Spaceward Bound Program Teacher Component6/1/ A unique opportunity for teachers to plan and implement high fidelity Moon/Mars analog exploration research Spaceward Bound Teacher Component
Spaceward Bound Program Teacher Component6/1/ Who are we? We are NASA scientists, engineers and educators who are passionate about our work and fervently believe that engaging students in the excitement, intrigue and fascination of exploration in the field will inspire them to become explorers themselves and join our quest to learn more about our earth and the universe beyond.
Spaceward Bound Program Teacher Component6/1/ Immerses teachers in authentic NASA exploration research by working alongside scientists in remote and extreme environments Develops cohorts of teachers located throughout the country who have significant experience in NASA field research Supports the strategy of “go forth and multiply” by facilitating the training of peers by program graduates and dissemination of NASA exploration throughout the country. Spaceward Bound is a NASA program that…
Spaceward Bound Program Teacher Component6/1/ Utilizes the infrastructure of established partnerships and networks to: –Identify highly qualified program participants with established interest, motivation and pre-requisite experience with science and education –Infuse Spaceward Bound teacher learning and experience throughout the larger education community (including research) Spaceward Bound is a NASA program that… (Continued)
Spaceward Bound Program Teacher Component6/1/ Toward a Pedagogy of Exploration (the theoretical) While exploration is often presented as a motivational supplement to curriculum, and components of exploration are taught, no pedagogy of exploration itself exists, A true pedagogy of exploration would provide unparalleled experience in affective and cognitive motivations such as curiosity, discovery, bravery, disappointment, tenacity, flexibility, etc. Unfortunately, it also requires a synthesis of a significant number of academic disciplines, i.e. “hard” science, “soft” science, and non-science. Modern schools, curriculum and pedagogy are ill-equipped to embrace this synthesis, much less develop content, concepts and skills to teach it. The contribution of this expedition to the education community as a whole (including research) and to NASA is the creation of a program which enables the amalgamation of the expertise and experience of teachers with the knowledge, practice and experience of today’s explorers to begin the conceptualization and development of a pedagogy of exploration.
Spaceward Bound Program Teacher Component6/1/ Program Overview (the pragmatic) Spaceward Bound is comprised of 2 expeditions per year: 1.K-12 teachers work alongside scientists in the field so that they can bring that experience back to their classrooms and assist in the development of pedagogy related to human exploration of remote and extreme environments. 2.Students at the upper undergraduate and graduate level (and teachers) participate as crew members in two-week immersive full-scale simulations of living and working on the Moon and Mars at the Mars Desert Research Station (MDRS) in Utah.
Spaceward Bound Program Teacher Component6/1/ Pilot Year 2006 In June 2006, seven NES middle school teachers from around the U.S. teamed with seven teachers from Antofagasta, Chile to work alongside scientists exploring the Mars-like soils of the Atacama Desert in Northern Chile. Five student/scientist crew rotations at MDRS will take place between November 2006 and April 2007.
Spaceward Bound Program Teacher Component6/1/ American and Chilean Teachers
Spaceward Bound Program Teacher Component6/1/ Yungay Research Station
Spaceward Bound Program Teacher Component6/1/ Teachers & Scientists in the Field
Spaceward Bound Program Teacher Component6/1/ Teachers & Scientists in the Field
Spaceward Bound Program Teacher Component6/1/ Teachers & Scientists in the Field
Spaceward Bound Program Teacher Component6/1/ Do you … Have a passion for exploration, science and scientific research? Find exploration science fascinating - particularly the utilization of places here on earth to investigate what it might be like on other planets? Like the outdoors and exploring new, remote places? Like working with teacher peers, scientists, and informal educators? Like discovering and developing new and novel ways to bring authentic science and scientific research into your classroom?
Spaceward Bound Program Teacher Component6/1/ Then we invite you … To apply to join a science expedition to explore and study the Mojave Desert in Southern California with: Spaceward Bound: Mojave 2007 Sponsored by the NASA Exploration Systems Mission Directorate in partnership with the NASA Explorer Schools and NASA Educator Astronaut Teachers
Spaceward Bound Program Teacher Component6/1/ Mojave Maps ZZyzx
Spaceward Bound Program Teacher Component6/1/ Zzyzx Research Station
Spaceward Bound Program Teacher Component6/1/ Teacher Learning Content Processes of exploration in the field –Logistics and transportation –Energy and life support –Human factors –Exploration and EVA activities Science content and processes –Mojave science –Concepts and theories of Moon/Mars analog research
Spaceward Bound Program Teacher Component6/1/ Lunar Fresh volcanic basalt flows Cinder cone volcanoes Lava Tubes Mars Astrobiology Precambrian stromatolites Desert hypolithic cyanobacteria Desert microbiology Soil oxidant Hypersaline microbial mats Science Topics in the Mojave Mars Geology Dry fluvial features Sedimentary geology including jarosite deposits Other Science Fossil trilobites World record hot temperatures & global warming
Spaceward Bound Program Teacher Component6/1/ Volcanics
Spaceward Bound Program Teacher Component6/1/ Providence Mountains
Spaceward Bound Program Teacher Component6/1/ Soda Lake
Spaceward Bound Program Teacher Component6/1/ Teachers will: In conjunction with NASA scientists, engineers and educators, conduct a field research expedition to the Mojave Desert in Southern California. Work with NASA scientists and engineers to perform ground-breaking science and technology research in the field Learn and apply current planetary exploration concepts, theories and ideas Utilize experience, knowledge, and creativity to determine how to develop pedagogical content knowledge and methods for bringing field research into the classroom in an authentic, relevant and educative manner Actively support and provide training on PCK and methods to peer teachers within their schools, districts, communities and beyond Mentor subsequent cohorts of Spaceward Bound teachers Utilize their learning and experience to support the evolution of the Spaceward Bound Program
Spaceward Bound Program Teacher Component6/1/ Requirements Be a full-time credentialed teacher with significant teaching responsibilities in science/technology - OR - be a full-time employee in an informal education organization with responsibilities to design, develop and present science-related informal education programs for K-12 Have at least 3 years teaching experience in either formal or informal education settings Graduate degree in either science or science education preferred Strong interest in thinking about and developing pedagogical content knowledge and methods for bringing NASA field research into the classroom Experience working in teams and leading teams of teachers
Spaceward Bound Program Teacher Component6/1/ Requirements (cont.) Experience in developing and delivering professional development to peers and beginning teachers Strong connections with science education and science community (e.g. science teaching organizations, local museums/science centers, etc.) Able to fully participate in all-day moderate to strenuous activities in a desert environment and carry enough water to stay adequately hydrated for 8 hours Be available for four interactive training sessions, prior to the expedition, led by NASA and broadcast through the internet beginning in January 2007.
Spaceward Bound Program Teacher Component6/1/ General Information Website: Applications due end of November Selections announced end of December 1 1/2 hour pre-trip sessions - one in January, two in February, one in March via internet; will cover topics such as: –Past and current Mojave research –Moon/Mars analog theory and science –Field research - design, preparation and conduct –What to bring, logistics –Yes, there will be homework! Including group work! All members of the Spaceward Bound 2007 team will communicate with each other frequently via /phone during expedition preparations Transportation during the expedition, room, and board paid by NASA Amount of funding available for transportation to/from the Mojave will be known once NASA appropriations are made by Congress Please note: it will not be possible for family members or other parties to visit during the expedition; internet and phone access will be available - in moderation!!! All participants must stay the the Zzyzx research station.
Spaceward Bound Program Teacher Component6/1/ Calendar Trip dates: March 25- March 30, 2007 –March 25 - Arrive at Zzyzx Research Station by noon –March Fieldwork –March 30 - Leave Zzyzx Research Station 6:00 pm
Spaceward Bound Program Teacher Component6/1/ Post Expedition Requirements Journals of field expedition experiences to be posted on website Plan for leveraging of field expedition experiences into classrooms Plan for outreach to colleagues - local to nationwide Written reflection on personal learning, program strengths and weaknesses, and recommendations - for inclusion in final NASA Spaceward Bound 2007 Program report
Spaceward Bound Program Teacher Component6/1/ Application General information form Recommendation letter from Principal Essay questions –Why are you interested in participating in Spaceward Bound: Mojave? –What experiences have you had that have prepared you for the Spaceward Bound expedition? (see Requirements) –List educational activities in which you have participated or led that would speak to your enthusiasm for and experience with bringing authentic science into your classroom/organization –How do you envision leveraging the Spaceward Bound experience in your classroom/work group, school/organization, and through District, State and National networks?