Points of Interest Presented to Mission Beach Community Association by Councillor Jennifer Downs. 9 th August, 2011.
If you did any of these things today: Had a cup of tea Enjoyed a shower Flushed the toilet Drove to work or school Went to the library Stood in a bus shelter Put something in the bin Played at the park
Then you used a service provided by your Council!
Foreshore Management Submission for $4.1 million submitted Coconut Management – as previous – removal of dangerous palms only – as assessed by Arborists. Re-plantings as required by multiple species. Coastal Stewardship Program. Looking for expressions of community interest – timed to commence just prior to wet season. Form was ed to all groups. Also Management Plan for Wheatley Creek in process.
Bridges, Visual Amenity and other matters… Wheatley’s Creek Bridge and new bikeway bridge timed to occur concurrently to provide efficiencies….estimated completion November. Wheatley Creek Bridge Closure from 31 st August. Woollies roundabout nearing completion Commercial Heights corner – design being drawn up. No allocation in budget for Streetscaping, however, work is progressing on new Planning Scheme for Cassowary Coast.
Community Recovery Community Recovery Advisory Group meets to check on communications to residents. Judy Heath of Mission Beach is local rep on this group. Advisory Group only. New newsletter with printers – due out 3 rd week August. Work continuing on progressing insurance claims for community infrastructure – massive task.
Waste News. $35 per tonne State Govt. Waste Levy – on Commercial and Industrial waste, and Construction and Demolition waste (disaster demolition waste exempt). Municipal Solid Waste exempt. i.e. householder Wheelie Bins Timed to start 1 st December, Compounding effect of Carbon Tax will add significant costs to managing waste. Investigating composting strategies within Waste Review Strategy. (can reduce as much as 50% from the waste stream).
Cassowary Coast Regional Council 2011/12 Budget Highlights
General Overview Revenue base affected by limited growth, impacts of cyclone & constrained govt funding Financial pressures include: –Wage & salary costs (negotiating new EB) –Increases in electricity & insurance costs –Funding needs for asset mtce & renewal –Altered NDRRA arrangements for day labour costs –Additional debt repayments for loan borrowings
Rating Issues Annual valuation by DERM– no significant changes but some individual impacts from site values No changes to differential rating structure Legislative requirement to complete integration of rating structure this year, applies to separate rates in former council areas Separate rates apply to all properties Former levies replaced by a Transport Infrastructure levy & an Environmental Management levy
Rates & Charges General rates increase by approx 3.8% Minimum general rate increased from $932 to $968 Increases will not be uniform due to new valuations Sewerage charges increased based on scheme requirements, Innisfail 9.8%, Mission Beach 5.1%, Tully 9.1% Water charges increased by approx 5% Garbage charges – no increase in Northern area and reduction of $20 in southern area
Rates & Charges Cont’d Separate levies applied uniformly across the region: –Transport Infrastructure levy $97 per assessment –Environmental management levy $ per assessment –Replaces previous road levy, waste management levy & environment levy applied in former council areas Council Pensioner remission continues to be a maximum of $300 15% discount on general rates paid within 30 days Overall increase in rates & charges approx 3.94% compared to last year, increases will not be uniform due to separate levies
Highlights – Corporate Services $145K to conduct 2012 council elections $40K to establish customer service function at Cardwell Library $800K for replacement of current core software system with new system – One Business solution $250K to redesign and replace part of roof – Tully Civic Centre $100K to install generator – Tully Civic Centre $100K to undertake refurbishment of office layout – Tully Civic Centre
Highlights - Works $6.228M on transport management activities $47.956M on asset repair & restoration under NDRRA, including $30M to commence works from Cyclone Yasi $500K for improvements to Innisfail & Tully depots $14.747M for rehab & improvement works as follows: –$6.214M for roadworks –$7.561M for bridges (includes completion of Jubilee Bridge) –$972K for pathway works $2.8M for upgrade of marine facilities - $2.75M for upgrade of sections of Flying Fish Point Rock wall
Highlights – Community Services $633K for tourism activities including operation of VICs $1.507M for operation of Library services $849K for cleaning & mtce of public conveniences $357K for operation & mtce of public swimming pools $180K for improvements to Tully aerodrome $1.285M for completion of Theodore St units, Tully $100K for upgrading works – Frogs Hollow, Mission Beach $100K for purchase of retractable seating – Innisfail Shire hall
Highlights – Parks & Natural Environment $1.813M for park & open space management $783K for management of natural environment, including $499K for land & pest management $145K for upgrade/replacement of park assets including: –$30K for replacement of play equipment at Tom Johnston Park –$100K for upgrade of day use area at Bingil Bay $110K for replacement of footbridge over Midge Creek, Lugger Bay on Kennedy Walking track $75K for improvements at Goondi Bend Sporting complex
Highlights - Water $10.23M to complete upgrade works on Innisfail Water Treatment Plant $250K for completion of works on Fenby gap reservoir $310K for completion of works on new water intake – Bulgun Creek $150K for design of 250mm trunk water main from Innisfail WTP $100K to install flow meters - Innisfail $92K for renewal & replacement of water infrastructure in southern water supply area
Highlights - Sewerage $22.945M for completion of the Innisfail Sewerage Treatment Plant (partially carryover funding) $2M for continuation of works for Cardwell Sewerage Scheme $1.6M to undertake Stage 2 of Tully sewerage upgrade $455K for renewal & replacement of sewers & manholes – Innisfail & $408K for Tully $500K for replacement of sewerage pump station no.16 – Innisfail $200K for renewal of sewerage pump station Wildsoet St, Tully
Highlights – Planning & Environment $765K for costs associated with environmental health functions $355K for animal management & control activities $593K for environmental protection activities $948K for general planning operations $247K for strategic planning activities including development of the new Planning Scheme $518K for building & plumbing/drainage assessment, inspection & enforcement activities
Highlights – Waste Management $100K to undertake development of a new waste management strategy for region $680K for waste collection activities & $1.474M for waste disposal activities in northern part of region $465K for waste collection activities & $1.354M for waste disposal activities in southern part of region $100K for landfill remediation activities $45K for improvements at Stoters Hill Waste landfill & $60K for improvements to Tully Waste landfill
Budget Summary - Operating Total Revenue - $120.8M Total Expenses - $111.8M –Wages - $23. 2M –Material & Services - $68.9M –Depreciation - $17.6M –Finance Costs - $2.1M Surplus of $9M due to timing issues with recovery of expenses from 2010/11 for NDRRA works – Cyclone Yasi
Budget Summary - Capital Total Capital Works & Debt Redemption - $70.18M Includes significant carryover works from 2010/11 Budget for major capital projects Works includes: –$15.13M for roads, bridges & pathways –$29.49M for sewerage –$12.18M for water –$4.58M for community facilities, buildings & depots –$6M for other capital works –$2.8M for debt redemption
Capital Summary Cont’d Proposed funding for capital program: –Grants & Subsidies - $33.25M –Council revenue, carryover funding & Reserves - $31.98M –Loans - $2.48M –Developer contributions - $2.47M
Thanks for listening….. Any Questions?