Programmable Power Strip Jesse Goodall 07/jgoodall/wordpress/
Abstract General purpose power strip design Consumer use Reduce power consumption Entertainment Security Automation
Device Concept Physical component supplying 120v AC Modular interface Controller (eg PC)
3 Phase Design 1.Physical Construction 2.Software Implementation 3.Standalone/Remote Interface and Further Application
Phase1: Physical Construction 5v Logic –LED Status –Connection to interface module –Control side of relays –22 gauge wiring etc –5v DC power supply
Output Device Circuit Relays (AC, DC, stepper) – the core of the device Power switch (only effects 120v circuit) Power sockets 16 gauge wiring Power supply cable
Safety Human –Plexiglas shielding –Hot 120v wiring centered –Standard home-grade power sockets –Power switch Equipment –Hex inverter/optoisolators to isolate interface –Fuse to isolate building power circuit
Phase2: Software Implementation Multiple OS (Windows/Linux) Localhost Web Interface Lights synchronized to music
Localhost Simple Required for later implementation C program to toggle individual sockets on and off Linux simpler because provides direct control
Remote Control Computer directly connected to interface module hosts Webserver PHP/Ajax > Apache > localhost application > drivers > device Can use wireless / PDA
Winamp Entertainment
Phase3: Standalone / Further Dev Onchip server for ethernet connection Further Study: –Vision control –Remote music –Scripting and automation –Scalability –Further software development
Recognition Bruce Maxwell - Advisor Ed Jaoudi - Electrical construction, parts, computing support Grant 'Smitty' Smith - Physical construction Cheever - Proposal All those sources and resources on the web and otherwise which I have built this project upon.