Beyond a Bipolar World Chp.31 Sec. 3 By Nicolas Lozano
The Third World After the superpowers left their colonies it left the newly independent states with many issues, mainly issues inside the states. (Bulliet 839) Many non-European nations, mainly new, poor nations came together as non-aligned nations and Third World nations. (Spodek 643) These nations did not side with any of the power blocs during the Cold War, the two power blocs were the West consisting of the United States, and the East led by the soviets. (Andrea 451) Many leaders from these non-aligned nations used their neutrality as way to get money and support from on, or both of the superpowers by playing each of the superpowers to their favor. (Holt 260) Several nations especially Egypt was able to play the nations to their favor and profit greatly, the United States started the Aswan Dam and from the soviets they received weapons. (Bulliet 840)
Japan and China Japan and China were able to take advantage by the preoccupation of the superpowers. (Bulliet 840) Japan put its efforts into rebuilding their industries and taking participation of the world commerce. (Holt 255) It was hard and took a long a time to rebuild the regional economy of Japan because their was still bitterness over the military occupation of Japan. (Bulliet 840) Japan took little part of the Cold War politics thus allowing its industries to grow mainly electricity, steel, and shipbuilding. ( Bulliet 841) China was deeply involved in Cold War politics, when Mao Zedong defeated the nationalist and created the Peoples Republic of China the Soviet Union provided them with arms and were strong allies. (Andrea 267) By 1956 the PRC and the Soviets started to separate from each other, mainly because the soviets rejected Stalinism and soviets favoring the industrial class while Mao favored the peasantry. (Spodek 643) In 1966 Mao created the Cultural Revolution which he ordered a mass of youth to join the Red Guard, in order to prevent an revolution from happening in the future. (Holt 251)) /10/mao-zedong.jpg
The Middle East Arab countries slowly and gradually gained their independence, mainly after and during the World Wars. (Bulliet 841) An important part of Middle eastern politics was the British policy in Palestine, in which Britain would greatly favor the Zionist Jews. (Roman 1) As more Jews looked for a way to escape the Nazi persecution, the more the Arabs felt threatened. (Spodek 714) The Arabs created a guerilla uprising against the British in 1936 and Jewish groups, several times these two groups would confront each other in riots and killings showing how reaching peaceful coexistence would be difficult. (Andrea 271) The British were unable to solve these problems so they handed over the issue to the United Nations. (Bulliet 842) After Israel declared its independence Arab countries and the Palestine's sent in armies to destroy the new state. (Roman 1) Israel fought back and was able to win, later on they attacked Egyptian and Syrian air basses. The Palestine Liberal Organization fought Israel mainly through terrorist methods. (Spodek 680) After World War II the oil wealth of the Middle East was realized, the oil producing states joined in the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC). (Andrea 273) Several states used their oil as a way to threaten and punish other countries. (Holt 273) g_400x400_q85.jpg
The Emergence of Environmental Concerns Very few people warned that untested technologies and the large increase in the industrial productivity would harm the environment. (Bulliet 843) The superpowers did not consider the environmental impact of pesticides, exhaust, industrial waste disposal. (Spodek 645) Several protest mainly led by students in the 60’s and 70’s caused awareness of environmental issues. (Bulliet 843) The large protest caused many nations to pass regulations. (Holt 623) Environmental issues related to limited natural resources when the price of oil sky rocketed. (Andrea 392) Due to the price of oil skyrocketing the government looked into way of cutting back on the consumption of oil such as by making engines more efficient, and lowering speed limits to conserve fuel. (Bulliet 83) ustrial-pollution.jpg
Bibliography "Aftermath." Aftermath News. 9 Mar Andrea, Alfred, and James Overfield. The Human Record: Sources Of Global History: Volume I. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, Bulliet, Richard W., and Pamela Kyle Crossley. The Earth And Its People: A Global History. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, "Images." njuifamilyinternational. 9 Mar Review, Princeton. Cracking the AP World History Exam, 2009 Edition (College Test Prep). New York: Princeton Review, Romans. "The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict - Issues in a Nutshell." Middle East: MidEastWeb. 30 Mar Spodek, Howard. The World's History: Combined (2nd Edition). Alexandria, VA: Prentice Hall, "View images." Stanfrod. 9 Mar "Wordpress." Isiria Files. 9 Mar