European CommissionDG Education and Culture Methods and Technologies for Learning ICMTL 2005 Palermo (Italy) March 9-11, 2005 EU Policies and Programmes for eLearning Maruja Gutierrez Diaz DG Education and Culture
European CommissionDG Education and Culture A vision for Europe: Lisbon revisited The Mid-term Report: A sober analysis of the evolution since 2000 A reassessment of objectives and methods Sustained effort is required at all levels, public and private, European and national, personal Re-affirmation of knowledge as the key factor for competitiveness, growth and social cohesion
European CommissionDG Education and Culture eLearning in the EU: a basic tool for all key policies Education and training Research and development Information Society Competitiveness and Innovation Social policy and employment(ESF) Regional development policy (ERDF) Cooperation and external relations
European CommissionDG Education and Culture Education & Training 2010 Re-focussing on core objectives Enhancing quality Increasing accessibility Connecting to society Re-visiting the open coordination method Peer-learning: clusters, focus groups, study visits European frameworks Designing a new tool Integrated lifelong learning programme
European CommissionDG Education and Culture The eLearning Programme Four areas of action: Promoting digital literacy10% budget European Virtual Campuses30% budget eTwinning of European schools45% budget Transversal actions 7,5% budget 44 Million Euro for three years ( )
European CommissionDG Education and Culture Socrates - Minerva Understanding and supporting change Promoting innovation and experimentation Answering to specific needs and priorities Fostering European networks in this field Around 9,5 million Euro per year
European CommissionDG Education and Culture eLearning in the future Lifelong Learning (LLL) programme Integrated Programme Comenius School education Erasmus Higher education & advanced training Leonardo da Vinci Initial and continuing VET Grundtvig Adult education Transversal programme 4 key activities – Policy development; Language learning; ICT ; Dissemination Jean Monnet programme 3 key activities – Jean Monnet Action; European Institutions; European Associations
European CommissionDG Education and Culture eLearning in the 7 th Framework Programme for Research A specific programme for ICT Advanced research on technological issues; reinforcement of European physical and virtual research infrastructure A specific programme “Science in society” Socioeconomic research Understanding the impact of ICT for people and for society A specific programme “Competitiveness and Innovation” Linking research with industry and society
European CommissionDG Education and Culture Information Society i2010: innovation, investment, inclusion Technology Enhanced Learning eTEN: eLearning as a priority for deployment eContent: addressing a crucial sector eInclusion, eGovernment, eBusiness eLearning Conference: May, 2005
European CommissionDG Education and Culture Social policy and employment Digital literacy: ICT as a new literacy eSkills: ICT as an essential tool for work ICT and employment: European Strategy for Employment Equality of chances: special needs, women Innovative actions
European CommissionDG Education and Culture Regional development ICT and regional development Economic development: industries, services, PPP, training services, Social development: public services (government, health, social services, education) Innovative actions: Innovating Regions, Learning Regions, Learning Cities… The European dimension: a Europe of regions
European CommissionDG Education and Culture External relations and cooperation to development Increasing interest in education as one of the best international cooperation tools Growing number of specific agreements Increasing interest in education as one of the best cooperation for development tools Neighbourhood policy, WSIS… Increasing role of ICT in their implementation
European CommissionDG Education and Culture eLearning evolution: a deep change Integration of ICT in education has moved From research to practice From awareness to take-up From pilot projects to mainstreaming From technological to cultural barriers But it still calls for political leadership
European CommissionDG Education and Culture eLearning evolution: still a long way to go Lack of a common understanding of basic concepts: e- learning, digital literacy, Lack of comparable and timely data, of relevant output indicators and of adequate monitoring tools Lack of sufficient pedagogical research on the learning results of e-learning Investment in ICT has reached significant levels – yet, there is no clear evidence of a satisfactory ROI Is the integration of ICT attaining its objectives ?
European CommissionDG Education and Culture eLearning policy: need for an integrated approach Between different learning levels: Lifelong learning eLearning as a transversal issue, as a thread linking different levels of learning and different types of learners Between research and practice Fostering technological, pedagogical, socio-economic and, in particular, user-oriented, learning-oriented research Between supply and demand Building a solid demand, creating fair conditions for supply Standards, interoperability, IPR & DRM, multilingual issues Fostering public-private partnerships
European CommissionDG Education and Culture Thank you for your attention !