Reunion GDRν, College de France,Paris,\20Oct05V. Palladino BENE and the ISS Beams for European Neutrino Experiments (BENE) subtitle: A Network aiming at a consensual road map for accelerator based neutrino programs in Europe A complex multi-parameter problem International Scoping Study of a future Neutrino Factory and Superbeam facility (ISS) FP7 Design Study of a future superior Accelerator Neutrino Facility “Euro ν” DS in world wide collaboration W orld DS
Reunion GDRν, College de France,Paris,\20Oct05V. Palladino BENE and the ISS
Reunion GDRν, College de France,Paris,\20Oct05V. Palladino BENE and the ISS P ee =1- …..Pe=Pe= P =1- ….. P =1- ….. P = P e = ……. P e = Pe=Pe= P = ….. The matrix of neutrino transition probability
Reunion GDRν, College de France,Paris,\20Oct05V. Palladino BENE and the ISS P ee =1- ….. P e = - 4 Re J e 12 sin 2 - 4 Re J e 13 sin 2 - 4 Re J e 23 sin 2 ± 8J sin sin sin P =1- ….. P =1- ….. P = - 4 Re J 12 sin 2 - 4 Re J 13 sin 2 - 4 Re J 23 sin 2 ± 8J sin sin sin P e = ……. P e = - 4 … - 4 … - 4 … - (± 8J…. P e = - 4 Re J e 12 sin 2 - 4 Re J e 13 sin 2 - 4 Re J e 23 sin 2 ± 8J sin sin sin P = ….. The matrix of neutrino transition probability J’s mixings mass splittings three, but two J CPV phase
Reunion GDRν, College de France,Paris,\20Oct05V. Palladino BENE and the ISS P ee =1- ….. P e = - 4 Re J e 12 sin 2 - 4 Re J e 13 sin 2 - 4 Re J e 23 sin 2 ± 8J sin sin sin P =1- ….. P =1- ….. P = - 4 Re J 12 sin 2 - 4 Re J 13 sin 2 - 4 Re J 23 sin 2 ± 8J sin sin sin P e = ……. P e = - 4 … - 4 … - 4 … - (± 8J…. P e = - 4 Re J e 12 sin 2 - 4 Re J e 13 sin 2 - 4 Re J e 23 sin 2 ± 8J sin sin sin P = ….. T & CP violating term e -iδ universal The matrix of neutrino transition probability Experiments ahead of us, for decades …….. Solar (SuperK,SNO) LBL Reactors (Kamland) Atmo K2K, NuMI, CNGS
Reunion GDRν, College de France,Paris,\20Oct05V. Palladino BENE and the ISS We must reinforce BENE to match the challenges Deputy Leader vacant Physics Mezzetto/INFN Driver Cavata/CEA … enfin must reinforce initiative SPL, RCS, FFAG ? TargetBennett/RAL … retiring, at some point, CERN CNGS? Collector Dumarchez/IN2P3 but, can he & we count on IN2P3? Novel beams MuFront Long/ICL welcome! MuEnd Meot/CEA Betabeam Lindroos/CERN SPL Superbeam 3.5 GeV A.Cazes et al Nufact 6-10 GeV S. Brooks et al Contacts in progress with various candidates will find a place for all the ones available, we need all the forces we can have
Reunion GDRν, College de France,Paris,\20Oct05V. Palladino BENE and the ISS Status Report from BENE V. Palladino, CARESG, College de France, Sep BENE established on the EU scene MMW workshop May 2004: the MMW frontier Villars SPSC meeting Sep 04, where we cashed renewed attention to a Eu ν program (R&D) emergence of a ν “construction window” !!!!!!!!!!! Betabeam DS approved ! 2005 BENE consolidated on the EU & international scene –NNN05 in April and NuFact05 in June physics case further established in the two workshops R&D advancing ( HARP data out, MERIT+MICE approved, ISS launched ) full recognition of BENE at CERN as the ν center of initiative the ν voice in the strategic discussion ahead CARE-Report BENE.doc CARE-Report BENE.doc
Reunion GDRν, College de France,Paris,\20Oct05V. Palladino BENE and the ISS proud to have gotten this far Matching our two crucial 2005 milestones Physics case developped as far as possible today in the most international context possible becoming a polished BENE Interim report Design Study road traced by ISS in spite of outstanding difficulties small size of our community & its core of active people cern contribution being resurrected only now (slowly) division that makes at times consensus unnecessarily difficult NB legitimate different scientific interests do exist collapse of FP6 calls and more
Reunion GDRν, College de France,Paris,\20Oct05V. Palladino BENE and the ISS After a few nice forward jumps 1 step back and ½ step forward approval of BENE NA within I3 (CARE) MMW Workshop Villars & beyond FP6 Design Study? I3ν? Mar 05 Niet! 1 year ISS FP7&WDS Design Study Nov 04 Niet! Jun 05-Aug 06 Mar 07 Mar 05
Reunion GDRν, College de France,Paris,\20Oct05V. Palladino BENE and the ISS BENE+EURISOL
Reunion GDRν, College de France,Paris,\20Oct05V. Palladino BENE and the ISS
Reunion GDRν, College de France,Paris,\20Oct05V. Palladino BENE and the ISS positive signals, after meager years of LHC crisis 1) EU approval (HIPPI and BENE) Main conclusion MMW and ’s back on the EU map, maybe 2) attention of CERN & National Agencies …. more vigourous R&D soon maybe can CERN envisage a high intensity (M-MW) frontier besides its high energy (M-TeV) frontier ? undisputed mandate
Reunion GDRν, College de France,Paris,\20Oct05V. Palladino BENE and the ISS Second conclusion A rich program appears possible around a SPL (Superconductive Proton Linac) but it may with other proton drivers too, like a RCS, most likely (Rapid Cycling Synchrotron) two options 1) high energy ……. NuFact (& Superbeam) 2) low energy …….. Betabeam (& Superbeam)
Reunion GDRν, College de France,Paris,\20Oct05V. Palladino BENE and the ISS Third conclusion …. a question LHC (& upgrade) will be the first priority Next HE project.. CLIC Will there be a window for a MMW investment?
Reunion GDRν, College de France,Paris,\20Oct05V. Palladino BENE and the ISS
Reunion GDRν, College de France,Paris,\20Oct05V. Palladino BENE and the ISS Two main physics strategies use of the high neutrino rate (>10 20 /year) and energy (10-50 GeV) of Neutrino Factory + LMD detector of large but not huge mass ( Kt), necessarily magnetic (a dense magnetized Iron detector, or, possibly, Li-Argon), a few 1000 Km away. use of the lower neutrino rate ( /year) and energy (sub-GeV) of Betabeam + Megaton low density detector of very large mass (0.5-1 Mt) and volume (0.5-1 Mm 3 ) non magnetic (a Water Cerenkov detector, or possibly, again Li-Argon), a few 100 Km away. ν e + ν νe νe
Reunion GDRν, College de France,Paris,\20Oct05V. Palladino BENE and the ISS BetaRing Muon Complex G.Sasso LMD 0.1 Mton Frejus 1 Mton Water C Garoby Haseroth Lindroos EU Neutrino Complex Proton complex
Reunion GDRν, College de France,Paris,\20Oct05V. Palladino BENE and the ISS Superbeam (high power conventional beams) is less performing, per se but does have technical synergy with the NuFact largely coincides with the front end of a Factory solving the technical challenges of a several MegaWatt proton driver and target & collection system, on the way to build a factory, yields a superbeam facility essentially for free (not its detector, however!) and does have scientific synergy with the Betabeam can use the same detector combination has some truely unique features: 1) oscillation signal is ν e →ν μ in the first, ν μ →ν e. in the second, one calibrates the signal (and background) of the other ! 2) T-reversal and CPT asymmetries can be measured likely to be integrated in both strategies ν ν
Reunion GDRν, College de France,Paris,\20Oct05V. Palladino BENE and the ISS Esample of comparison of physics reach: CP violating phase Figure 7 : 99%CL sensitivity of the beta-beam, of the SPL-SuperBeam, and of their combination, see text. Dotted line is the combined Superbeam+beta- beam sensitivity computed for sign( m 2 )=-1. Sensitivities are compared with a 50 GeV Neutrino Factory producing 2 decays/straight section/year, and two 40 kton detectors at 3000 and 7000 km Comparable merits : NuFact somewhat better and more versatile for ν oscillations Megaton offers sinergy with N decay and more NB conclusions highly preliminary based on still not well agreed yardsticks must now be re-scrutinized much more in depth (ISS) !!!
Reunion GDRν, College de France,Paris,\20Oct05V. Palladino BENE and the ISS Betabeam + MegatonNuFact + LMD are complementary !!!!!!!!!!! each has merits unaccesible to the other (matter effects, CP, T, CPT violation, p decay, astroph. & cosmology.. ) by means of truely international collaboration we could and should aim at having both facilities A general remark and we must push both very actively catch opportunities wherever they emerge seriously aim at building one in Europe in the “construction window” ! !
Reunion GDRν, College de France,Paris,\20Oct05V. Palladino BENE and the ISS Further caveat Intermediate solutions also emerging ! Higher energy and higher rate betabeams heading to detectors at intermediate distances thou technically more difficult ( beta acceleration in new higher energy SPS or LHC !) do deserve very careful attention
Reunion GDRν, College de France,Paris,\20Oct05V. Palladino BENE and the ISS 100 participants HyperK UNO Memphys
Reunion GDRν, College de France,Paris,\20Oct05V. Palladino BENE and the ISS All aspects of Megaton physics revised and updated state of the art material for full elaboration of BENE physics case
Reunion GDRν, College de France,Paris,\20Oct05V. Palladino BENE and the ISS Strong reinforcement of international cooperation achieved …………………………………………………………
Reunion GDRν, College de France,Paris,\20Oct05V. Palladino BENE and the ISS 200 participants All aspects of future ν physics revised and updated state of the art material for full elaboration of BENE physics case
Reunion GDRν, College de France,Paris,\20Oct05V. Palladino BENE and the ISS NuFact Scientific Program To be inserted
Reunion GDRν, College de France,Paris,\20Oct05V. Palladino BENE and the ISS Sunday June 26 9:00-13:00 1) Physics Studies : Status & priorities 1) Accelerator R&D : Status & priorities 2) Neutrino Detectors: Status & priorities WW R&D Session PANEL & OPEN DISCUSSION Launch International Scoping Study … to report at NuFact06
Reunion GDRν, College de France,Paris,\20Oct05V. Palladino BENE and the ISS A Summer School accompanied the workshop: 22 students, 12 lecturers
Reunion GDRν, College de France,Paris,\20Oct05V. Palladino BENE and the ISS The International Scoping Study (ISS) on Neutrino Factories and Superbeam s A joint venture, jointly set up by the coordinators of the US Neutrino Factory Collaboration the Japanese NuFact-J Work Group the Eu BENE Network and the host (RAL) UKNF Collaboration to lay the foundation of a full blown International Design Study that must advance to same level of progress as Betabeams S. Geer Y. Kuno V. Palladino K. Peach
Reunion GDRν, College de France,Paris,\20Oct05V. Palladino BENE and the ISS started in March-April by RAL All aspects included, except accelerator Betabeam studies
Reunion GDRν, College de France,Paris,\20Oct05V. Palladino BENE and the ISS International Scoping Study : agenda for one year Sep CERN a success !!! Late January KEK Mid April RAL Late AugustNuFact06 in Irvine hopefully, NuFact06 will launch International Design Study and FP7 Eu Design Study Matching funds + topical intermediate workshops Physics, London, Nov.
Reunion GDRν, College de France,Paris,\20Oct05V. Palladino BENE and the ISS Detectors (NEW!) Water Cherenkov (1000kton) Magnetized Iron Calorimeter (50kton) Low Z scintillator (100 kton) Liquid Argon TPC (100 kton) Hybrid Emulsion (4 kton) Near detectors (and instrumentation) Physics compare performance of various options on equal footing of parameters and conventions and agreed standards of resolutions, simulation etc. identify tools needed to do so (e.g. Globes upgraded?) propose « best values » of baselines, beam energies etc.. Accelerator: -- proton driver (energy, time structure and consequences) -- target and capture (chose target and capture system) -- phase rotation and cooling -- acceleration and storage evaluate economic interplays and risks include a measure of costing and safety assessment (A.Blondel) (Y. Nagashima) (M. Zisman) P. Dornan NB BetaBeam included The three sectors of SS (andDS)
Reunion GDRν, College de France,Paris,\20Oct05V. Palladino BENE and the ISS Int. Scoping Study(*) Design Study BENE : the longer term plan CDR … at the time of end of LHC payment first LHC results ILC decision be ready to catch any construction window Physics feasibility Feasibility & TPW HIPPI, HARP MERIT MICE PRISM, EMMA NB Betabeam CDR End 2009 ! Construction window
Reunion GDRν, College de France,Paris,\20Oct05V. Palladino BENE and the ISS The HARP experiment TPC Forward Spectrometer Total Acceptance Scan CERN PS energy range … RCS is an option
Reunion GDRν, College de France,Paris,\20Oct05V. Palladino BENE and the ISS (US, Japan, CERN&RAL) holds the key to any superbeam !!! tests the single shot behavior at MMW driver of target and collection (solenoid, horn?) should make that more known better supported and manned should evolve that into a MMW target and collector Test Area? The most crucial experiment for the future of the ν can we master the MMW? The MERIT ( nTof 11) experiment
Reunion GDRν, College de France,Paris,\20Oct05V. Palladino BENE and the ISS Liquid jet target in 15T mag. field
Reunion GDRν, College de France,Paris,\20Oct05V. Palladino BENE and the ISS MICE …. crucial demonstration esperiment for the feasibility of a Neutrino Factory Phase I completely funded by now- Datataking starts April
Reunion GDRν, College de France,Paris,\20Oct05V. Palladino BENE and the ISS
Reunion GDRν, College de France,Paris,\20Oct05V. Palladino BENE and the ISS Emma
Reunion GDRν, College de France,Paris,\20Oct05V. Palladino BENE and the ISS One crucial task of BENE in the ISS year assemble a real EDS (Eu DesignStudy) collaboration !!!!! that will sign and provide the manpower & largest part of the funds, matching funds, for a FP7 bid able to have the blessing of ECFA and good odds of approval in Brussels. find the synthesis of so far not obviously converging interests CERN, INFN, CCLRC, IN2P3, CEA, PPARC, CSIC, Germany?, Belgium, NIKHEF, everybody CERN positive attitude towards the ISS and BENE’s initiative willingness to assemble a small ISS task force (R. Garoby) will no doubt greatly help
Reunion GDRν, College de France,Paris,\20Oct05V. Palladino BENE and the ISS Plans for the rest of 2005 Heading towards CARE/BENE November CERN Seminar September 13 on NuFact05 ISS meeting Sep …. well focused work did start Interim BENE Report, based on NNN05 and NuFact05, ready mid-November requested explicitely also by the CERN DG in view of Council in December Input to the strategic discussion in progress at CERN FPA POFPA SPC road map for HEP in Europe
Reunion GDRν, College de France,Paris,\20Oct05V. Palladino BENE and the ISS PAF Proton Accelerator Future study group (R. Garoby) (J. Ellis) The optimal Eu p-complex for LHC upgrades ν, K μ + other fix targ Eurisol more? POFPA Physics Opportunities of Future Proton Accelerators CERN Council Task Force (Peach/SPC+Akesson/ECFA) Road Map for HEP in Europe, special SPC Lisbon July 06 A decisive debate ahead of us BENE has its voices in all of them Open Symposium At CERN early 06
Reunion GDRν, College de France,Paris,\20Oct05V. Palladino BENE and the ISS BENE B eams for E uropean N eutrino E xperiments Coordinator: V. PalladinoV. Palladino Deputy coordinator: E. GschwendtnerE. Gschwendtner BENE is a Networking Activity (N3) in the framework of CARE (Coordinated Accelerator R&D in Europe).CARE Main Objectives The aim of this Networking Activity is to integrate and coordinate the activities of the accelerator and particle physics communities working together, in a worldwide context, towards achieving superior neutrino beam facilities for Europe. The final objectives are: to establish a road map for upgrade of our present facility and the design and construction of new ones; to assemble a community capable of sustaining the technical realisation and scientific exploitation of these facilities; to establish and propose the necessary R&D efforts to achieve these goals. Work PackagesMeetings 1.PHYSICS (M. Mezzetto)PHYSICSM. Mezzetto 2.DRIVER (C. Cavata)DRIVERC. Cavata 3.TARGET (R. Bennett)TARGET R. Bennett 4.COLLECTOR (J. Dumarchez)COLLECTORJ. Dumarchez 5.NOVEL NEUTRINO BEAMS: MUFRONT (R. Edgecock) MUFRONTR. Edgecock MUEND (F. Meot) MUENDF. Meot BETABEAM (M. Lindroos) BETABEAMM. Lindroos 1st Workshop1st Workshop of the Physics WG of the International Scoping Study (ISS), Imperial College, London, Nov 14-21Physics WGInternational Scoping Study (ISS), ECFA/BENE Week ECFA/BENE Week, (BENE05), Nov 22-25, CERN, Switzerland, yearly workshop held within the annual general meeting of CARE (CARE05).CARE05 2nd general meeting2nd general meeting of the International Scoping Study (ISS), KEK, Japan, Jan International Scoping Study (ISS) more....more PublicationsGeneral Links Overview Annual Report 2004 BENE Quaterly Reports Publications from the Work PackagesWork Packages Other Publications CARE Neutrino and Muon Activities at CERN European Neutrino Group The International Scoping Study (ISS) of a future Neutrino Factory and Superbeam facility Old BENE web-page VP Last modified on Aug 9, 2005
Reunion GDRν, College de France,Paris,\20Oct05V. Palladino BENE and the ISS 14:00-17:30 Plenary ECFA/BENE meetings, CERN IT Amphi 31/3-004 Design and Scoping Studies Session 14:00 FP6 Betabeam Design Study (M. Lindroos) Agenda in preparation 15:00 International NuFact & Superbeam Scoping Study (P. Dornan) Agenda in preparation, likely to resemble to Physics- including Report from the IC Workshop - Accelerator Detectors 16:30 International & FP7 Design Study: preparing for them (R. Aleksan)) The FP6 Eurisol experienceY. Blumenfeld The FP6 EuroTev experience E. Hensen The FP7 Neutrino Factory and Superbeam Design Study (DS) General discussion on: Scientific and Technical Strategy of the DS Structure of the DS European Collaboration Milestones in 2006 CARE November at CERN In particular Thursday 24 Nov
Reunion GDRν, College de France,Paris,\20Oct05V. Palladino BENE and the ISS We must reinforce BENE to match the challenges Deputy Leader vacant Physics Mezzetto/INFN Driver Cavata/CEA … enfin must reinforce initiative SPL, RCS, FFAG ? TargetBennett/RAL … retiring, at some point, CERN? Collector Dumarchez/IN2P3 but, can he & we count on IN2P3? Novel beams MuFront Long/ICL welcome! MuEnd Meot/CEA Betabeam Lindroos/CERN SPL Superbeam 3.5 GeV A.Cazes et al Nufact 6-10 GeV S. Brooks et al Contacts in progress with various candidates will find a place for all the ones available, we need all the forces we can have
Reunion GDRν, College de France,Paris,\20Oct05V. Palladino BENE and the ISS The End
Reunion GDRν, College de France,Paris,\20Oct05V. Palladino BENE and the ISS BENE-I input alla Road Map INFN
Reunion GDRν, College de France,Paris,\20Oct05V. Palladino BENE and the ISS Interno Estero Frascati Milano Napoli Padova Roma III Trieste (*) (*) con Claudio Montanari, in CSN5, abbiamo scorporato le richieste di Trieste per BENE, presentate ei moduli MICE per volere del loro direttore, nonostante le nostre resistenze e la presenza di Romanino e Schwetz, e di riportarle su BENE-DZ. Era l' ultimo step necessario per una chiarificazione e separazione completa. Fondi BENE attenzione del coordinatore INFN matching funds for BENE & ISS