Principles Of Play Principles of Play: are ways teams can attack and defend effectively. Width in Attack: Using 2 wide players when attacking means that; defenders have to move out and cover defenders have to move out and cover stretches the defence stretches the defence leaves holes in the middle to attack through. leaves holes in the middle to attack through.
Principles Of Play DEPTH Depth in Attack: Your midfield and forwards would spread out up and down the pitch to pull defenders out of position and create passing options, both behind and in front of them as well as sideways. This will allow your team to keep possession.
Principles Of Play DELAY Delay in Defence: The defender tries to hold up the attack by putting pressure on the ball carrier. This will allow his team mates time to get back and cover.
Principles Of Play DEPTH Depth in Defence: A second defender falls behind the first defender incase the ball carrier gets past the 1 st defender. This creates another line of defence. e.g. A “sweeper” provides depth in defence in football
Principles Of Play Questions What are the advantages of my team attacking a defence using Width in attack? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ How would depth when I’m attacking another team help me? _______________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________