Chapter 6, System Design Lecture 1
Design “There are two ways of constructing a software design: One way is to make it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies, and the other way is to make it so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies.” - C.A.R. Hoare Compared with Requirements Analysis System design is messy. One of the reasons is that the analysis depends on the application domain. When entering design, we add the implementation domain. We worry about how to map the application domain expressed in the system model (object model, dynamic model, functional model) into the existing hardware. Unfortunately this is not a well known science. Again only heuristics are known. Unfortunately even these heuristics have a half-life of 2-5 years. One of the problems is that we are still making incredible progress in computer science which is driven by technology 20 years ago we every analysis was mapped on a main frame. It was too expensive to waste cycles. With the advence of minis and LAN networks, people started talking about client/server architectures and mapped their analysis onto distributed networks of computers One of the questions a designer faces is performance vs reliability. If a certain design needs to be optimized because the response time is too slow, what should the designer do? Pick a Cray or a network of Sun workstations?
Why is Design so Difficult? Analysis: Focuses on the application domain Design: Focuses on the solution domain Design knowledge is a moving target The reasons for design decisions are changing very rapidly Halftime knowledge in software engineering: About 3-5 years What I teach today will be out of date in 3 years Cost of hardware rapidly sinking “Design window”: Time in which design decisions have to be made Technique Time-boxed prototyping
System Design System Design 1. Design Goals 8. Boundary Conditions nition T rade-of fs 8. Boundary Conditions Initialization T ermination 1. Design goals 2. System decomposition Breaking the system into subsystems, Layers and partitions, System information flow (topology) 3. Identification of concurrency Threads of control 4. Hardware/software allocation Estimate hardware requirements, Hardware/software trade-offs, Describe processor allocation, Physical connectivity (existing hardware) 5. Data management Data structures implemented in memory or secondary storage 6. Global resource handling Choose access control 7. Software control implementation Procedure-based, event-based, concurrent systems 8. Boundary conditions Describe behavior at initialization, termination and failure 9. Feasibility Discuss design alternatives, Technological constraints that drive the design, What if the constraints change? 2. System Failure Decomposition Layers/Partitions Coherence/Coupling 7. Software Control Monolithic Event-Driven Threads Conc. Processes 3. Concurrency 6. Global Identification of Threads 4. Hardware/ 5. Data Softwar e Resource Handling Management Mapping Access control Security Persistent Objects Special purpose Files Buy or Build Trade-off Databases Allocation Data structure Connectivity
The activities of system design (UML activity diagram)
Overview System Design I (Today) 0. Overview of System Design 1. Design Goals 2. Subsystem Decomposition System Design II: Addressing Design Goals (next lecture) 3. Concurrency 4. Hardware/Software Mapping 5. Persistent Data Management 6. Global Resource Handling and Access Control 7. Software Control 8. Boundary Conditions Rumbaugh distinguishes two kinds of design: System design and Object design. System design, the topic of this and the next lecture is concerned with the overall aspects of the system. What are the goals it tries to achieve. The main goals are: Low cost, good response time, high reliability. Types (Often listed under Global requirements in Problem Statement). Trade-off priorities System design is also concerned about the overall structure of the system. How is it broken into pieces? How do these pieces fit together? Must they know about each other? The best system design is one where the interaction between the subsystems is minimal. Concurrency is another important design issue. The more concurrency we can identify in a system, the better it can perform. Mapping the subsystem to processors is the moment of truth, and the hardest. While decomposotion and concurrency identification are still independent of technology, subsystem allocation is not. Shall we map them to hardware or can we get by with software (Example: Floating point package). The management of data is also a design issue. The FRIEN database group is an example: Most of its problems are design specific. Access methods specify the security of the design. Can a random user or a program gone hay-wire create havoc to the rest of the system? Control is another important design issue. Who is in control? A main program or a set of harmoniously cooperating processes? Boundary conditions specify the non-steady state behavior of the system. Usually the designer worries about the steady state (average number of transactions/sec). However, initialization and termination behavior, in particular failure conditions are important design issues. How does the system behave when an error occurs? Does it simply type "Illegal address at PC 0. Abort!" (Famous last words on a screen cockpit filmed by a video camera before the plane, an F-15 fighter, crashed). For the FRIEND system, database design issues are very important. We will discuss several design goals that are very important for the design of distributed databases
How to use the results from the Requirements Analysis for System Design Nonfunctional requirements => Activity 1: Design Goals Definition Functional model => Activity 2: System decomposition (Selection of subsystems based on functional requirements, cohesion, and coupling) Object model => Activity 4: Hardware/software mapping Activity 5: Persistent data management Dynamic model => Activity 3: Concurrency Activity 6: Global resource handling Activity 7: Software control Subsystem Decomposition Activity 8: Boundary conditions In Requirements analysis we have beautifully built 3 descriptions of the problem, the models. Where do the models go in system design? If you read Rumbaugh, the above list of system design issues looks a little bit random. But there is a reason behind it:
System Design Phases Design Goals System Decomposition Concurrency Hardware/Software Mapping Data Management Global Resource Handling Software Control Boundary Conditions
Section 1. Design Goals Reliability Good documentation Modifiability Maintainability Understandability Adaptability Reusability Efficiency Portability Traceability of requirements Fault tolerance Backward-compatibility Cost-effectiveness Robustness High-performance Good documentation Well-defined interfaces User-friendliness Reuse of components Rapid development Minimum # of errors Readability Ease of learning Ease of remembering Ease of use Increased productivity Low-cost Flexibility
Relationship Between Design Goals End User Low cost Increased Productivity Backward-Compatibility Traceability of requirements Rapid development Flexibility Functionality User-friendliness Ease of Use Ease of learning Fault tolerant Robustness Runtime Efficiency Reliability Portability Good Documentation Client (Customer, Sponsor) Minimum # of errors Modifiability, Readability Reusability, Adaptability Well-defined interfaces Developer/ Maintainer
Typical Design Trade-offs Functionality vs. Usability Cost vs. Robustness Efficiency vs. Portability Rapid development vs. Functionality Cost vs. Reusability Backward Compatibility vs. Readability
System Design Phases Design Goals System Decomposition Concurrency Hardware/Software Mapping Data Management Global Resource Handling Software Control Boundary Conditions
Section 2. System Decomposition Subsystem (UML: Package) Collection of classes, associations, operations, events and constraints that are interrelated Service: A set of operations provided by the subsystem that share a common purpose Seed for services: Subsystem use cases Service is specified by Subsystem interface: Specifies interaction and information flow from/to subsystem boundaries, but not inside the subsystem. Should be well-defined and small. Often called API: Application programmer’s interface, but this term should be used during implementation, not during System Design Relation of subsystems to each other is similar to object model System topology is similar functional model!
Services and Subsystem Interfaces Service: A set of related operations that share a common purpose Notification subsystem service (devoted to deal with communications between the FieldOfficer and the Dispatcher): LookupChannel() SubscribeToChannel() SendNotice() UnscubscribeFromChannel() Services are defined in System Design Subsystem Interface: Set of fully typed related operations. Also called application programmer interface (API) Subsystem Interfaces are defined in Object Design Also called application programmer interface (API)
Choosing Subsystems Criteria for subsystem selection: Most of the interaction should be within subsystems, rather than across subsystem boundaries (High cohesion) Does one subsystem always call the other for the service? Which of the subsystems call each other for service? Primary Question: What kind of service is provided by the subsystems (subsystem interface)? Secondary Question (discussed later): How can we organize the subsystems? Layer/partitions?
Subsystem Decomposition Example Authoring Is this the right decomposition or is this too much ravioli? Augmented Reality Modeling Workflow Inspection Repair Workorder Ravioli!!
Definition: Subsystem Interface Object A Subsystem Interface Object provides a service This is the set of public methods provided by the subsystem The Subsystem interface describes all the methods of the subsystem interface object
System as a set of subsystems communicating via a software bus Authoring Modeling Workflow Augmented Reality Inspection Repair Workorder A Subsystem Interface Object publishes the service (= Set of public methods) provided by the subsystem
Coupling and Coherence Goal: Reduction of complexity Coherence measures the dependence among classes High coherence: The classes in the subsystem perform similar tasks and are related to each other (via associations) Low coherence: Lots of misc and aux objects, no associations Coupling measures dependencies between subsystems High coupling: Modifications to one subsystem will have high impact on the other subsystem (change of model, massive recompilation, etc.) Low coupling: A change in one subsystem does not affect any other subsystem Subsystems should have as maximum coherence and minimum coupling as possible: How can we achieve loose coupling? Which subsystems are highly coupled?
Decision tracking system The decision tracking system purpose is to record design problems, discussions, alternative evaluations, decisions, and their implementations in terms of tasks The DecisionSubsystem has a low coherence: The classes Criterion, Alternative, and DesignProblem have no relationships with Subtask, ActionItem, and Task.
Alternative subsystem decomposition for the decision tracking system The coherence of the RationaleSubsystem and the PlanningSubsystem is higher than the coherence of the original DecisionSubsystem. Note also that we also reduced the complexity by decomposing the system into smaller subsystems. subtasks * assesses solvableBy resolvedBy based-on implementedBy RationaleSubsystem PlanningSubsystem Criterion Alternative Decision DesignProblem SubTask ActionItem Task
Partitions and Layers Partitioning and layering are techniques to achieve low coupling. A large system is usually decomposed into subsystems using both, layers and partitions. Partitions vertically divide a system into several independent (or weakly-coupled) subsystems that provide services on the same level of abstraction. A layer is a subsystem that provides services to a higher level of abstraction A layer can only depend on lower layers A layer has no knowledge of higher layers In an object-oriented design such as JEWEL, each subsystem makes its layer a subclass of the generic layer class provided by the UI subsystem. Each individual subsystem must provide for its own zoom and refresh methods. Ideally the refresh method will be called for every draw operation. The UI subsystem is responsible for knowing when to call for a refresh (but the UI group will not have to implement it itself: it is a callback method implemented by the visualization and GIS group). All the interfaces with UI (such as how UI will provide the other groups with selection information) should be well documented and agreed on by all groups.
Subsystem Decomposition into Layers Subsystem Decomposition Heuristics: No more than 7+/-2 subsystems More subsystems increase coherence but also complexity (more services) No more than 5+/-2 layers
Layer and Partition Relationships between Subsystems Layer relationship Layer A “Calls” Layer B (runtime) Layer A “Depends on” Layer B (“make” dependency, compile time) Partition relationship The subsystem have mutual but not deep knowledge about each other Partition A “Calls” partition B and partition B “Calls” partition A
A 3-layered Architecture Repair Inspection Authoring Augmented Reality Workflow Modeling
Tournament Statistics Another Example: ARENA Subsystem decomposition User Interface Tournament Advertisement User Management Component Management User Directory Tournament Statistics Session Management
Tournament Statistics Services provided by ARENA Subsystems User Interface Manages advertisement banners and sponsorships. Administers user accounts Manages tournaments, applications, promotions. Tournament Advertisement User Management For adding games, styles, and expert rating formulas Component Management User Directory Tournament Statistics Session Management Stores user profiles (contact & subscriptions) Stores results of archived tournaments Maintains state during matches.
Virtual Machine A virtual machine is an abstraction that provides a set of attributes and operations. A virtual machine is a subsystem connected to higher and lower level virtual machines by "provides services for" associations. Virtual machines can implement two types of software architecture: closed and open architectures. A virtual machine can be seen a collection of classes instead of a single class. This module uses services provided by lower level virtual machines and provides a service to higher level machines Key concept in structuring and providing abstraction, but slightly out of out of date, cannot deal with distributed architectures. Works still well for single processor architectures (tasks)
Virtual Machine (Dijkstra, 1965) A system should be developed by an ordered set of virtual machines, each built in terms of the ones below it. Problem VM1 C1 C1 C1 attr attr attr opr opr opr C1 C1 VM2 attr attr opr opr C1 VM3 C1 attr attr opr opr C1 VM4 attr opr Existing System
Closed Architecture (Opaque Layering) VM4 VM3 VM2 VM1 C1 attr op A virtual machine can only call operations from the layer below Design goal: High maintainability, flexibility
Open Architecture (Transparent Layering) A virtual machine can call operations from any layers below Design goal: Runtime efficiency C1 attr op C1 attr op C1 attr op VM1 C1 attr op C1 attr op VM2 C1 attr op C1 attr op VM3 C1 attr op C1 attr op VM4
Properties of Layered Systems Layered systems are hierarchical. They are desirable because hierarchy reduces complexity. Closed architectures are more portable. Open architectures are more efficient. If a subsystem is a layer, it is often called a virtual machine.
Software Architectural Styles Subsystem decomposition Identification of subsystems, services, and their relationship to each other. Specification of the system decomposition is critical. Patterns for software architecture Client/Server Peer-To-Peer Repository Model/View/Controller Pipes and Filters
Client/Server Architecture One or many servers provides services to instances of subsystems, called clients. Main difference with repository style: service vs data Client calls on the server, which performs some service and returns the result Client knows the interface of the server (its service) Server does not need to know the interface of the client Response in general immediately Users interact only with the client
Design Goals for Client/Server Systems Service Portability Server can be installed on a variety of machines and operating systems and functions in a variety of networking environments Transparency, Location-Transparency The server might itself be distributed (why?), but should provide a single "logical" service to the user Performance Client should be customized for interactive display-intensive tasks Server should provide CPU-intensive operations Scalability Server should have spare capacity to handle larger number of clients Flexibility The system should be usable for a variety of user interfaces and end devices (eg. WAP Handy, wearable computer, desktop) Reliability System should survive node or communication link problems
Problems with Client/Server Architectural Styles Layered systems do not provide peer-to-peer communication Peer-to-peer communication is often needed Example: Database receives queries from application but also sends notifications to application when data have changed
Peer-to-Peer Architecture Generalization of Client/Server Architecture Clients can be servers and servers can be clients Control Flow design is more difficult because of possibility of deadlocks
Three-tier architectural style. Subsystems are organized into three layers All boundary objects that deal with the user Interface Application Logic Storage Connection Form Query All control and entity objects that realize the processing and notification required by the application All persistent objects related to storage, retrieval and query
Four-tier architectural style. Subsystems are organized into four layers Web-based applications Presentation Server Application Logic Storage Connection Form Query Presentation Client WebBrowser
Repository Architecture Subsystems access and modify data from a single data structure Subsystems are loosely coupled (interact only through the repository) Control flow is dictated by central repository (triggers on the data invoke peripheral systems) or by the subsystems (locks imposed by subsystems in the repository). Subsystem Repository createData() setData() getData() searchData()
Examples of Repository Architectural Style Compiler SemanticAnalyzer SyntacticAnalyzer Optimizer CodeGenerator LexicalAnalyzer Repository Hearsay II speech understanding system (“Blackboard architecture”) Database Management Systems ParseTree SymbolTable SourceLevelDebugger SyntacticEditor
Model/View/Controller Subsystems are classified into 3 different types Model subsystem: Responsible for application domain knowledge View subsystem: Responsible for displaying application domain objects to the user Controller subsystem: Responsible for sequence of interactions with the user and notifying views of changes in the model. MVC is a special case of a repository architecture: Model subsystem implements the central data structure, the Controller subsystem explicitly dictate the control flow Controller Model subscriber notifier initiator * repository 1 View
Example of a File System based on MVC Architecture
Sequence of Events for the MVC architecture example :Controller :InfoView :Model 2.User types new filename 1. Views subscribe to event 3. Request name change in model 4. Notify subscribers 5. Updated views :FolderView
Pipe and Filter Architecture Subsystems process data received from a set of inputs and send the results to other subsystems via a set of outputs Subsystems are called filters Associations between the subsystems are called pipes Each filter is executed concurrently and synchronization is done via the pipes Filters can be substituded for others or reconfigured to achieve a different purpose Pipe input output * 1 Filter
An instance of the pipe and filter architecture (Unix command and UML activity diagram). % ps auxwww | grep dutoit | sort | more dutoit 19737 0.2 1.6 1908 1500 pts/6 O 15:24:36 0:00 -tcsh dutoit 19858 0.2 0.7 816 580 pts/6 S 15:38:46 0:00 grep dutoit dutoit 19859 0.2 0.6 812 540 pts/6 O 15:38:47 0:00 sort ps grep sort more ps – process status grep – search for a pattern sort – sort input data more – displays data one screen at a time
Summary System Design Design Goals Definition Subsystem Decomposition Reduces the gap between requirements and the machine Decomposes the overall system into manageable parts Design Goals Definition Describes and prioritizes the qualities that are important for the system Defines the value system against which options are evaluated Subsystem Decomposition Results into a set of loosely dependent parts which make up the system