page1 Location Based Services of Proximus Touring - Immonet Best of Wireless 24/09/2003 Fabienne Evers/Eric Snel – Belgacom Mobile Thierry Delire - Touring Jan Van Wijnendaele – Belgacom Mobile Patrick Van Waeyenberge – De Persgroep
page2Agenda o What are Location Based Services? o Proximus’ Location Based Services offer o Proximus Geo Services o Proximus Mobile Business Solutions Proximus B2B o Concept o How does it work? o Touring Proximus Value Added Network&Services o Concept o Offer o Immonet o Conclusions
page3 o LBS: Location Based Services = services based on the geographical position of the end-user o The end-user’s geographical position enters the dance in mobile services o The location adds value to existing applications o The location creates new applications What are Location Based Services?
page4 Proximus’ Location Based Services offer o Proximus Geo Services Proximus Interactive ( o Mobile Business Solutions Improve Productivity Control Costs Proximus B2B – LBS Generate revenues Proximus Value Added Network&Services - LBS
page5 Proximus offer: Geo Services o Proximus Geo Services : Proximus interactive: SMS, WAP
page6 o Proximus concept: Mobile Business Solutions Improve productivity Control costs Generate revenues o LBS offer towards companies who want to integrate location information of e.g. employees, goods or assets in their own applications (e.g. dispatching) Proximus B2B – LBS: concept
page7 LES Proximus Proximus Network Proximus B2B - LBS: how does it work? Application Server Corporate / Business Customer
page8 o Positive impacts reported: Versus GPS solutions: No Hardware investments, only software development (XML/Soap application) Cost efficiency Time management Planning Dispatching Proximus B2B – LBS: Touring
page9 o Proximus concept: Mobile Business Solutions Improve productivity Control costs Generate revenues o LBS offer towards companies who want to offer a location based service to their customers Proximus Value Added Network&Services - LBS
page10 Proximus Value Added Network&Services - LBS o The different players in a VAN&S environment o And their roles Proximus Location Platform COSP LBS applications WASP End-user Network Billing Platforms Support to WASP & COSP Customer support Gateway Coordination with mobile operators Application provider Customer service (opt- in/opt-out…) Content offer Applications Marketing push
page11 Proximus VAN&S – LBS product offer o VAN&S LBS product offer Proximus Location Platform COSP LBS applications WASP End-user o Access to the Proximus Location Platform o Location Information o Additional features: Geo-coding & reverse geo- coding o End-user privacy management
page12 o Offer location based services yourself towards your customers and prospects o Location is an enabler: Adds value to existing applications Enables new applications o Combine location with SMS/MMS/WAP/voice o Applications with potential Information Services Games Advertisement Safety Community Track & trace Proximus VAN&S – LBS: What is in it for you as a company?
page13 Case: Immonet
page14 o De Persgroep Newspapers: Het Laatste Nieuws De Morgen Magazines: Dag Allemaal TV-Familie Joepie ... Audiovisual VMMa ATV Internet -> November 2002 -> February 2003 ->July 2003 -> Augustus 2003 – Who are we?
page15 o Problem: only 1 dominant player gaining market share is difficult for newcomers o High quality site, can compete with other players Difficult to gain market share Need for innovative market presence Offer services with Added Value : LBS = opportunity Situation Online Immomarket
page16 Location Platform LBS application End-user Hoe does it work? SMS Platform To: 3326 huis tekoop Boulevard Leopold II 209, 1080, pr € , Tel 02/
page17 o LBS - SMS application : opportunity for New service: did not exist before INNOVATIVE & enforcing IMAGE Generate new revenues Agents will provide more easily address info of their real estate (advantage for our site) o Future evolution: Enlarge the database of real estate LBS combined with MMS: more advantages More info can be put in the message Photo’s!! Advantages for
page18Conclusions o The Proximus Location Based Services platform is ready for commercial use today o Two end-to-end offers for enterprises exist: Proximus B2B - LBS o Improve productivity o Control costs Proximus Value Added Network&Services - LBS o Generate revenues o Introduction of Proximus Location Based Services in your company: Easy integration Integrated privacy management Commercial, technical and operational support