Transports of Organic Carbon and Nutrients in the Kaoping River-Sea System J.-J. Hung, H.-M. Yang, E.-T. Yeh, Y.-C. Yeh, C.-M. Ho and I..-J. Lai Institute of Marine Geology and Chemistry, National Sun Yat- Sen University Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Outlines Riverine fluxes of suspended sediment, and dissolved and particulate carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus Meterological conditions vs. riverine fluxes Transformation of riverine CNP in the Kaoping Estuary (net fluxes) Coastal CNP budgets (on-going studies)
Dadson et al., 2003 Kaoping River
里嶺大橋 Sampling period: Aug/1999-July/2000 ( La Nina event) 2002 ( El Nino event) Historical
Sampling locations in the Kaoping River
Sampling locations and their elevations and discharge contributions
Sediment Yield (Kaoping watershed) 1999/2000: 3.6*10 3 g/m 2 /yr 2002: 0.656*10 3 g/m 2 /yr World’s rivers (mean): 150 g/m 2 /yr Island’s rivers (mean): 3*10 3 g/m 2 /yr # derived from suspended load only
Particle size vs. river discharge (water elevation) Pabuk Typhoon Wutip Typhoon Sepat Typhoon Krosa Typhoon Dry season Wet season
Particulate organic carbon (POC) Particulate inorganic nitrogen (PON)
Particulate organic phosphorus (POP) Particulate inorganic phosphorus (PIP)
Chemical Yield ( Ca, Mg, K, Na, Cl, SO 4, HCO 3, Si) 1999/2000: 1.14*10 3 g/m 2 /yr 2002: 0.416*10 3 g/m 2 /yr World’s rivers (ave): 33~40 g/m 2 /yr
Transport of C and N in the Kaoping River
Kaoping River Industrial wastewater Others Domestic Animal wasterwater
Foot and Mouth Disease
Nitrogen Fluxes (Anthropogenic contributions) Estimated from wastewater discharge : 5.6*10 4 kg/day Estimated from difference between baseline and in-situ measurements: 6.5*10 4 kg/day (Particulate nitrogen: 4.8 *10 3 kg/day) EPA(ROC) report: 5.7 *10 4 kg/day Anthropogenic contributions to total fluxes: 89% (64715/72977=89%)
Phosphorus Fluxes (Anthropogenic contributions) Estimated from wastewater discharge: 4.7 *10 3 kg/day Estimated from the difference between baseline and in-situ measurements: 7.4 *10 3 kg/day(Particulate P: 4.4 *10 3 kg/day) EPA(ROC) report: 1.3 *10 4 kg/day Anthropogenic contributions to total fluxes: 61% (7399/12124=61%)
Carbon and nutrient yields from the Kaoping Watershed 08/ /2000 (a) 2002 (b) a/b Discharge (cms) POC (g/m 2 /yr) PIC (g/m 2 /yr) DOC (g/m 2 /yr) DIC (g/m 2 /yr) PN (g/m 2 /yr) DIN (mol/m 2 /yr) DIP (mmol/m 2 /yr) DSi (mol/m 2 /yr)
Meterological conditions primarily determine the material fluxes and proportions of natural and anthropogenic contributions
119°E122°E 26° N Taiwan Strait 24° N 22° N Kaoping River 121°E
Dec./2003 DO
July, 2003 Salinity
1.Dissolved inorganic nutrients (except for DIP-addition in high S range) and DOC were transported conservatively through the estuary during the wet season. 2.Nitrate reduction/denitrification occurred in the low S range during the dry season 3.Non-conservative transports - for particulate phases of carbon and nutrients 4.Using Biogeochemical (box) model to derive net fluxes
Dissolved CNP Budgets
Particulate CNP Budgets
Kaoping Watershed Kaoping Estuary ● Addition ● Removal River Dissolved Particulater matter Net fluxes Coastal Zone ● Primary production ● Recycling Sediments ● Recycled ● Preserved Settling Dissolved Release Denitrification Carbon, Nitrogen and Phosphorus Budgets On-going studies