Probing Accretion and Spacetime with Black Hole Binaries Shane Davis IAS Omer Blaes Ivan Hubeny Neal Turner Julian Krolik Jim Stone Shigenobu Hirose Chris Done Mathew Middleton Marek Gierlinski Rebbeca Shafee Ramesh Narayan Jeff McClintock Ron Remillaird Li-Xin Li
Issues Addressed in This Talk How does the release of gravitational binding energy lead to thermal radiation?How does the release of gravitational binding energy lead to thermal radiation? Are thin disk ( -disk) models sufficient to explain black hole X-ray binary (BHB) observations?Are thin disk ( -disk) models sufficient to explain black hole X-ray binary (BHB) observations?
The thin disk model H/R << 1H/R << 1 Constant accretion rate; time-steadyConstant accretion rate; time-steady Gravitational binding energy released locallyGravitational binding energy released locally as radiation: The -disk model determines surface density determines surface density Vertical dissipationVertical dissipationdistribution:
The Multicolor Disk Model (MCD) Assumes simple temperature distribution:Assumes simple temperature distribution: Spectrum assumed to be color-corrected blackbody:Spectrum assumed to be color-corrected blackbody: F F
Disk Dominated Spectra L prop. to T 4 suggests f col and emitting area are constantL prop. to T 4 suggests f col and emitting area are constant LMC X-3 Gierlinski & Done 2004
Comparison with Previous Spectral Models Previous -disk models provide mixed resultsPrevious -disk models provide mixed results Shimura & Takahara (1995); full atmosphere calculation, free-free emission and Compton scattering: starsShimura & Takahara (1995); full atmosphere calculation, free-free emission and Compton scattering: stars Merloni, Fabian & Ross (2000); relativistic effects, constant density, f-f emission and Compton scattering: blue curveMerloni, Fabian & Ross (2000); relativistic effects, constant density, f-f emission and Compton scattering: blue curve Small scatter in L-T relation as L varies by over an order of magnitudeSmall scatter in L-T relation as L varies by over an order of magnitude Gierlinski & Done 2004
Our Models, Briefly Use conservation laws with Kerr metric to calculate one-zone modelUse conservation laws with Kerr metric to calculate one-zone model Full disk model is determined by ~4 parameters: M, a/M, L/L Edd, Full disk model is determined by ~4 parameters: M, a/M, L/L Edd, Calculate self-consistent vertical structure and radiative transfer in a series of concentric annuliCalculate self-consistent vertical structure and radiative transfer in a series of concentric annuli Each annulus is determined by 3 parametersEach annulus is determined by 3 parameters (+ assumptions): T eff, Q, (g=Q z), Calculate photon geodesics in a relativistic spacetime (ray tracing) -- determined by a/M and iCalculate photon geodesics in a relativistic spacetime (ray tracing) -- determined by a/M and i
L/L Edd Mass Spin Inclination Model Parameters
Luminosity vs. Temperature We generate artificial spectra and fit MCD modelWe generate artificial spectra and fit MCD model Then, we follow the procedure of Gierlinski & Done (2004) to calculate L disk /L edd and T maxThen, we follow the procedure of Gierlinski & Done (2004) to calculate L disk /L edd and T max Model: a=0, i=70 o, M=10 solar masses, and =0.01Model: a=0, i=70 o, M=10 solar masses, and =0.01
Spin Estimates With independent estimates for the inclination, mass, and distance, thermal component only has two free parameters -- luminosity and spin (same number as diskbb)With independent estimates for the inclination, mass, and distance, thermal component only has two free parameters -- luminosity and spin (same number as diskbb) Fits with our models suggest moderateFits with our models suggest moderate (a/M < 0.9) values for several sources Shafee et al. 2005
‘Broadband’ Fits to LMC X-3 MCD Our Model MCD model is too narrow -- need relativistic broadening 2 ~ 100MCD model is too narrow -- need relativistic broadening 2 ~ 100 Best fit find spinning black hole with a/M=0.27Best fit find spinning black hole with a/M=0.27
What Have We Learned? Our detailed accretion disk models can reproduce the spectra of disk dominated BHBs (statistically significant improvement over MCD for ‘broad-band’ spectra of LMC X- 3)Our detailed accretion disk models can reproduce the spectra of disk dominated BHBs (statistically significant improvement over MCD for ‘broad-band’ spectra of LMC X- 3) Models qualitatively reproduce the observed evolution with luminosity; spectral modeling may constrain the nature of angular momentum transport (i.e. measure ) and black hole spinModels qualitatively reproduce the observed evolution with luminosity; spectral modeling may constrain the nature of angular momentum transport (i.e. measure ) and black hole spin Dissipation, magnetic stresses, inhomogeneities, etc. can affect the spectra -- more progress is needed to make these methods more robustDissipation, magnetic stresses, inhomogeneities, etc. can affect the spectra -- more progress is needed to make these methods more robust What Have I Skipped?
Luminosity vs. Temperature Slight hardening is consistent with some observationsSlight hardening is consistent with some observations Allows one to constrain surface density and accretion stressAllows one to constrain surface density and accretion stress Models become effectively optically thin at high accretion ratesModels become effectively optically thin at high accretion rates =0.01 =0.001 =0. 1
Summary of Fit Results a * ~0 =0.01 a * ~0.65 =0.1 a * ~0.1 =0.01
II. Adding ‘Real’ Physics: Dissipation, Magnetic Stresses & Inhomogeneities
Local MRI Simulations (with radiaton) Shakura & Sunyaev (1973):Shakura & Sunyaev (1973): Turner (2004): Mass more centrally concentrated towards midplane in simulations.Turner (2004): Mass more centrally concentrated towards midplane in simulations. Magnetic fields produced near midplane are buoyantMagnetic fields produced near midplane are buoyant and dissipate near surface Turner (2004)
Dissipation Profile Modified dissipation profile changes structure significantlyModified dissipation profile changes structure significantly Where -dF/dm is small (large), density is larger (smaller)Where -dF/dm is small (large), density is larger (smaller) Note that T and near * are similarNote that T and near * are similar Turner Profile SS73 Profile
Dissipation Profile … but modified dissipation profile has limited affect on the spectrum.… but modified dissipation profile has limited affect on the spectrum. This particular annulus is very effectively optically thick and * is close to surfaceThis particular annulus is very effectively optically thick and * is close to surface Turner Profile SS73 Profile
Dissipation Profile Consider same dissipation profile, but in an annulus that is not effectively optically thick.Consider same dissipation profile, but in an annulus that is not effectively optically thick. Spectrum with modified dissipation profile is effectively optically thick, but has a much greater surface temperatureSpectrum with modified dissipation profile is effectively optically thick, but has a much greater surface temperature Turner Profile SS73 Profile
Dissipation Profile For this annulus, the spectra from the modified dissipation profile is considerably harderFor this annulus, the spectra from the modified dissipation profile is considerably harder This will exacerbate the discrepancy between observations and models unless disks stay optically thickThis will exacerbate the discrepancy between observations and models unless disks stay optically thick Turner Profile SS73 Profile
Black Hole Accretion Disk Spectral Formation
Spectral Formation Depth of formation * : optical depth where ( es abs ) 1/2 ~1Depth of formation * : optical depth where ( es abs ) 1/2 ~1 > * : absorbed > * : absorbed < * : escape < * : escape Therefore Thomson scattering produces modified blackbody:Therefore Thomson scattering produces modified blackbody: Compton scattering gives softer Wien spectrum which Shimura & Takahara claim is consistent with f col ~1.7 for BHBsCompton scattering gives softer Wien spectrum which Shimura & Takahara claim is consistent with f col ~1.7 for BHBs = 0 abs = 1 es = 1 ( es abs ) 1/2 = 1
How can we improve on these models? Include metals with bound-free opacity; solve non-LTE populationsInclude metals with bound-free opacity; solve non-LTE populations More accurate radiative transfer and better treatment of Compton ScatteringMore accurate radiative transfer and better treatment of Compton Scattering Can consider the effects of more complicated physics: e.g. dissipation, magnetic stresses, and inhomogeneitiesCan consider the effects of more complicated physics: e.g. dissipation, magnetic stresses, and inhomogeneities
Magnetic Stresses B 2 /8 & dF/dm taken from simulations of Hirose et al.B 2 /8 & dF/dm taken from simulations of Hirose et al. Gas pressure dominated -- dF/dm has little effect on the structureGas pressure dominated -- dF/dm has little effect on the structure Extra magnetic pressure support lengthens scale height h Extra magnetic pressure support lengthens scale height h * ~ * /( es h ) * ~ * /( es h ) No B field B field Simulation
Magnetic Stresses Lower * and higher T * combine to give somewhat harder spectrumLower * and higher T * combine to give somewhat harder spectrum In this case lower * alters statistical equilibrium -- lower recombination rate relative to photoionization rate give more highly ionized matter with lower bound-free opacityIn this case lower * alters statistical equilibrium -- lower recombination rate relative to photoionization rate give more highly ionized matter with lower bound-free opacity No B field B field
Inhomogeneities Radiation pressure dominated accretion disks expected to be homogeneous due to photon bubble instability and/or compressible MRIRadiation pressure dominated accretion disks expected to be homogeneous due to photon bubble instability and/or compressible MRI May make disk thinner and (therefore) denser (Begelman 2001, Turner et al. 2005)May make disk thinner and (therefore) denser (Begelman 2001, Turner et al. 2005) May also affect the radiative transfer…May also affect the radiative transfer… Neal Turner
Inhomogeneities 2-D Monte Carlo calculations: photon bubbles help thermalize the spectrum, making it softer2-D Monte Carlo calculations: photon bubbles help thermalize the spectrum, making it softer Photon emission and absorption dominated by denser regions.Photon emission and absorption dominated by denser regions.
Non-aligned Jet XTE J is a microquasarXTE J is a microquasar Hannikainen et al. (2001) observe superluminal ejections with v > 2 cHannikainen et al. (2001) observe superluminal ejections with v > 2 c Ballistic model:Ballistic model: Orosz et al. (2002) found i=72 oOrosz et al. (2002) found i=72 o Non-aligned jets not uncommon -- usually assumed that BH spin differs from binary orbit and inner disk aligns with BH -- Bardeen- Petterson effectNon-aligned jets not uncommon -- usually assumed that BH spin differs from binary orbit and inner disk aligns with BH -- Bardeen- Petterson effect Best fit inclination, spin: i=43 o, a * =0.44Best fit inclination, spin: i=43 o, a * =0.44
Spectral States of BHBs Spectral states specified by relative contributions of thermal (disk) and non-thermal emission (corona)Spectral states specified by relative contributions of thermal (disk) and non-thermal emission (corona) High/Soft state is dominated by thermal disk-like componentHigh/Soft state is dominated by thermal disk-like component Done & Gierlinski 2004
Spectral Dependence on Surface Density Spectra largely independent of for large surface densitySpectra largely independent of for large surface density ( >~ 10 3 g/cm 2 ) As disk becomes marginally effectively thin, spectra become sensitive to and harden rapidly with decreasing As disk becomes marginally effectively thin, spectra become sensitive to and harden rapidly with decreasing
Binaries Provide Independent Constraints on Models Orosz and collaborators derive reasonably precise estimates from modeling the light curve of secondaryOrosz and collaborators derive reasonably precise estimates from modeling the light curve of secondary e.g. XTE J :e.g. XTE J :
Luminosity vs. Temperature Measured binary properties limit parameter space of fitsMeasured binary properties limit parameter space of fits Simultaneous fits to multiple observations of same source constrain spin/torqueSimultaneous fits to multiple observations of same source constrain spin/torque Spectra are too soft to allow for extreme spin/large torquesSpectra are too soft to allow for extreme spin/large torques
Stellar Atmospheres: Disk Annuli vs. Stellar Envelopes The spectra of stars are determined by T eff, g, and the compositionThe spectra of stars are determined by T eff, g, and the composition Annuli are determined by, T eff, Q (where g=Q z), , the composition, and the vertical dissipation profile: F(m)Annuli are determined by, T eff, Q (where g=Q z), , the composition, and the vertical dissipation profile: F(m) T eff, Q, and can be derived from radial disk structure equationsT eff, Q, and can be derived from radial disk structure equations Standard assumption is:Standard assumption is:
Luminosity vs. Temperature Gierlinski & Done 2004
Effect of bound-free opacity Bound-free opacity decreases depth of formation: Bound-free opacity decreases depth of formation: Absorption opacity approximately greyAbsorption opacity approximately grey Spectrum still approximated by diluted blackbody:Spectrum still approximated by diluted blackbody:
The Multicolor Disk Model (MCD) Consider simplest temperature distribution:Consider simplest temperature distribution: Assume blackbody and integrate over R replacing R with T (T max ~f col T eff ):Assume blackbody and integrate over R replacing R with T (T max ~f col T eff ):
Effective Temperature: T eff
Gravity Parameter: Q
Comparison Between Interpolation and Exact Models Interpolation best at high L/L eddInterpolation best at high L/L edd Exact: Blue curveExact: Blue curve Interpolation: Red Curve