Decriminalised Parking Enforcement ‘Delivery Progress Report’ Transportation & Asset Management Environment & Regeneration Scrutiny Committee 28 November 2007
Decriminalised Parking Enforcement Progress Delivery Report Delivering DPE Executive Board (13 February 2007) Implementation - 01 March 2008 In-House Enforcement Team Regional Notice Processing - Wales Penalty Processing Partnership (WPPP). RTA Associates Ltd - Appointed Consultants Project Management Traffic Regulation Order Review Officer Steering Group established comprising: - Traffic Man/Car Parks - Legal - Econ. Dev. (T.C. Manager) - North Wales Police - Finance & Performance - Wales Penalty Processing Partnership - Information Technology - RTA Associates - Communications - Members
Decriminalised Parking Enforcement Progress Delivery Report Officer Steering Group Group’s functions are being overseen by RTA Associates Ltd and broadly involve the following processes: 1. Submission of Formal SPA Application to WAG 2. Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) Review 3. W.P.P.P. – Constitutional Arrangements & SLA 4. Consultation Strategy 5. Setting up a DPE Enforcement Team 6. IT Systems 7. Developing Staff Procedures & Enforcement Regimes 8. Management & Review of Project Risks
Decriminalised Parking Enforcement Progress Delivery Report 1.Formal SPA Application Formal SPA Application submitted (August 2007) Response has been received from WAG Processing application in accordance with Wrexham’s preferred delivery date (01 March 2008). Highlighted the proposed introduction of Traffic Management Act (Part 6 - Civil Parking Enforcement) on the 31 March Consideration has been given to the implementation dates and potential conflicts. There are advantages and disadvantages to postponing implementation, but it has been concluded that Wrexham should proceed as planned (i.e. 01 March 2008). No guarantees from WAG that they will meet their intended target date. Wrexham would be the first Welsh Authority to proceed under the new legislation and therefore subject to intense scrutiny.
Decriminalised Parking Enforcement Progress Delivery Report 2.TRO Review (Two Phased Approach) Phase 1 – Accuracy Check Essential that this phase of the TRO review is complete prior to DPE implementation date. Phase 2 – Appropriateness Check To be undertaken following the successful introduction of DPE.
Decriminalised Parking Enforcement Progress Delivery Report 2. TRO Review ……..(continued) Phase 1 – Accuracy Check (On-track and within budget!) ITEMTASKSTATUS 1 Catalogue of all existing TRO’s transferred to specialist software (ParkMAP) Complete 2Site survey of all ‘parking’ related TRO’sComplete 3 A series of necessary amendment orders to conform to the change in legislation i.e Road Traffic Regulation Act to Road Traffic Act 1991 Complete 4Comparison of site survey to TRO catalogue (ParkMAP)Complete 5Remedial works to siteUnderway 6 Amendment and consolidation of final TRO to tie in with implementation date (01 March 2008) Underway
Decriminalised Parking Enforcement Progress Delivery Report 2. TRO Review ……..(continued) Phase 2 – Appropriateness Check Requirement to undertake this exercise as part of the DPE process Extremely onerous task and resource intensive Large quantity of existing TRO’s to be analysed for appropriateness (450+). New TRO requests together with retained list compiled during DPE application stage also need consideration. A forward programme for TRO management is in need of development.
Decriminalised Parking Enforcement Progress Delivery Report 3. Wales Penalty Processing Partnership Constitutional Arrangements Current partners include Denbighshire (Lead Authority), Gwynedd and Ynys Mon. Prospective partners include Wrexham, Flintshire & Powys. An officer working group has been established and is made up of one nominated officer from each partner Authority. The working group meet on a quarterly basis and consider all aspects relating to the management and operation of the WPPP Service Level Agreement (SLA) Consensus amongst partner Authorities regarding the high level of service being provided by the WPPP. The WLGA is working with the partnering Authorities in the development of a SLA. A number of operational and financial issues relating to the operational and management of the WPPP are still under discussion.
Decriminalised Parking Enforcement Progress Delivery Report 4. Consultation Strategy (On Track) Press Releases (Local/Regional Newspapers/Radio) Leaflet drop to all households in the County Borough. Council’s Digital TV pages, Internet, Connect Magazine Members workshop facilitated by RTA Associates 5. DPE Enforcement Team (On-Track) Accommodation for the Parking Attendants (PA’s) has been identified within the Multi-Storey Car Park. Work is progressing on the development of an enforcement regime supplemented by intelligence obtained from the PCSO agreement. Operational structure of parking services team has been determined. Recruitment of additional PA’s and Admin staff to start in November Training of PA’s and back office staff scheduled for February Jan/Feb2008 Programmed
Decriminalised Parking Enforcement Progress Delivery Report 6. IT Systems The majority of the work involved in the procurement and setting up of the IT systems is being dealt with by the WPPP. Wrexham’s IT Officer is working closely with the WPPP to ensure Wrexham’s in-house IT operations are compatible with the requirements of the WPPP. 7. Staff Procedures Manual Enforcement and Office procedure manuals are being developed. - To ensure consistency all partner Authorities of the WPPP have used the same specialised consultant to assist in the area of work (Argonaut Services LTD). National Parking Adjudication Service officials are expected to visit Wrexham in December to consider the two independent locations nominated by officers for the hearing of appeals (Ramada Hotel & NEWI).
Decriminalised Parking Enforcement Progress Delivery Report 8. Management & Review of Project Risks Initial risk assessment exercise was undertaken to assist in the identification of Wrexham’s preferred delivery option in Through planned mitigation and changing circumstances. Many of the early risks are no longer considered a significant threat to the delivery and on-going operation of DPE in Wrexham. A number of areas remain with a medium residual risk. Estimation of start-up costs Inability to retain Parking Attendants Capacity of staff to deliver project within anticipated timescale These remain under careful scrutiny and are subject to careful management and budgetary control.
Decriminalised Parking Enforcement Progress Delivery Report 8. Management & Review of Project Risk ……(continued) The on-going review of the delivery of DPE has highlighted two additional areas of risk: Inclement Winter Weather Impact 1 - Delay necessary remedial works to existing lines and signs resulting in unenforceable TRO’s on the 01 March Mitigation - Prioritise works in sensitive areas. Proposed introduction of Traffic Management Act 2004 (Part 6 - Civil Parking Enforcement) on the 31 March 2008 Impact 1 - Potential for some abortive set-up costs
Decriminalised Parking Enforcement Progress Delivery Report 8. Management & Review of Project Risks ……(continued) Service Contingency Plans There is a requirement upon the Council to develop contingency plans to mitigate the effect of disruption upon the delivery of services. Wrexham officers are in the process of developing a plan, however part of Wrexham’s DPE service (notice processing) will be delivered by the WPPP. WPPP has not ‘formally’ adopted a contingency plan for the service it delivers. It does have sophisticated I.T. disaster recovery mechanisms in place. Wrexham is therefore assisting Denbighshire in the preparation of a service contingency plan for the benefit of all existing and future partners of the W.P.P.P.
Decriminalised Parking Enforcement Progress Delivery Report Further Reports 10 Jan 2008 (Closing date for TMA 2004 (Part 6) consultation)) Consideration of the potential ‘impacts’ of the proposed introduction of Part 6 of the Traffic Management Act 2004 in Wales. Feb 2008 (Provisional) Update on steering group’s actions Regional Collaboration (WPPP) - Constitutional Arrangements - Service Level Agreements