October 15, 2010 CCH Small Firms Services TaxWise 2010 Product Overview
Product Preview –TaxWise Online Time Out Reminder Time out reminder will display 5 minutes prior to the mandatory 20 minute logout process Appears after 15 minutes of inactivity Displays the time the application will logout Continue in application by taking an action within the application 06/14/ USA CCH Small Firm Services a Wolters Kluwer business 2
Product Preview –TaxWise Online Context Sensitive Help Entry level help will be available for a majority of the entries throughout the tax forms Same entries that are available in the desktop application Help icon is available on the entry level icon bar 06/14/ USA CCH Small Firm Services a Wolters Kluwer business 3
Product Preview –TaxWise Online Second option for Deleting Forms Added a Delete Form icon Displays the available forms that can be deleted in a new window Similar to the Add A Form dialog box Allows the preparer to select multiple forms to delete Displays the entity names more clearly for forms that allow multiple copies 06/14/ USA CCH Small Firm Services a Wolters Kluwer business 4
Product Preview –TaxWise Online Improvements to Diagnostics Moved diagnostics to the top portion of the workspace Helps transition from desktop to TaxWise Online Print the diagnostics Results Create e-file bar is always visible Print Return link is available once the e-file has been created Replaced Close Return with Print Return Option 06/14/ USA CCH Small Firm Services a Wolters Kluwer business 5
Product Preview – TaxWise Online Stop preparers from overriding fields Specific user roles default to disallowing the override feature ReturnPreparer Interviewer Reviewer Site Administrator can turn this feature off in Advanced Settings Preparer sees an indicator that override is not allowed 06/14/ USA CCH Small Firm Services a Wolters Kluwer business 6
Product Preview – TaxWise Online New Roles Reviewer Role All the rights of SuperUser except Submit E-files Can see all returns E-file Manager Has the ability to submit e-files More flexibility to have roles to fit site needs 06/14/ USA CCH Small Firm Services a Wolters Kluwer business 7
Product Preview – TaxWise Online 06/14/ USA CCH Small Firm Services a Wolters Kluwer business 8 Extended use of “hot key” functionality F9 Activates the Link Dialog box Ctrl+E Takes you to the next required entry Ctrl+D Runs diagnostics Ctrl+I (Insert row) Inserts a row (Interest and Dividend statements, Capital Gains worksheets) Ctrl+R (Remove row) Removes a row (Interest and Dividend statements, Capital Gains Worksheets)
Product Preview – TaxWise Online Refund Monitor Displays the Primary taxpayers first and last name. Allows preparer to easily identify what return they are in 06/14/ USA CCH Small Firm Services a Wolters Kluwer business 9
Product Preview – TaxWise Online 06/14/ USA CCH Small Firm Services a Wolters Kluwer business 10 User Defined State Print Sets Manage state print options Increase the number of copies for specific state forms Limit the state forms that print with the return Change the print order of forms within a state
Product Preview – TaxWise and TaxWise Online Three New Preparer Use Fields Adding 3 new Preparer Use Fields to the Main Information Sheet Prep Use 13 Prep Use 14 Prep Use 15 Available to enter Custom Questions that will appear during the interview Create drop down selections that appear during the interview and on the Main Information Sheet Added to all applicable reports 06/14/ USA CCH Small Firm Services a Wolters Kluwer business 11
Product Preview – TaxWise and TaxWise Online 06/14/ USA CCH Small Firm Services a Wolters Kluwer business 12 Interview Wizard Adding state specific questions to the interview Based on the state abbreviations entered in the Resident State Fields Displays questions that do not automatically calculate from the Federal forms Information entered carries to the state forms Information entered during the Interview process carries information to the Pages 1 and 2 will be calculated from the Interview Pages 3 and 4 will be direct input entries Prints with the tax returns
06/14/ USA CCH Small Firm Services a Wolters Kluwer business Product Preview – TaxWise and TaxWise Online 13 Modernized E-file Tax Applications will create e-file based on the Form Set available Utilizes Submission ID rather than DCN IRS acknowledges in 5 – 10 minutes Acknowledgements still have to be split and posted (estimate 1 hour) Ability to electronically file state returns that do not have a federal filing requirement
Product Preview - TaxWise Creating Extensions Ability to create extensions from inside the return Continue to allow from the menu items as well Access Publication 17 from a toolbar button What else is planned (not currently implemented) Ability to restore deleted returns Remove Global Print from all non-Administrator and Return Manager roles File States for credits when no Federal Filing requirement exists 06/14/ USA CCH Small Firm Services a Wolters Kluwer business 14
Product Preview – EFC Reinvestment (Complete) Regular and scheduled Stress and Load tests throughout the development cycle rather than once at the end of the cycle Engage with Oracle Advanced Customer Services to optimize performance and explore all options to improve the overall database availability Increase the Transaction Throughput by optimizing and tuning Oracle Queuing mechanism (increase Enqueuing and Dequeuing rates) which will allow EFC to process incoming and outgoing transaction files faster as well as to a handle higher volume of customers E-Files Improve the speed of processing incoming data (e-files, acks and checks) by utilizing Oracle’s “table partitioning” technique which provides faster (partitions are indexed) access to the data Improvements for posting items to Mailbox. Reduced the number of times the outgoing package (sent from EFC to clients) file is re-built. The business logic is refactored (10 years old Delphi code to C#) More robust simulators to simulate a “real world” set of returns 06/14/ USA CCH Small Firm Services a Wolters Kluwer business 15
06/14/ USA CCH Small Firm Services a Wolters Kluwer business Product Preview - Data Center Improvements 16 The Data Center can handle the power and cooling needs of approximately 1200 servers compared to 400 for Rome. We are moving approximately 275 physical servers to the new location, so we have plenty of room to grow. We have reduced our physical server foot print by approximately 125 servers by virtualizing servers that are too old to consider moving. This is good for the environment and will help to reduce the power bill in the future. The new storage solution can serve approximately twice the amount of requests for data than the current solution in Rome. The new storage solution will serve data requests faster which will give us the ability to quickly process returns for our customers.
06/14/ USA CCH Small Firm Services a Wolters Kluwer business Product Preview - Data Center Improvements 17 The Network infrastructure speed has been increased by 1000 percent in the new Data Center. The new infrastructure will provide faster access to servers and storage and will help increase our ability to quickly process e-files for our customers. Internet bandwidth has been increased by almost 200 percent. The new bandwidth will provide our customers with quicker access to our internet enabled applications and allow us to serve more simultaneous customers than we can from the Rome location. Server storage has been increased by almost 100 percent. The new storage will give us the ability to store more returns next year and we will have plenty of space to perform load testing.
Product Preview – Report Server Challenges High Availability and Scalability 24 hours lag before users could see their data Resource and time consuming processes: Collecting reporting (processing and USReturn) data Report generation Overloading EFC Insufficient or incorrect reporting data Complexity of the Report Server’s data structure June 1, USA18
Product Preview – Report Server Phased Future Phase I Near real-time reports – 4 hours Eliminate or significantly reduce performance impact on EFC Simulate 2009 reporting functionality (the same pre-defined reports) Phase II Near real-time reports – 10 minutes Provide Service Bureaus with direct access to reporting data (SQL and MS Office) Design and develop “local reporting” solution for “reporting” offices Phone/SMS notifications (ERO and their customers) Phase III Enhance reporting features (more reports, charts, reports params and etc.) Custom reports: Online Report Builder to allow users to manipulate data Customers’ “Support” Portals (SharePoint) June 1, USA19
Product Preview – EFC 2010 Architecture Goals High Availability — No single points of failure Scalability — Load balance servers and processes — Scale sideways per component Manageability — Easy to move processing around Visibility into all major components Process DB Updates and IRS ACK during Proof of Concept 10,000 per minute (14.5M per day) Generate reports at real-time that are diverse in complexity during Proof of Concept: Birthday Report IRS electronic filing summary NTA Statistical data RAL Report Tax Form Type by Filing Status June 1, USA20
Product Review – Report Server 2010 Architecture File Import – Import messages into master database Report Data Replication – Replicate data from master database to reporting partitions by PID. Report Generation and Delivery – Generate reports from data in reporting partitions and store in SharePoint Selected Technology: — Hyper-V — SharePoint 2010 — SQL Server 2008 R2 June 1, USA21
Product Preview – Report Server: SQL Server Architecture Data was loaded into a central master database Master database will be used for in-house reporting and distribution to smaller reporting partitions. Data was distributed based on PID to one of three partitions to spread out end-user reporting load. This can be any number of partitions. IRS Partition Premier Servers (2) All other Customers Designed to support frequent reports run on demand June 1, USA22