Araja Suno Merey Parama Krupala O my Supreme Lord Sai, You are supremely compassionate, the Treasure of Mercy and Forgiveness; Please hear my request
Partheeswara Sai Deva O Lord of Parthi, Sai Deva
Sathya Sanathana Antaryami You are the embodiment of Highest Eternal Truth; You are the indweller of our hearts
Sakala Chara Chara Tuma Ho Swami O Swami You are everything! You pervade mobile and immobile things as their sustaining Presence; You are the Lord of all creations
Janama Marana Sey Par Karo Please take me beyond the terrible vortex of Birth and Death
Bhava Bhandhana Sey Uddhar Karo Please liberate me from this bondage of attachment and worldly existence