Atlas of European Values in school A lesson by Judith & Katharina
The class & the classroom Gymnasium, 10. grade, 26 pupils (11 boys and 15 girls in the age of 15-16) Classteacher: Mrs. Heyland (chemistry, biology, geography, history, politics) Thursday, 09. november 2006, 1./2. h
seating order BBGGGGGGB B BGGBBG G BBG GGBBG teacher
A picture of the class
The lesson – first step Welcome, check presence und present the program on board Traffic game regarding 4 sentences: –Ich bin stolz auf Deutschland. –Frauen mit Kindern sollten lieber zuhause bleiben. –Ich akzeptiere Homosexualität. –Ich entscheide selbst über mein Leben.
The lesson – step 2 Group puzzle: short explanation of the course First round: ‚Stammgruppen‘ (15 min) –All pupils with the same theme (1-4) are working together in one group with the working sheets Every pupil gets the missing working sheets Second round: ‚Expertengruppen‘ (15 min) –Pupils with different themes (A-F) explain their results of the first round to the others and discuss them
The lesson – step 3 Discussion of the results for the four themes Comparison with the maps of the Atlas of European Values Discussion Feedback (class & teacher)
Feedback Class: –Everything was good (teaching, speaking,…) –The puzzle was funny and the themes were interesting Teacher: –Very interesting atlas –Good tasks and good teaching –Critics: too many subjects, perhaps better: only one or two subjects & more explanation/ discussion about the ‚why‘ Atlas is statistical, where are the question tags? What was asked especially? Which people were asked? Perhaps: internet/ literature links to get more information about the different European countries compared to the values
Conclusion It was a nice experience for us and the class also. There were some surprising results, for example: the class has a very traditional view concerning the question of housemother or working mother, most of the girls and nearly all boys think it is better to be a ‚housemother‘. The boys said, that they wanted their wives to care about the children at home. The girls wanted to get their abitur and a good qualification by studying, but in the age of kids, they said it‘s better for them to stay at home (only 4 mothers are working in fulltime jobs).