IFTA, Inc. Clearinghouse 2006 Las Vegas, Nevada
To share Demographic and Transmittal data between member jurisdictions. The Clearinghouse has expanded beyond the initial concept to include, Paperless Transmittals, a Decal Database and Inter-jurisdictional Audit Reports
Clearinghouse design began The Clearinghouse went Live Redesigned the Clearinghouse as a SOA, Web Based. - EDI was dropped in favor of flat files, this eased the burden on vendors and jurisdictions looking to join the Clearinghouse. - Web Services became the only means of sharing the Clearinghouse data to users. This in turn lead to more users joining, eliminated a cumbersome set of software and allowed further expansion of the services the Clearinghouse could offer at enormously reduced costs CAC\Clearinghouse Advisory Committee was formed Summary Totals were defined for Paperless Transmittals The decal data base was created. (optional to users) An Inter-jurisdictional Audit Report upload tool was created. (optional) IFTA Members participate in the Clearinghouse Goal for Funds Netting to be implemented.
Consists of a sampling of IFTA member jurisdictions, Clearinghouse members and non-members and vendor specific users. Their goal is to over see the development and use of the Clearinghouse.
2005 – Some jurisdictions have stopped sending paper transmittals to other Clearinghouse members. They have met all requirements to become paperless. Jurisdiction notification that transmittals have been posted to the Clearinghouse is done through an automatic process.
42 Members
Demographic Hits
Transmittal Hits
Inter-jurisdictional Audit Reports
General Statistics 550,732 Carrier Records 17,882,111 Total Transmittal Records 273 Audits Posted June 5, ,748 Decals Posted
Total amount AR will get back or be funding. Total amount Due to or From each Jurisdiction.. FUNDS NETTING Data Compliance Deadline October 1, 2006 Failure to comply will result in lost access rights to the Clearinghouse. All Transmittals will be grouped and totaled by date.
Summary amounts due to or from the Clearinghouse. FUNDS NETTING cont.