Section VIII Interscholastic Athletics 71 Clinton Road, Garden City, NY ● (516) ● Fax (516) ● Review of Coaching Procedures New Athletic Staff Workshop Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Section VIII Interscholastic Athletics 71 Clinton Road, Garden City, NY ● (516) ● Fax (516) ● Coaches NON-TEACHERTEACHER * First Aid CPR Coaching Courses School Violence Child Abuse Fingerprinting MUST apply for a licenseNO application necessary * Teacher coaches include any school personnel with NYS teacher certification in a subject area; as well as PPS staff including School Psychologist, Social Worker, Guidance Counselor and Attendance. What they need:
Section VIII Interscholastic Athletics 71 Clinton Road, Garden City, NY ● (516) ● Fax (516) ● Requirements Requirements for first-time coaching applicants (initial application) First Aid (must be updated every three years) CPR (must be updated every two years) Completion of Identification and Reporting of Child Abuse Certification Completion of School Violence Prevention and Intervention (SAVE) Certification Fingerprint clearance Requirements for second-year coaches (first renewal) Valid First Aid and CPR Completion of OR proof of enrollment in Philosophy, Principles and Organization of Athletics in Education Course Requirements for third-year coaches (second renewal) Valid First Aid and CPR Completion of Philosophy, Principles and Organizations of Athletics in Education Course Please note: once a coach has three temporary coaching licenses (and three years’ experience) as well as all coaching courses on file, they may apply for a professional coaching certificate. Requirements for fourth-year coaches (third renewal) Valid First Aid and CPR Required before the fifth year of coaching—can be taken anytime within the coaching process. Completion of Health Sciences Applied to Coaching Completion of Theory and Techniques (of specific sport) Requirements for fifth-year (and subsequent) coaches (fourth renewal) Professional Coaching Certificate (good for three years; sport-specific) (Apply after three TCLs) Valid First Aid and CPR Completion of all required coursework A minimum of three years coaching experience in a specific sport in a NYS athletic program (three TCLs) Last three years’ evaluations (for renewal ONLY) Changes as of July 1, 2010 PPS staff including School Psychologist, Social Worker, Guidance Counselor and Attendance no longer need to apply for additional licensing in coaching.
Section VIII Interscholastic Athletics 71 Clinton Road, Garden City, NY ● (516) ● Fax (516) ● Procedure Step 1: Apply online. Follow the instructions (available online) to create an account and apply for a license on TEACH. The application fee of $50 can be paid online with a credit card. Step 2: Submit backup (to ADs office). once the employing Superintendent has signed off electronically Print and complete the cover sheet (available online). Attach copies of valid CPR/First Aid cards, required course work and other materials. (The Athletic Director’s office will submit the packet to the Section VIII Office once the employing Superintendent has signed off electronically). Step 3: Check the status of your application. Log into the TEACH system to check the progress of your application through the system. The license will show up as “issued” once it has been approved. No paper licenses are sent. Coaches should be directed to…
Section VIII Interscholastic Athletics 71 Clinton Road, Garden City, NY ● (516) ● Fax (516) ● The process – who does what? CoachAthletic Office District Superintendent Section VIII Office Regional Certification Office State Education Department Responsible for: Completing the online application (one for each sport coached). Providing coaches with information and instructions on the new system, and instructing coaches to apply AT LEAST two weeks prior to start of season. Communicating with the District Athletic office regarding completion of the Superintendent’s statement. * Reviewing all backup documents (First Aid, CPR, coaching courses) for validity. Entry of all First Aid, CPR and coaching course information Completing “final review” of all applications. Taking CPR, First Aid and all coaching courses (and providing proof of completion of such) to the District Athletic office. Communicating with the District Superintendent (or designee) regarding completion of the Superintendent’s statement. * * Superintendent’s statement only required for Temporary Coaching Licenses—not required for Professional Coaching Certificates. Providing information to the Regional Certification Office for data entry. Transmission of completed applications to the State Education Department for final review. Approving license applications and posting issued licenses on TEACH. Following up with TEACH (online) to check the status of their application. Reviewing coaches’ backup documents before sending them to Section VIII Office. (Documents MUST be submitted by the ADs office.)
Section VIII Interscholastic Athletics 71 Clinton Road, Garden City, NY ● (516) ● Fax (516) ● Resources TEACH Tech Help Line: (518) For technical questions regarding the TEACH web site, forgotten passwords, etc. OSPRA (Office of School Personnel Review and Accountability): (518) For questions regarding discipline holds, fingerprint holds, incomplete applications. Coaches can log in and check the status of their application at: TEACH Public Inquiry System: Fingerprinting: (516) Section VIII Office: (516) Karen Wohlrab: (516)
Section VIII Interscholastic Athletics 71 Clinton Road, Garden City, NY ● (516) ● Fax (516) ● Online Application Instructions for the online application can be found online at Tips for Coaches: Retrieve login information for existing TEACH accounts—don’t make another one! Follow the directions—they will take you step-by-step through the process. Apply for the right license—changing license types adds processing time. Pay with a credit card—posting a money order may take up to two weeks. Choose Nassau BOCES to review your application—we are unable to access your application if it is not in our work queue.
Section VIII Interscholastic Athletics 71 Clinton Road, Garden City, NY ● (516) ● Fax (516) ● Online tools Section VIII web site: Coaching connection: Course schedules, application information, etc. TEACH Online TEACH Public Inquiry System: check here to view (and print) information on issued licenses Coaches can log in here to check the status of their application Report a problem with TEACH Online via this web form State resources Physical Education Toolkit: coaching regulations, approved courses and providers, etc.