OEMBA Information Systems Course James R. Coakley PhD, Accounting Information Systems Minor in Statistics and Computer Science MBA BS, Math/Computer Science.


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Presentation transcript:

OEMBA Information Systems Course James R. Coakley PhD, Accounting Information Systems Minor in Statistics and Computer Science MBA BS, Math/Computer Science

More about me Spent time in the Air Force  They paid me to fly jets  They paid me to get a PhD  Spent 4 years in Pentagon Assistant Project Manager for Navstar Global Positioning System Director of Campaign Analysis Branch, Center for Studies and Analysis Returned to OSU in 1990  Faculty member in Information Management  Now Associate Dean

Course Topics How derive?  Discuss with area CIO’s and IS Executives Attend two events each month that focus on current IT issues Goal is to address same issues that your IT executives are facing  Focus on emerging issues and trends Where are we going vs where we have been Technology Issue in CFO provides good review of issues

Course Topics Topical areas:  IT Framework – terminology  Alignment of Business and IT Strategy Analyze seven current articles Develop a framework to Business/IT alignment  Management of IT Regulatory Compliance – SOX Open Source – is it right for you? Outsourcing – good for the bottom line? Security – risk assessment framework Privacy and Ethics – the temptation to be “big brother”

Evaluation Goals Individual assignments: Focus on how these topics relate to you and your organization. That is, what can you take away from this class? Team Assignments: Use team presentations to provide an in-depth analysis on a topic.  First – glean major concepts from article and apply to common cases  Second – develop a framework to guide decisions

Evaluation Philosophy OEMBA has set target “GPA” for each class. You are at end of two-year program  This is not an exit hurdle When assessing your grade, focus on your deviation from the average – not the actual percentage  I typically grade short assignments on a 10 point scale, with 7 being the average  The “average” is not a “C-”

Evaluation Components Written Assignments (80 pts)  Graded on content (75%), organization (10%) and presentation (15%) Two Team Presentations (60 pts)  High quality presentations incorporating appropriate graphics, pictures, images, and charts  Effectiveness of individual presentation style will be evaluated Based on my biased framework  Evaluate content, organization, and presentation

Evaluation – Week 1 Personal Technology Survey (5 pts)

Evaluation – Week 2 Individual Class Synopses from Week 1 (15 pts)  Focus on “take-aways” How do these concepts and issues affect you? Identify three different lessons from the class session that affects you and your organization  Discuss how your organization:  Could benefit from implementing new concept  Could benefit by not pursuing the concept Two-three pages

Evaluation – Week 2 (continued) Team Presentation (30 pts)  Each team will be assigned one reading to analyze and summarize Overview reading and capture main points. Identify critical insights and lessons learned. Apply critical insights/lessons to two cases

Evaluation – Week 3 Individual Class Synopses from Week 2 (15 pts)  Focus on “take-aways” How do these concepts and issues affect you? Identify three different lessons from the class session that affects you and your organization  Discuss how your organization:  Could benefit from implementing new concept  Could benefit by not pursuing the concept Three-five pages (expect indepth discussion)

Evaluation – Week 3 Team Written Assignment (20 pts)  Identify and describe the value configuration models that best capture the new business strategies for Bush Boake Allen and Alibris  Provide an example of a strategy decision that evolved from each perspective of the Business-IT Alignment mapping described in the Curtin articles. The strategy decision may be from the cases or from your own personal experiences (but please do not use the examples from the Curtin articles).

Evaluation – Week 4 Individual Analysis (10 pts): Choose one of the following:  Please provide an example of how you could use the value configuration models to propose a new competitive strategy for your business. Given that new strategy, discuss which alignment perspective (from the Curtin article) best describes the strategic fit needed to support the strategy.  Provide an analysis of your organization’s status regarding compliance with Sarbanes-Oxley.

Evaluation – Week 4 (continued) Team Presentations (30 pts)  “IBM and Linux” Summarize the history of open source software and Linux. Provide an update to the case regarding the strategic decision by IBM to endorse Linux.  “The Open Source Software Challenge in 2001” Provide an analysis of the impact that open source development has had on the companies included in the case (HP, IBM, Sun and Microsoft).  Outsourcing. Summarize two articles and develop a framework making decisions regarding outsourcing.  Offshore Outsourcing. Summarize two articles and develop a framework making decisions regarding offshore outsourcing.

Evaluation – Week 5 Individual Analysis (15 pts)  Prepare a position paper for your organization based on the readings, lectures, and discussions in Week 4. The position paper should discuss the pros and cons of whether your organization could benefit from open source and offshore outsourcing

Evaluation – Week 5 (continued) Team Presentations (30 pts) Present the main points being developed by the author and explain these main points to the class. Develop a framework that can be used to guide decisions in the area.  "Management's Role in Information Security in a Cyber Economy"  "Electronic Monitoring: How Far Can You Go?"  “Information Technology in Organizations: Emerging Issues in Ethics and Policy”

Guest Speakers Week 1:  Ben Berry, Master Change Facilitor, Oregon’s Providence Health System “Value Added Innovation in Healthcare through Wireless Appliance PDAs” Week 3:  Fred Pond, Director of Information Services, Schnitzer Steel Industries SOX Compliance Week 5:  Michael Anderson, New Technologies, Inc.
