Grants and Industry Engagement Issues Advantages and Disadvantages Prof. Sati Bhattacharya Rheology and Materials Processing Centre School of Civil, Environmental & Chemical Engineering RMIT University Rheology and Materials Processing Centre
Grants and Industry Engagement Advantages: Focused industry related research Encourage collaboration with Industry Boost IP creation Increased IP revenue for University Effective way to move research results from academic laboratories to the market place Flexible offering of Salary and Scholarships Less time spent in writing grant applications
Grants and Industry Engagement Advantages: …continued Induce closer ties with Industry Generate more income Research training on industry-relevant projects Good job prospect at the end of project May lead to further consulting
Grants and Industry Engagement Disadvantages: Confidentiality Relatively short life cycle Demand on deliverables Short-term deliverables expected Less opportunity of fundamental research Require good communication / negotiation skills More reports / presentations required Limited public exposure of research
Grants and Industry Engagement Effect on IP or Publications: Confidential Materials cannot be published Publications may be restricted Thesis may be classified Usually Industry approval is required before publication IP may or may not be owned Patent application costs may be paid / shared by Industry
Grants and Industry Engagement Effect of Industry Timeline on Academic Progress: Industry focuses on deliverables Industry project plan may conflict with student project plan Industry may ask for more report and feedback on progress Industry may ask for student participation in meetings, writing report, etc.
Grants and Industry Engagement Impact from changing Industry priorities: Change in Project Plan Change in project objectives / outcomes Reduced / increased activities Funding may be stopped or renegotiated for lack of perceived progress
Grants and Industry Engagement FURTHER ISSUES…. Conflict of Interest Commitment of Time Consulting vs. Contract Research Maintaining Research Integrity Academics having interest in Research Outcome
Grants and Industry Engagement CASE STUDY Successful ARC Linkage Grant For 3 years ( 1 PDF + 1 APAI ) 2004-2007 But… Change in Industry Management Industry Un-willing to Continue Negotiation Led to Some Change in Project Direction Further Industry Management Change after 1 Year Dispute after 2 Years Resolution after Intense Negotiations Eventually the Project Finished Very Successfully