Toward Comprehensive, Statewide Ocean Planning in Massachusetts: Implementing the Ocean Management Task Force Recommendations Susan Snow-Cotter, Director Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management Marine Aquaculture Task Force Woods Hole July 20, 2005
Discussion Format MA 101: Administration/Jurisdiction Massachusetts Aquaculture Ocean Management Task Force State Ocean Management Legislation Ocean Management Planning Process
MA Aquaculture Approximately 350 companies/individuals (300 shellfish) Approx. 1,000 acres under cultivation $6 million year industry Primarily oysters, quahogs, with some soft shell clams, blue mussels, bay scallops, butter clams, razor clams Draft DMF finfish regulations
Massachusetts Environmental Administration Office of the Governor Executive Office of Environmental Affairs (Secretary) CZM and other environmental departments/offices
Massachusetts State Jurisdiction 3 miles offshore in most places U.S. Supreme Court bay closure lines provide for >3 miles in parts of Mass Bay, Cape Cod Bay and Nantucket Sound Municipal jurisdiction often co-terminous with state jurisdiction where bylaws exist
What is the Problem? “Wild West” land-grab for use of Commonwealth’s waters The 35-year old Ocean Sanctuaries Act is outdated and confusing Existing process is reactive, not proactive No coordinated plan to manage significant resources
Why now? Recent proposals for wind farms, offshore LNG, and gas pipelines Tools are needed to prevent ocean sprawl from our public trust resource Increasing ocean uses are degrading water quality and habitat Unique opportunity to build off of U.S. Ocean Commission and Pew Commission momentum
Ocean Management Task Force Governor Romney and former Secretary Herzfelder announced Ocean Management Initiative in 2003 Task Force included 23 private and public sector stakeholders and state agencies Two-volume final recommendations and technical report: Waves of Change, is available on MCZM website
Sixteen Task Force Recommendations Red = implementation complete or on-going Governance Ocean Management Legislation Ocean Management Coordination Climate Change Action Plan Ocean Sanctuaries Act Revisions Management Tools Fee structures and Levels MPA Working Group Coordination of Mitigation Enforcement Visual, Cultural and Aesthetic Impacts Characterization of Human Uses Scientific Understanding Marine Advisory Group Ocean Monitoring and Research Seafloor Mapping Standardized Data Collection Protocols Outreach Ocean Literacy and Stewardship Dissemination of Ocean Resource Data
Current Implementation Activities: 1) Supporting Passage of Proposed State Ocean Management Legislation 2) Building an Information Base for Marine Planning 3) Marine Protected Areas Inventory and Working Group 4) Education and Outreach activities, and 5) Regional Coordination on Ocean Management
Ocean Management Legislation Addresses management of 1.6 million acres of ocean resources Authorizes master planning to manage development and protect resources Strengthens and expands protections of the Ocean Sanctuaries Act Streamlines the offshore regulatory process Does NOT restrict fishing, hunting or navigation rights
How Would the Ocean Plan Work? Organizes data and information on ocean resources and uses Identifies areas more and less appropriate for development to avoid impacts May use performance measures to guide development Develops new management guidance for existing laws Binding as part of CZM Program Plan
Key Components of Ocean Plan Baseline assessment of natural, social, and economic information Public outreach and participation program Management measures Implementation strategy Requirement for 5-year review and amendment procedure Dedicated fund for tidelands licensing and ocean planning
Interagency Ocean Planning Work Group Commonwealth of Massachusetts’ Executive Office of Environmental Affairs Coastal Zone Management Division of Marine Fisheries Department of Environmental Protection
Questions? For Additional Information: Ocean Management Initiative Website: Susan Snow-Cotter, Director Massachusetts CZM