Social Media for Business Nukman Luthfie
Google Ad Planner
Facebook 28:20 Minutes 15:40 Minutes 15:30 Minutes Kaskus 25 Minutes Twitter 15:40 Minutes Indonesia: Average time on sites – Source: Google AdPlanner, September 2011
38 Minute Source: SPSI
24/7 social media mobile
Consumer’s Point of Contact Mobile TV /moblie Print /moblie Radio /moblie Web/ Desktop /moblie
demography psichography
Social Technography
Web 2.0 ecosystem participation Do not participate in web 2.0 sites Do participate in we 2.0 sites
Peer Influence People's online impressions on each other about products and services are about one fourth of the online advertising impression
Consumers Trust Real Friends and Virtual Strangers the Most
Social Media Presence More Important Than Social Media Ads
Social Media As a tool – SocMed Presence As a Business Strategy
Customer Service
June 2011, Google AdPlanner Traffic, Branding, Sales!
Social Commerce
Ready to Move-On?
Thank You Nukman Luthfie