Gábor Szita mechanical engineer Hungarian Geothermal Association (HGA) - President New Direct Heat Geothermal Systems in Hungary
Number of Deep Geothermal Drillings Energetics Baths New direct heat geothermal systems in Hungary - Gábor Szita, president of Hungarian Geothermal Association International Geothermal Workshop, RENEXPO, May
Reasons related to the natural gas –High dependency –High price –Ukrainian-Russian gas dispute Availability of financial support Geothermal projects may fulfil the requirements for the support The basic formula High gas price Support Geothermal Projects Driving Forces behind the Acceleration New direct heat geothermal systems in Hungary - Gábor Szita, president of Hungarian Geothermal Association
International Geothermal Workshop, RENEXPO, May Environment and Energy Operative Programme Main conditions: –Support only for the investment costs –The share of the support depends on the region the applicant (local authorities are preferred) the size of the project the (extra) revenues provided by the project the profitability of the project 10% < SUPPORT < 85% Support Programme New direct heat geothermal systems in Hungary - Gábor Szita, president of Hungarian Geothermal Association
International Geothermal Workshop, RENEXPO, May Environment and Energy Operative Programme Other important conditions: –Not available for agricultural entities –Strict scoring system – easy to loose, hard to collect points –IRR must be > 0 (for 15 years) –High quality feasibility study is required Support Programme New direct heat geothermal systems in Hungary - Gábor Szita, president of Hungarian Geothermal Association
International Geothermal Workshop, RENEXPO, May A support programme appeared in April, 2008 Many applicants and winners Very slow process Gardeners started to drill geothermal wells on their own finance. Geothermal Boom in the Horticulture New direct heat geothermal systems in Hungary - Gábor Szita, president of Hungarian Geothermal Association
New Hungary Rural Development Programme Total number of applications for horticultural modernisation 585 Applications referring thermal water utilisation 38 Successful applications 28 Sum of subsidies: 16 M € Unsuccessful or progressing applications 10 International Geothermal Workshop, RENEXPO, May New direct heat geothermal systems in Hungary - Gábor Szita, president of Hungarian Geothermal Association
International Geothermal Workshop, RENEXPO, May New Geothermal Projects New direct heat geothermal systems in Hungary - Gábor Szita, president of Hungarian Geothermal Association Operating systems Shortly under construction Successful application for support Application submitted
Location Cost of the project (M €) Support rate Veresegyház % Bóly % Kistelek1.885 % Gárdony % Mórahalom2.050 % Szentlőrinc3.747 % Orosháza % Veresegyház % Mezőberény2.660 % Csongrád1,736 % Bóly-20,355 % Miskolc2,550 % Erdőkertes1.550 % Törökszentmiklós2.050 % Makó3,649 % Szolnok2,0100 % Csurgó1.8 Orosháza-24,4 Debrecen1,9 Hegykő0,4 Sum:41.7 New Geothermal Projects International Geothermal Workshop, RENEXPO, May New direct heat geothermal systems in Hungary - Gábor Szita, president of Hungarian Geothermal Association Operating systems Shortly under construction Successful application for support Application submitted
Bóly 200 km International Geothermal Workshop, RENEXPO, May Geothermal Energy Utilisation in Bóly New direct heat geothermal systems in Hungary - Gábor Szita, president of Hungarian Geothermal Association
2,7 km Exploration well 1982 depth: 1302 m Triassic limestone narrow casing wellhead temp.: 75 o C drinking water low CO 2 content Geothermal well 2004 depth: 1800 m screened section: ~700 m Miocene limestone wellhead temp.: 42 o C total salt content: 1300 mg/l CH 4, CO 2 International Geothermal Workshop, RENEXPO, May Preliminaries New direct heat geothermal systems in Hungary - Gábor Szita, president of Hungarian Geothermal Association
Target: Heat supply for all public facilities based on geothermal reservoir explored by the drilling in 1982 Preparation steps: –Procurement of necessary permits (water management and environmental) –Elaboration of a feasibility study –Applying for state subsidy –Waiting for considering the application –Signing the subsidy contract –Preparing the tender documentation Project owner: Municipality of Bóly International Geothermal Workshop, RENEXPO, May Project Preparation New direct heat geothermal systems in Hungary - Gábor Szita, president of Hungarian Geothermal Association
2 new thermal wells (1500-m borehole depth expected) –1 production well –1 injection well Geothermal technology: submersible pump, tanks, supply and injection pumps, filters, etc. Total length of the transmission and distribution pipe-line: 7 km Geothermal substations at 15 different places: heat exchangers, control valves, measure and control gauges, etc. Civil works: 2 small pump houses, manholes Electric works: electric supply, switches, breakers, etc. Automatic control and monitoring system, communication: hardware and software Construction start-up:July 2007 Operation start-up: November 2008 International Geothermal Workshop, RENEXPO, May Description of the Project New direct heat geothermal systems in Hungary - Gábor Szita, president of Hungarian Geothermal Association
Combined consumer Primary consumers Secondary consumers EXPLOITATION o C REINJECTION o C o C International Geothermal Workshop, RENEXPO, May Conceptual Design New direct heat geothermal systems in Hungary - Gábor Szita, president of Hungarian Geothermal Association
Production well 2008 depth: 1590 m Triassic limestone wellhead temp.:80 o C flow rate: 60 m3/h submersible pump Injection well 2007 depth: 1497 m Triassic limestone International Geothermal Workshop, RENEXPO, May Site Plan with Wells and Pipe-lines New direct heat geothermal systems in Hungary - Gábor Szita, president of Hungarian Geothermal Association
International Geothermal Workshop, RENEXPO, May The Three-Pipe System 1.Grammar School 2.Library 3.Public House 4.Children’s Home 5.Kindergarten 6.Old People’s House 7.Health Centre 8.Culture House 9.Youth Hostel 10.Town Hall 11.Kolping House 12.Office Block Primary consumer Mixed consumer Secondary consumer New direct heat geothermal systems in Hungary - Gábor Szita, president of Hungarian Geothermal Association
Result: 30% more energy extracted from the same amount of geothermal water International Geothermal Workshop, RENEXPO, May Experience during the First Heating Season New direct heat geothermal systems in Hungary - Gábor Szita, president of Hungarian Geothermal Association
International Geothermal Workshop, RENEXPO, May Bóly – Pictures from the Construction New direct heat geothermal systems in Hungary - Gábor Szita, president of Hungarian Geothermal Association
International Geothermal Workshop, RENEXPO, May Organisation of 6 workshops. Publishing a quaternary newsletter for the members. Successful negotiation with the Ministry of Environment and Water in Giving opinion on new measures and programmes related to geothermal. Explaination for the original meaning of the word „THERMAL”, used in European languages in geothermal. Activity of HGA since 2003 New direct heat geothermal systems in Hungary - Gábor Szita, president of Hungarian Geothermal Association
Hungarian Geothermal Association Address 1021 Budapest, Ötvös János u. 3. Phone: (1) , fax: (1) Web: Thank you for your attention!