Microphysical Plasma Processes in Astrophysics Uppsala 2004
Matter More than 99% of all visible matter in the Universe is in the plasma state Invisible matter is unknown but weakly (i.e. mainly gravitationally) interacting, thus of importance for structure formation but not of primary importance for life and men Locally almost all matter is in a collisionless (if understood as non- anomalous) state
Main Thesis If astrophysicist or astronomers could perform only one single measurement in situ this would have desastrous consequences for most astrophysical theories and models Astrophysical theories and models would turn out to be basically wrong and would have to be overthrown and replaced by new local theories which should include basic aspects of microphysics The relevant microphysics is kinetic plasma physics
Justification The paradigm is Space Physics Almost all physical predictions which in space physics have been based on purely theoretical reasoning have turned out to be wrong (or at least only marginally correct) after the advent of rocket and spacecraft measurements in situ In situ measurements have generated an entirely new and before unknown and unimaginable world of problems in space physics This fact demonstrates the lack of imagination in human thinking and reasoning
Problems Reconnection Jet stability Interacting plasma shells Particle acceleration Radiation
Reconnection Reconnection in almost all astrophysical systems is collisionless Resistive reconnection is a myth unless the matter is dominated by neutrals If this is correct then MHD does not apply to reconnection independent of scales
Estimates Presence of Neutrals mfp =1/ n n c For resistive reconnection: mfp < c/ pi pi = ion plasma frequency n/n n < nc/ pi Weakly ionized plasma only! Fully Ionized Plasma mfp = 64 D (N D /lnN D ) N D » 1 64 D (N D /lnN D ) < c/ pi N D < c/v Only satisfied for very low temperatures T~0 Reconnection in fully ionized plasma is always collisionless! W/nT > (m_e/m_i) 1/2 v e /c anomalous or Bohm diffusion
Example: Reconnection on the Sun N~ m -3 T~ eV v e ~ km/s e-i ~ 700 Hz c/ pe ~ 10 cm c/ pi ~ 5 m mfp ~ 1-10 km Solar atmosphere is absolutely collisionless what concerns any reconnection taking place there!
Broadband Noise Spectra in Turbulence behind Shocks Pickett et al. Ann. Geophys. 10, 2003
Solitons in Post-Shock-Turbulence and their Spectrum Pickett et al. Ann. Geophys. 10, 2003
Parallel Electric Fields/Potential Drops and Particle Acceleration Ergun et al. PoP. 9, 2002
Solitons in low-ß Regions Ergun et al. PoP. 9, 2002 McFadden et al. JGR. 108, 2003
Electron Modulation in Solitons McFadden et al. JGR. 108, 2003
Magnetospheric Field Line Structure (Empirical Tsyganenko Model) X (R E ) Z (R E ) Solar Wind B X-point Magnetopause Magnetosheath Bow Shock Lobes
The Meaning of Reconnection Axford 1984
Generalized Ohm´s Law (Fluid Approach) E + v B - j = ( 0 pe 2 ) -1 t j + (jv + vj – (en) -1 j j)} + (en) -1 { j B - P e + F epmf Inertial term Hall term Wave pmf In quasi-equilibrium the electron pressure gradient term is the ion pressure term, for then: j B - P e ·P i Assumptions: two-fluid (protons/electrons) ideal conditions ~ collisionless m e /m i <<1, 0 [ Wave ponderomotive force usually neglected without justification (?) May be important in a turbulent plasmasheet ]
Reconstruction of Hall Current System in the Magnetotail (Nagai et al., 1998, 2001) Electron Hall Current System i Unmagnetised Ions Unmagnetised Electrons e
Hall-Effect in Magnetotail 2 Oieroset et al., Nature 412, 416, 2001 Received 1. May 2001
Electron Acceleration in Magnetotail Reconnection Oieroset et al. (2002) FAC‘s connected to Hall Current Wrong ! No Hall current ! Reconnection Region Acceleration of Electrons
Lower-hybrid Waves at Magnetopause Bale et al., GRL 24, 2180, 2002
Guide Field Simulation Drake et al. Science 299, 2003
Solitons in Reconnection Connected Boundary Cattell et al. GRL 26, 1999
M87 Radiolobes around a central Black Hole
Cygnus A und B Radiolobes
Radiogalaxien H alpha Bild Seyfert2G ESO428-g14NGC6946 (6 cm) M84 (4.9 GHz) Mk34
Synchrotron Radiation in Reconnection E II Fe()Fe() P( ) Synch-spectrum
Particle Acceleration by Electric Fields
Electric Wave Forms and Spectra
Radiation Fine Structure
Phase Space Distribution
Distributions and Holes
Hole Dynamics in Radiation Source
The Inefficiency of the Loss-cone Maser
Small Growth of Loss-cone Maser