Research program 1 Our big target Reduced production costs.


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Presentation transcript:

Research program 1 Our big target Reduced production costs

Research program 1 Our team leaders: Dr Mike Taverner Prof John Black Mr Andrew Philpotts, QAF

Research program 1 Investment in this area will lead to reduced production costs through: 1.More reliable and consistent protein and energy supplies;

Research program 1 Investment in this area will lead to reduced production costs through: 1.More reliable and consistent protein and energy supplies; 2.Innovative grain, pulse and oilseed production & processing;

Research program 1 Investment in this area will lead to reduced production costs through: 1.More reliable and consistent protein and energy supplies; 2.Innovative grain, pulse and oilseed production; 3.Developing novel ingredients.

Research program 1 More Better Cheaper cereals and pulses for pigs

FIELD PEA VARIETIES for N NSW & S QUEENSLAND Understanding the needs of the pork industry, the market, the crop, the grower and the environment Univ Sydney / Aust Field Pea Improvement Program /Pulse Australia / Agronomists / pork producers / grain growers / GRDC

Research program 1 More Better Cheaper cereals and pulses for pigs

Range in DE (MJ/kg DM) Wheat Barley Triticale Sorghum

Range in DE (MJ/kg DM) Wheat Barley Triticale Sorghum Range in DE intake?!

NIR Calibrations DE

Research program 1 More Better Cheaper !! cereals and pulses for pigs

Research program 1 White wheatFeed wheat Typical year Yield (tonne/ha)58 Farm Gate Price ($/tonne) Gross Income ($/ha) Variables ($/ha) Gross Margin ($/ha)600880

Research program 1 GrainSearch Hypothesis Low cost, quality feed grains for the pig industry can be produced in long cereal growing season regions and some irrigation areas of Australia as a higher gross margin option for the grain grower. A quality feed grain industry in Australia will not be developed if the end users do not help drive the process by ensuring there is a continuing competitive market place and price.

Research program 1a Feed wheats and barleys in SE Aust - GrainSearch Feed barleys in northern Aust Triticales in NSW Field peas in SE Qld

GrainSearch Jon Midwood David Watson Ken McDonald

BACKGROUND In 1998 Wrightson Seeds Australia started a Cereal Evaluation Programme Wheat and Barley (Triticale) Selecting longer season varieties more suited to higher rainfall areas Early 2002 looking for joint venture partners

GrainSearch Established GrainSearch formed March Shareholders funding programme for five years Take control of plant genetics not available in Australia First winter wheat variety available for large area sowing - autumn 2004 Amarok grown on 4000 ha (2005)

GrainSearch Wheat 2005

GrainSearch Barley 2005 Malt VarietiesFeed Varieties

What yields can we achieve in the HRZ? Agronomy/Management Achievable Potential Current

Australian wheat High Rainfall environments Kojonup Naracoorte Wagga Launceston Hamilton Clare Horsham

Lengths of growing seasons constructionfoundationgrainfill flowering stem extension sowing physiological maturity Potential grain yields at 12% MC (t/ha)

Topics from the Naracoorte Agricultural Bureau Are farms producing to their maximum returns? If not, why not? Stock raising v Cereal growing: Which pays the best for district? How to make a success of irrigation? Which are the best wheat, barley & oat varieties and how to grow them successfully YEAR 1916!

Inputs for high yields ? Lime  P & K  Cultivations  Seed  Weed Management  Pest Management  Nitrogen  Fungicides  Timeliness  PAW Management 

How do we transfer the Technology? Establishment of Piggery case studies Grower group setup: –Superior varieties from GrainSearch programme –Grown by dedicated growers –Following defined agronomic practices. –Supplying feed wheat under closed loop system 500ha of Amarok wheat in 2005 Agronomy supplied through five group meetings at key timings Group analysis/comparison of results

Can we manage the risk of price volatility? Objective – Pork producers have consistency of supply, of a known quality, at an acceptable price Development of pricing mechanism using basis contracts: –Locking in basis at contract commencement –Locking in currency exchange rates –Wheat futures 3000t contract setup with Western Plains Pork for 2005 –Returning approx. $180/t for producer –WPP buying at average $160/t during 2006

Research program 1

Research program 1 Program 1c: Novel Feed Materials Scoping study Workshop Material evaluation

Research program 1c Scoping study Review of literature Consultation with food, government and grains sector Shortlist “best prospect” materials By-products of food processing sector Novel cereal grains and pulses

Research program 1c Literature reviews 2 Reviews One in each area of interest Shortlist by-products and novel grains and pulses based upon nutritional, safety and logistical prospects Basis for industry workshop of CRC participants

Research program 1c CRC novel material workshop One meeting to review the findings of both reports – March 06 Research plans and timelines defined for each selected material

Research program 1c Material evaluation Likely only 1 material to be evaluated in 2005/06 Material characterisation Digestibility study

Research program 1c Process and estimated timeline Commission 2 reports Tenders advertised early December Reports completed end of February Workshop mid to late March Material evaluation May / June