New dynamics of North-South Solidarity Promoting an active involvement of Civil Society in the Euro-African dialogue April, 2007 – March, 2008 The Presidency Project of Portuguese NGDOs
Background Changing environment: current trends and future challenges: EU-Africa joint strategy, role of NGO’s in Development, Climate change, migration, EPA’s, etc. EU-Africa joint strategy, role of NGO’s in Development, Climate change, migration, EPA’s, etc. The EU Presidency Project of the Portuguese NGDO Platform Euro African Summit Cairo 2000 Parallel event CSO’s Lisbon Cotonou African Union NEPAD Key issues: fight against poverty, promotion of social well being, econ. And globalization, democracy and human rights Millenium Summit Monterrey Conference 2001 Paris Declaration EU Strategy for Africa EU consensus for dvpt
increase dialogue and partnerships among devt Stakeholders Training, Partnership building, Strengthening Dialogue increase public opinion Awareness Inform, Mobilize Goal The EU Presidency Project of the Portuguese NGDO Platform Continuing and reinforcing the on-going dialogue, building on previous outcomes strategies to tackle future challenges of the Euro-African relationship. Active involvement of Civil Society in the Euro-African dialogue Guiding principales: Shared commitments, mutual acountability, ownership
Focus Bridging discourse and practice –Civil Society Initiatives for an improved dialogue on development on-going processes: Coherence, EU-Africa joint Strategy, EPA’s, Aid effectiveness, role of civil society, partnerships for dvpt etc. 1 – Public accountability, Governance and the fulfillment of human rights Governance of Aid, Fragile States, civil society control on budgets and public expenditures, accountability, governance and fulfillment of human rights 2 – Development & Cooperation Issues political approach of Euro Africa relationship, regional integration, partnerships, innovative and additional funding for development, quality, quantity and transparency of aid, etc…. 3 – Development and Migration Causes of migration, right of migrants, management of migrations fluxes, human security and fragile states, etc. The EU Presidency Project of the Portuguese NGDO Platform Initiative, Participation, Ownership, Mutual accountability, shared commitment and Action
Portuguese Presidency Paris Agenda on Aid effectiveness Paris Agenda on Aid effectiveness Negotiations for EPA’s Negotiations for EPA’s Joint Eu-Africa Strategy Joint Eu-Africa Strategy Consensus on Humanitarian Aid Consensus on Humanitarian Aid Security Security Migration (illegal immigration, traficking of human beings) Migration (illegal immigration, traficking of human beings) Climate change Climate change Crise prevention and Fragile States Crise prevention and Fragile States 1st report back on coherence to be presented during the Portuguese Presidency Oficial Presidency will focus on: The EU Presidency Project of the Portuguese NGDO Platform
Calendar July, 3: Official launch of the Portuguese Presidency July, 3: Official launch of the Portuguese Presidency July: Launch of Oficial Webpage July: Launch of Oficial Webpage September-October: decentralised events, Portugal September-October: decentralised events, Portugal October October Civil Society Forum on the Euro African Dialogue, Lisbon November November Media and Lobbying activities December, 7: Euro-African Summit December, 7: Euro-African Summit January: End of Portuguese Presidency – Hand over, Slovenian Platform January: End of Portuguese Presidency – Hand over, Slovenian Platform January-March: Follow up- Building partnerships for develpment January-March: Follow up- Building partnerships for develpment NGDO Presidency Project The EU Presidency Project of the Portuguese NGDO Platform
Key event Civil Society Forum for the Euro-African Dialogue Analyze the process & choosing options: Analyze the process & choosing options: –Instrument for policy analyze and debate, aiming at opening and broadening the horizon/perspectives of the dialogue among Europe and Africa. –Opportunity for a wide range of civil society and parliament representatives from Europe and Africa to voice their main concerns and make recommendations on how to improve the Europe-Africa dialogue Implement change: Implement change: –Strengthen working relationships and partnerships among northern and southern NGOs/CSOs (“reciprocal support”) –Implement change: Build concrete proposals to improve efficiency of CSO action (good governance) Multiplier effect: organized together the Parliamentarian Forum (North South Centre) and preparatory meeting for Youth Forum Multiplier effect: organized together the Parliamentarian Forum (North South Centre) and preparatory meeting for Youth Forum Build on and follow up, existing relationships and partnerships among European and African organizations and networks Build on and follow up, existing relationships and partnerships among European and African organizations and networks The EU Presidency Project of the Portuguese NGDO Platform
Key event What is expected as a product of this Forum? A proactive and innovative political declaration: Civil Society vision on Euro African relationships key political messages and recommendations on the main topics tackled during the Forum The EU Presidency Project of the Portuguese NGDO Platform
Main Partners North South Centre – Council of Europe ConcordIOM Gulbenkian Foundation Members of the Presidency Working group at the Port. NGDO Platform Venro, Coordination Sud, Sloga The EU Presidency Project of the Portuguese NGDO Platform
More information The EU Presidency Project of the Portuguese NGDO Platform