Jean Piaget Laura Beyer, Kristopher Cruz, & Luke Floyd
Background and Influences Born in Neuchâtel, Switzerland in August 9, 1896 Published his first paper when he was 10 years old Starting publishing in earnest while in high school. Tried to use philosophy to answer questions on life, when that failed he turned to psychology. In 1918, he earned a PhD in Bio. became interested in Psych. Worked in psychology labs in Zurich and at Bleuler’s famous psychiatric clinic Introduced to the works of FREUD and JUNG
Cont’d Introduced biological terms to psychology. In 1921, he became director of studies at the J.-J. Rousseau Institute in Geneva In 1923, he and Valentine Châtenay were married. The couple had three children, Jacqueline, Lucienne and Laurent whose intellectual development from infancy to language was studied by Piaget. E arliest theories came from observing his own 3 children In 1940, He became chair of Experimental Psychology, the Director of the psychology laboratory, and the president of the Swiss Society of Psychology. In 1942, he gave a series of lectures at the Collège de France, during the Nazi occupation of France. In 1952, he became a professor at the Sorbonne. In 1955, he created the International Center for Genetic Epistemology, of which he served as director the rest of his life. And, in 1956, he created the School of Sciences at the University of Geneva. He died September 16, 1980
Theory of Moral Development Heteronomous (younger) 0-6, children are unable to cooperative At age 6, children learn “Moral Realism” wherein rules exist when people play together and we don’t violate them. Only at do children actually understand and follow the rules, after achieving formal operations. Autonomous ( older) Children base moral judgments of the intention of the actor rather than the outcome of the action. Interaction with peers brings about a more in depth social world. Reasoning with hypotheticals and “collective interests” helps structure this moral identity
Critiques of Piaget Moral development isn’t always conclusive to the stages Piaget presents. It can be more synthetic. Even very young children can consider intentions when judging the morality of actions, despite Piaget’s statements.
References Educational Psychology Textbook (Slavin 2006)