Gérard MÉGIE - Rome - November 28, 2002 1 Research in France and the Role of CNRS www.cnrs.fr.


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Presentation transcript:

Gérard MÉGIE - Rome - November 28, Research in France and the Role of CNRS

Gérard MÉGIE - Rome - November 28, Research in France A public system based on : Research organisms (from basic research to applied research) : –EPST (CNRS, INSERM, INRA, ……) –EPIC (CEA, IFREMER, CNES….) Universities (80) and « Grandes Ecoles » Supervision by the Ministry of Research State-funded research : 46% of the total R & D funding through the « civil budget for research and development »(BCRD)

Gérard MÉGIE - Rome - November 28, Civil R&D Budget 2002 : M € (including tax) CNRS : 24,54% Other Agencies/Councils (except CNES - CEA) 20,56% CEA : 10,24% Agency for Atomic Energy General Research Administration and University Research : 5,43% Training in an through Research : 2,82% Incentive Programs (FNS, FRT…) : 4,27% Other Ministries (including Industrial Research and Civil Aeronautics Programs) : 17,47% CNES (French Space Agency) 14,67%

Gérard MÉGIE - Rome - November 28, State-funded Research staff in France Source : OST - March 2002

Gérard MÉGIE - Rome - November 28, National priorities for Science Life Sciences ( with a special emphasis on the post-genome research, neurosciences and developmental biology) Global environment, energy and transport Information and communication technologies and nanotechnologies Social sciences and Humanities

Gérard MÉGIE - Rome - November 28, CNRS Established in permanent staff :  11, 000 research scientists  15, 000 engineers, technicians and administrative staff 1,200 laboratories, 85% of which are associated with Universities 2002 Budget: billion euros

Gérard MÉGIE - Rome - November 28, Scientific staff in the CNRS laboratories (in 2001)

Gérard MÉGIE - Rome - November 28, CNRS budget : M€

Gérard MÉGIE - Rome - November 28, CNRS labs - sources of funds (without salaries) (1998 CNRS figures) 28% 37% 35% CNRS Other publics institutions Research contracts

Gérard MÉGIE - Rome - November 28, CNRS responsibilities CNRS has responsibility for structuring basic research at the national level (laboratories, infrastructures) CNRS funds scientific programs (covering all scientific fields from Mathematics to Social Sciences) CNRS hires scientists and engineers

Gérard MÉGIE - Rome - November 28, CNRS management and evaluation bodies 8 scientific departments 12 regional offices 5 horizontal directions (Universities, International Affairs, Entreprises, Studies and Projects, Information and Communication) « National committee » for scientific evaluation –1 000 French and international experts –periodic evaluation of CNRS scientists and laboratories –selection committes for filling research positions –scientific forward look at national level

Gérard MÉGIE - Rome - November 28, What are the challenges ? Interdisciplinarity versus disciplinary organization Human resources : 52% of the staff to retire before 2012 Decentralization of research administration and decision making Emphasize strategic evaluation Development of the European Research Area Trends towards regionalization versus national structuration Establish the continuum from basic research to applied research Public versus private funding of research

Gérard MÉGIE - Rome - November 28, Interdisciplinarity Interdisciplinarity required to address complex issues and problem oriented research Scientific departments asked to emphasize their collaborations in interdisciplinary new structures: e.g. Institute for environmental studies Targeted positions (20%) Interdisciplinary institutes (based on scientific projects) Interdisciplinary programs (21 M€ in 2003)

Gérard MÉGIE - Rome - November 28, Decentralization of research administration and strategic evaluation Increase the responsibilities of the Heads of laboratories : 4 years contracts based on scientific programme and strategic planning - includes financial and human resources Increase the role of regional delegates towards more continuity in the relation with the regional entities Creation of a new body in charge of strategic planning and evaluation (external groups in charge of strategic planning, increase the practice of external reviews, creation of an external review Committee)

Gérard MÉGIE - Rome - November 28, Diversification of Staff Full-time scientists in the civil service status close to an academic position but diversification through: temporary positions for University professors post doctoral contracts for young scientists temporary associate research positions for scientists from abroad part-time, temporary positions for industrial collaborators 2001: 583 new positions for researchers and 1000 for engineers, technical and administrative staff, 450 positions for University faculty members

Gérard MÉGIE - Rome - November 28, Partnerships Universities :  Strategic view  Four year contracts  Joint research units Industry :  Framework agreements  Joint and common research units  Industrial property rights on patents and licensing  New law on Innovation and Research (July 12, 1999) in support of creation of spin-offs by scientists

Gérard MÉGIE - Rome - November 28, Relations with Industry 1,200 contracts between the CNRS and businesses Revenues of million euros, including million euros for contracts with industry million euros in license fees for the year priory patent applications filed 1,000 active priority patents 500 active licenses 103 start-up companies created since 1999 (Biotechnologies, Communication and Information S & T, Materials, Environment…)

Gérard MÉGIE - Rome - November 28, CNRS and European Research Area Participation on the Framework programs (NoE, IP) Bilateral and multilateral agreements (laboratories, networks, mobility) Opening of the national programs (disciplinary, interdisciplinary) and large scale infrastructures for Eurpean cooperation Foster the role of the European Science Foundation (forward look, Eurocores, young scientists…) : towards an ERC ? Pusch for integration of “Research“ in the European Treaty

Gérard MÉGIE - Rome - November 28, Public and Private Funding of Research Only mean to reach the “3% of GNP“ objective (national and European) From bilateral agreements to “Fondations“ (trust funds and charities) : priority set at the governemental level Key is with the tax deduction scheme

Gérard MÉGIE - Rome - November 28, A new strategic plan for CNRS adopted in