased involvement and what the colonists viewed as a loss of liberties? England defeated most of its European competitor and could now focus on controlling the colonies.
Question 21 Definition: In an attempt to keep white settlers out of the Ohio Valley, this document drew a line along the crest of the Appalachian Mountains form Maine to Georgia and required all colonists to move east of the line. Line of Demarcation
Question 22 In the seventeenth century British colonies of North America, what did religious tolerance mean? A truce among the various feuding Protestant sects.