Class Aves By Marlee Shaw
What is a Bird? endothermic vertebrates 8,600 species only living organism with feathers
Characteristics preening-cleaning feathers to keep them n good condition for flight molting- shed old, worn out feathers to make room for new feathers beaks-modified mouthparts (no teeth) light weight bones, usually hollow four chambered heart internal fertilization high heart rate in order to supply sufficient oxygen for energy for flight preening chickadee’s heart beats 1000 times a minute
Adaptations Beaks: different birds have different sized/shaped beaks. Wings: modified appendages, enable flight, escape predators.
Birds are Endotherms maintain constant body temp that is independant of outside temp feathers reduce heat loss in cold temp fluff feathers to trap thin layer of heat to limit heat loss in high temp, flatten feathers and hold wings away from body pant to increase respiratory heat loss advantage-birds can live in all environments disadvantage-must eat copius amounts of food to keep up with these high energy levels
Habitat because birds are endotherms, they can be found in all regions of the world
The End.