Status of the 0 Experiment A. Gasparian NC A&T State University, Greensboro, NC for the PrimEx Collaboration Outline Physics Motivation PrimEx-I experiment and results Improvements over Primex-II experiment PrimEx-II Summary
Symmetries in QCD and Light Pseudoscalar Mesons Classical QCD Lagrangian in Chiral limit is invariant under: U A (1) is explicitly broken: (Chiral anomalies) Γ( 0 → ), Γ( → ), Γ( ’→ ) Mass of 0 Chiral SU L (3)xSU R (3) spontaneously broken: 8 Goldstone bosons (π,K,η) Massive quarks, SU(3) broken: Goldstone bosons are massive Mixing of π 0 η η ’ π 0, η, η ’ system provides a rich laboratory to study the symmetry structure of QCD. PrimEx experimental program: Γ( 0 → ), Γ( → ), Γ( ’→ ) decay widths F( *→ 0 ), F( * → ), F( * → ) transition form factors 0 mass is smallest less mixing effects Γ( 0 → ) decay width is direct test of Chiral anomaly prediction in QCD at our energies A. Gasparian2Hall D Coll. meeting, Feb. 4, 2011
A. GasparianHall D Coll. meeting, Feb. 4, 0 decay width (Theory) 0 → decay proceeds primarily via the Chiral anomaly in QCD. The chiral anomaly prediction is exact for massless quarks: Corrections to the chiral anomaly prediction: (u-d quark masses and mass differences) Calculations in NLO ChPT: (J. Goity, at al. Phys. Rev. D66:076014, 2002) Γ( 0 ) = 8.10eV ± 1.0% ~4% higher than LO, uncertainty: less than 1% Precision measurements of ( 0 → ) at the percent level will provide a stringent test of a fundamental prediction of QCD. 0 → Recent calculations in QCD sum rule: (B.L. Ioffe, et al. Phys. Lett. B647, p. 389, 2007) Γ( ) is only input parameter 0 - mixing included Γ( 0 ) = 7.93eV ± 1.5%
A. GasparianHall D Coll. meeting, Feb. 4, Experimental Methods: Decay Length Measurement (Direct Method) 1x sec too small to measure solution: Create energetic 0 ‘s, L = v E /m But, for E= 1000 GeV, L mean 100 μm very challenging experiments Measure 0 decay length distribution 1984 CERN experiment: P=450 GeV proton beam Two variable separation (5-250 m) foils Result: ( 0 ) = 7.34eV 3.1% (total) Major limitations of method unknown P 0 spectrum needs higher energies for improvement 0 →
A. GasparianHall D Coll. meeting, Feb. 4, Primakoff Method ρ,ωρ,ω Challenge: Extract the Primakoff amplitude 12 C target Primakoff Nucl. Coherent Interference Nucl. Incoh. Primakoff coherent cross section measurement required
A. GasparianHall D Coll. meeting, Feb. 4, Previous Primakoff Experiments DESY (1970) bremsstrahlung beam, E =1.5 and 2.5 GeV Targets C, Zn, Al, Pb Result: ( 0 )=(11.7 1.2) eV 10.% Cornell (1974) bremsstrahlung beam: E =4 and 6 GeV targets: Be, Al, Cu, Ag, U Result: ( 0 )=(7.92 0.42) eV 5.3% All previous experiments used: Untagged bremsstrahlung beam Conventional Pb-glass calorimetry
A. GasparianHall D Coll. meeting, Feb. 4, PrimEx Experiment JLab Hall B high resolution, high intensity photon tagging facility New pair spectrometer for photon flux control at high intensities New high resolution hybrid multi-channel calorimeter (HYCAL) Requirements of Setup: high angular resolution (~0.5 mrad) high resolutions in calorimeter small beam spot size (‹1mm) Background: tagging system needed Particle ID for ( -charged part.) veto detectors needed
PrimEx-I Status New Experimental setup commissioned with beam: ( 10 days in Sept. 2004) Beamline commissioned All new detectors commissioned Electronics and new readout system commissioned New DAQ commissioned HyCal gain equalizing and calibration scans done Pair Spectrometer commissioned Physics data runs started just after commissioning: (45 days, Oct. – Nov. 2004) Good data set on 12 C target Good data set on 208 Pb target good statistics for Compton runs good statistics on e + e - pair production Final results have been submitted for publication A. Gasparian8Hall D Coll. meeting, Feb. 4, 2011
Results from PrimEx-I Experiment Nuclear targets: 12 C and 208 Pb; 6 GeV Hall B tagged beam; experiment performed in C 208 Pb A. Gasparian9Hall D Coll. meeting, Feb. 4, 2011
PrimEx-I Result PrimEx-I achieved 2.8% precision (total): ( 0 ) = 7.82 eV 1.8% (stat) 2.1% (syst.) Task for PrimEx-II: to achieve 1.4% precision: Projected errors: 0.5% (stat.) 1.3% (syst.) PrimEx-I 7.82eV 2.8% PrimEx-II projected 1.4% A. Gasparian10Hall D Coll. meeting, Feb. 4, 2011
A. GasparianHall D Coll. meeting, Feb. 4, Estimated Systematic Errors Type of Errors Errors in PrimEx-IEstimated errors in PrimEx-II Photon flux1.0% Target number<0.1% Background subtraction Event selection 1.6%0.8% HYCAL response function0.5%0.2% Beam parameters0.4% Acceptance0.3% Model errors (theory)1.0%0.25% Physics background0.25% Branching ratio0.03% Total2.2%1.3%
Improvements for PrimEx-II: % Total Error 0.5 % Stat. 1.3 % Syst. New DAQ with 5 kHz rate, (factor of 5 gain) Implement more stringent trigger (factor of 2 gain) (better HyCal gain equalizing) However, the allocated time was barely enough for one target with 0.5% stat error only. Better control of Background: Add timing information in HyCal Improve photon beam line Improve PID in HyCal (add more veto counters, X and Y direction) Measure HyCal detection efficiency (with TAC module) A. GasparianHall D Coll. meeting, Feb. 4, 2011
The PrimEx-I Beam line
Improvements in PrimEx-II Photon Beam Line Make the primary collimator “tapered”: (with 1 mm thick and 10 cm long insertion, diameter 12.7 mm). Upgrade the Permanent Magnet from 1 unit to 3 units. Extend distance from primary coll. to Pb-shielding wall by 32 cm (moving PS with production targets). A. Gasparian14Hall D Coll. meeting, Feb. 4, 2011 Make the Pb-shielding wall’s hole diameter smaller (from 1.53” to 0.8”). Total relative gain: PrimEx-I config. 100 % suggested PrimEx-II config. 19 % Expect ~5 times less background events !!! Monte Carlo Simulations
Add Timing in HyCal A. Gasparian15Hall D Coll. meeting, Feb. 4, 2011
A. GasparianHall D Coll. meeting, Feb. 4, PrimEx Current Result
PrimEx-II Run Status Experiment run period: Sep. 27 to Nov. 10. Physics data collected: First target, 28 Si, completed at required level of statistics (~0.6%). Second target, 12 C, data taking completed in half only (~1.2%) Good statistics for Compton is collected Good statistics for e + e - pair production is collected A. Gasparian17Hall D Coll. meeting, Feb. 4, 2011
A. GasparianHall D Coll. meeting, Feb. 4, PrimEx-II: Event Selection
PrimEx-II: 0 Event Distribution vs. Production Angle Very preliminary (90% of data) Very preliminary (30% of data) A. Gasparian19Hall D Coll. meeting, Feb. 4, 2011
A. GasparianHall D Coll. meeting, Feb. 4, PrimEx-II: By-Products, 0 + 0 + 0 Detection of produced in He-bag close to HyCal Z-vertex resolution
A. GasparianHall D Coll. meeting, Feb. 4, PrimEx-II: By-Products, 0 + (crystal part only)
A. GasparianHall D Coll. meeting, Feb. 4, PrimEx-II: By-Products, / 0 + 0 +
A. GasparianHall D Coll. meeting, Feb. 4, PrimEx-II: By-Products, a 0 + 0
A. GasparianHall D Coll. meeting, Feb. 4, Summary PrimEx-I achieved 2.8% total error for decay width. Expected PrimEx-II result at 1.5% level The 0 lifetime is one of the few precision predictions of QCD. Percent level measurement is a stringent test of QCD at these energies. Compton and pair-production cross section measurements demonstrate that the systematic errors are controlled at the 1.3% level. The PrimEx setup is capable of percent level cross section measurements. High resolution, high intensity tagging facility together with recent developments in calorimetry make the Primakoff method one of the best way to reach the required accuracy in 0 decay width.
A. GasparianHall D Coll. meeting, Feb. 4, The End
A. GasparianHall D Coll. meeting, Feb. 4, 0 Event selection (cont.) Three groups analyzed the data independently
A. GasparianHall D Coll. meeting, Feb. 4, Electromagnetic Calorimeter: HYCAL Energy resolution Position resolution Good photon detection 0.1 – 5 GeV; Large geometrical acceptance PbWO4 crystals resolution Pb-glass budget HYCAL only Kinematical constraint
A. GasparianHall D Coll. meeting, Feb. 4, PrimEx Current Result
A. GasparianHall D Coll. meeting, Feb. 4, Luminosity Control: Pair Spectrometer Scint. Det. Measured in experiment: absolute tagging ratios: TAC measurements at low intensities Uncertainty in photon flux at the level of 1% has been reached Verified by known cross sections of EM processes Compton scattering e + e - pair production relative tagging ratios: pair spectrometer at low and high intensities
A. GasparianHall D Coll. meeting, Feb. 4, Beam Time Request 12 C target7 days 208 Pb target6 days Compton and pair prod.4 days Empty target2 days Calibrations/checkout6 days HYCAL config. change2 days Tagging efficiency1 days Total28 days Response to TAC comment on statistical error: 2% statistical error on current result Primakoff stat. (1.46%) + fit error 0.44% error from proposal requires (1.46/0.44) 2 = 11 times more events: Increase DAQ rate from 1 kHz to 5 kHz Implement more stringent trigger, (factor of 2-3) Will provide 0.44% Primakoff statistics on each target
A. GasparianHall D Coll. meeting, Feb. 4, PrimEx-II Gain calibration
Use the PrimEx-I HyCal Trigger Configuration (Version #1) Each dynode output goes to one of 36 Inputs of the UVA120A Sum module. Two linear output signals from UVA120A go to “electronics area” One of them used for further summation, The second one was not used in the PrimEx-1 configuration. Version #1 Use the second signal (cable) for the timing; Needs 1)61 Discriminator channels; 2)61 channels TDC.
A. GasparianHall D Coll. meeting, Feb. 4, Verification of Overall Systematics: Compton Cross Section Average stat. error: 0.6% Average syst. error: 1.2% Total: 1.3% Δσ/ΔΩ (mb/6.9 msrad) Data with radiative corrections
A. GasparianHall D Coll. meeting, Feb. 4, PrimEx-II: HyCal Gain Re-Calibration (by 0 mass )