20 th SMOS SAG, ESAC, 2 & 3 November SMOS Project Status 1.Payload 2.Platform 3.Satellite 4.Launcher 5.Flight Operations Ground Segment 6.Data Processing Ground Segment [N. Wright] 7.Processor developments [S. Delwart] 8.Calibration Expertise Center (CEC) 9.SVRT [S. Delwart] 10.Other Issues
20 th SMOS SAG, ESAC, 2 & 3 November Payload (1) All MOHA bits & pieces delivered, being successively integrated. CCU provisionally delivered, to proceed with electrical integration (but see below) CMNs: 6 units delivered and integrated (but see below) EMC filters for CMN harness procured / integrated / inspected LICEF units transferred from STM used for antenna pattern measurements at DTU to FM (but see below) X-band chain, Pyrobox, all units of CAS delivered and integrated Most harness and thermal control (thermistors, thermostats, heaters) integrated.
20 th SMOS SAG, ESAC, 2 & 3 November Payload (2) Problem case 1: CCU Between the ICU part (Astrium) and the MOHA part (Contraves), there is a board which has to make ~ 750 connections! This is done by so-called “interposer” connectors. 1 connection failed during shock test, leading to detailed investigations about board quality, connector qualification history, and mechanical configuration. Present state: New board under procurement, new (mechanically symmetric) connectors under procurement, mechanical design reworked. Once assembled / tested at board level, CCU will be returned to Astrium for replacing the board and completing mechanical test programme (shock & vibration) To be completed before end 2006.
20 th SMOS SAG, ESAC, 2 & 3 November Payload (3) Problem case 2: CMN Series production of CMNs (total of 13) is running late. All manufacturing / board assembly complete, box level test / acceptance programme running. From the 6 completed CMNs, 2 showed failures: –1 local oscillator board showed anomalous locking behaviour (locking on side-tune when upwards sweeping frequency) –1 local oscillator board did not lock at all. Investigations are ongoing (component failures? Spurious contact to ground? Difference sine wave / square wave? etc.) Completion of CMN deliveries expected by end November 2006.
20 th SMOS SAG, ESAC, 2 & 3 November Payload (4) Problem case 3: LICEF / NIR Antennas During the antenna pattern measurement campaign, one LICEF antenna showed abnormal behaviour in X pol. Replacing with the spare, the spare showed similar behaviour. Cause seems to be a poor board quality (insufficient copper thickness in the through- holes) combined with poor workmanship of connection soldering (insufficient solder fillet) leading to cracks in the connection under mechanical stress. Initiated course of actions: –re-procurement of patch boards –re-manufacturing of first antenna batch of 18 –inspection of all other antennas
20 th SMOS SAG, ESAC, 2 & 3 November Payload (5) Low level / application software acceptance tested on EM Electrical test procedures are being coded for automatic execution on the EGSE EGSE not completely stable (mainly for data storage / analysis issues) MGSE for TV and IVT being produced, test procedures generated Problem:availability of Large Space Simulator for TV test (blocked by ATV and Herschel projects, accumulating delays) Conclusion:P/L level test programme not expected to start before early 2007.
20 th SMOS SAG, ESAC, 2 & 3 November Platform Proteus platform for SMOS Mission completed and formally delivered. “BV 2”test for tailored software to commence in November, but depends on: –Corot launch –PL - EM availability SMOS Platform
20 th SMOS SAG, ESAC, 2 & 3 November Satellite Satellite CDR successfully completed 3 issues: –Clearance between arm deployment & solar Array –Battery management –Failure detection & isolation optimisation AIT planning (incl. need P/L support) completed. Total duration (incl. realistic allocations for holiday periods etc.) 9 month incl. margin. Start date depends on completion of P/L delivery. No major interference from other PROTEUS – based projects expected (Corot, Jason 2)
20 th SMOS SAG, ESAC, 2 & 3 November Launcher Injection scenario modified such that PROBA 2 is injected below SMOS Final Mission Analysis meeting under preparation (thermal analysis, ICD updates, …) Launch site survey delayed until March 2007 Joint Operations Plan: baseline is separate transport / preparation of PROBA 2 Launcher adaptor manufacturing completed, waiting for arrangements with Krunichev for fit-check GOCE FMAM December 2006 with SMOS participation (mainly to verify Cryosat lessons-learnt implementation)
20 th SMOS SAG, ESAC, 2 & 3 November Flight Operations Ground Segment CNES SOGS adaptation proceeding nominally: –TM/TC data base, PRESTO simulator –G2 (flight dynamics) –LEOP scenario definition Payload operations facility PLPC: first version delivered and installed (at ESTEC and at ESAC), evaluation / familiarisation ongoing Payload simulator “MIRASIM” delivered and used First version of mission planning facility (SPGF) delivered and under evaluation. Flight operations procedures (payload on / off, calibration timelines) are being developed and verified.
20 th SMOS SAG, ESAC, 2 & 3 November Data Processing Ground Segment see dedicated presentation by N. Wright
20 th SMOS SAG, ESAC, 2 & 3 November Processor Development see dedicated presentation by S. Delwart
20 th SMOS SAG, ESAC, 2 & 3 November Calibration Expertise Center (1) A collection of tools and knowledge-full people to look at the quality of the mission output. Developments: SMOS Product Quality Facility (SPQF): automatic monitoring of functional product parameters (processing quality, aux data availability, limit checks, …) Monitoring facility (MF): automatic generation of parameter plots, statistics, etc. which enable skilled people to assess quality and stability of products and parameter fields Data viewer “Interactive analysis tools” (IAT): collection of specialised tools to assess specific aspects of the mission.
20 th SMOS SAG, ESAC, 2 & 3 November Calibration Expertise Center (2) Mission Manager Operations SPGF PLPC MIRASIM PXMF SOGS I/F SOGS PDPC Ops. XBAS PLPC core ops→ MUIS I/F Level 0 Proc Level 1 Proc Level 2 Proc SPQF LTA I/F LTA Repr. Fac. CEC MF IAT Ref. Proc L. 1 Ref. Proc L. 2 Data Viewer I/F with SVRT SVRT PLSO OBSM Instr. Expert GS Organigramme
20 th SMOS SAG, ESAC, 2 & 3 November Calibration Expertise Center (3) Status: SPQF: part of DPGS development. Functions to be defined by industry MF:based upon tool by Deimos (Sp) developped for Cryosat. Generic functions by industry, specific functions ESTEC in-house. First set of required functions defined for level 1, level 2 to follow (~ 4 months from now) DV:development under way IAT:generic ideas expected from science community / Cal/Val AO participants. After demonstration of the principle and tuning of algo / parameters, handover to CEC expected. Examples: RFI monitoring, Ruf method, Dome C comp., …
20 th SMOS SAG, ESAC, 2 & 3 November SVRT see dedicated presentation by S. Delwart
20 th SMOS SAG, ESAC, 2 & 3 November Other Issues SEPS: “SEPS GS” for generation of representative X-band data NRT Service: DOSTAG / PB-EO are discussing since more than one year the possibility of a NRT upgrade for SMOS Mission / System Key Point (~Feb 07): review of preparation status for system integration and validation Commissioning phase definition: not much progress Preparation for phase E are starting slowly: –Nomination of a Mission Manager –Level of staffing at ESAC / functions –Phase E management plan and available budgets.