Oct Ron McFadyen1 Collaborations Collaboration : an arrangement of classes, links, roles in a context to implement some behaviour. Name of pattern appears in a dashed oval. Links to classes shown with participation roles.
Oct Ron McFadyen2 Decorator 1 component decorator Concrete component Concrete decoratorA Concrete decoratorB operation() Client
Oct Ron McFadyen3 Decorator Beverage Condiment Decorator HouseBlend DarkRoast Decaf Espresso MilkMochaSoyWhip Decorator applied to the starbuzz system for managing the different coffee products starbuzz sells.
Oct Ron McFadyen4 Decorator Beverage Condiment Decorator HouseBlend DarkRoast Decaf Espresso MilkMochaSoyWhip Decorator Concrete decorator Concrete component Component Concrete decorator Concrete component The class diagram augmented to show the roles the classes/objects play in the decorator collaboration
Oct Ron McFadyen5 Decorator What is the object diagram for A whipped mocha espresso? A mocha whipped soy decaf? A triple mocha whipped dark roast? Using the code from the text: Draw the sequence diagram to show how a triple mocha whipped dark roast is created. Draw the sequence diagram to show how the description of a triple mocha whipped dark roast is obtained. What is that description? Draw the sequence diagram to show how the cost of a triple mocha whipped dark roast is obtained. What is that cost?