1Philipp Kärger, ICALT 2007 Services for Knowledge Resource Sharing and Management in an Open Source Infrastructure Elena Demidova, Philipp Kärger, Daniel Olmedilla (L3S Research Center, Hannover, Germany) Stefaan Ternier, Erik Duval (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium) Michele Dicerto (GIUNTI ILABS, Sestri Levante, Italy) Carlos Mendez (Altran SDB, Madrid, Spain) Krassen Stefanov (Sofia University, Bulgaria) The 7th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT) July 18-20, 2007, Niigata, Japan
2Philipp Kärger, ICALT Motivation Scenario 2.Problem: lack of interoperability 3.Solution: interfaces 4.Implementation 5.Conclusion
3Philipp Kärger, ICALT Motivation Scenario
4Philipp Kärger, ICALT 2007 Which services are provided? search publish rate store user data P2P Magic platform
5Philipp Kärger, ICALT Problem Statement
6Philipp Kärger, ICALT 2007 search publish rate information source management user management P2P Web 2.0 LMS How to provide all these services heterogeneous information sources at all the from one single platform? How can we provide interoperability?
7Philipp Kärger, ICALT 2007 may be: learning objects articles books informal messages picture-, audio, video- files … may be accessible at different information sources: a personal desktop a P2P network a Learning Management System a community sharing system (flickr, YouTube, etc.) (known as Web 2.0) an online store (amazon, etc.) … Knowledge Resources
8Philipp Kärger, ICALT 2007 Managing Knowledge Resources (KRs) includes the following services: search for KRs publish (i.e., upload) KRs rate KRs organize the locations where to store or to search for KRs ensure access control for KRs
9Philipp Kärger, ICALT Our solution: A standard interface implemented by the information sources. Magic platform has to care solely about the interface! and not about all the specificities of all the specific information sources! Magic platform
10Philipp Kärger, ICALT 2007 The magic platform becomes less magic * * * * * * any knowledge resource management platform can easily access any information source! By simply calling the interface.
11Philipp Kärger, ICALT Interfaces in Detail For each service, we developed one interface 5 interfaces: search, publish, rate, information source management, user management Each interface is –Simple –Open Source –Standard
12Philipp Kärger, ICALT 2007 There is already an interface for: 1.search: Simple Query Interface (SQI) We provide interfaces for: 2.publish: Simple Publishing Interface (SPI) 3.user management: Simple User Management Interface (SUMI) 4.inform. source management: Simple Inform. Source Mgmt. Interface (SISMI) 5.rating: Simple Resource Rating Interface (SRRI) Simple and Flexible: session based query language independent synchronous and asynchronous result format independent upload of resources and their metadata independent from resource and target location assignment of roles password storage for single-sign-on allows for arbitrary user date (name, address, etc.) Allows to specify where to upload and where to search assign rating values to resources arbitrary recommendations by retrieving user’s ratings
13Philipp Kärger, ICALT 2007 Benefits of using these interfaces: - easy to plug in any new information source -
14Philipp Kärger, ICALT Implementation
15Philipp Kärger, ICALT 2007 Current application of these interfaces: TenCompetence project provide a platform for a personal life long competence development ( ) There, the interfaces allow to: Provide means for learners to manage knowledge resources
16Philipp Kärger, ICALT 2007 TenCompetence Knowledge Resource Sharing and Management System
17Philipp Kärger, ICALT Conclusions: interfaces provide flexible approach to connect any learning platform with any information source easy to adopt due to simplicity and open source interfaces work well for our implementation (TENC. KRSM System)
18Philipp Kärger, ICALT 2007 Thank you! Questions are welcome! Philipp Kärger L3S Research Center Hannover, Germany