Chapter 15 Chemical Kinetics
Rates of Chemical Reactions
The Effect of Temperature on Reaction
Other Factors Affecting the Rates of reactions
Rate Expression Slope of the tangent line Initial Rate
Exercise 1 Time(min)[CH 3 COOPh] (mol/L)
Time(min)[CH 3 COOPh] (mol/L) Exercise 1
Exercise 2 2 NO(g) + 2 H 2 (g) N 2 (g) + 2 H 2 O(g) Reactant Concentration (mol/L)Rate of Appearance of N 2 (mol/L·s) [NO][H 2 ] Run 1: Run 2: Run 3: Run 4:
Use in graphical methods Plot for shape of rate response Integrated Rate Expressions
Zero Order Rate Expression
First Order Rate Expression Conc Vs Time
Half Life
Second Order Rate Expression Conc VS Time
Effect of Temperature on the Rate Constant Increasing Concentration
The Reaction Coordinate A + B AB A B d AB A B A B
Temperature and Activation Energy
Arrhenius Pre-exponential Factor
Exercise 3 Temp( o C)K(1/Ms) * * * * *10 -2
Exercise 3 T( o C)T(K)k1/Tln k E E E E E
Effect of Catalyst on the Rate Constant
Catalytic Hydrogenation CH 2 =CH 2 + H 2 CH 3 -CH 3
Elementary StepMolecularityRate Equation A prod. UnimolecularRate = k[A] A + B prod. BimolecularRate = k[A]·[B] A + A prod. BimolecularRate = k[A] 2 2 A + B prod. TermolecularRate = k[A] 2 ·[B] Reaction Mechanisms
The Bimolecular Substitution Reaction [Br····CH 3 ····Cl] - BrCH 3
The Unimolecular Substitution Reaction Br - + [CH 3 ] + BrCH 3 + BLOCK [CH 3 ] +
This reaction has two transition states The Unimolecular Mechanism Requires an Intermediate
Exercise 4
Time (min)[PhAc] (mol/L)ln[PhAc]1/[PhAc]
Slope=-k = min -1 Exercise 4
Concepts from Chapter 15 Rate constants Rate laws Integrated rate equations Zero-order, first-order and second-order reactions Half life, t 1/2 Collision theory Activation energy and the Arrhenius equation(s) Catalysts Reaction co-ordinates, intermediates and transition states Reaction mechanisms and elementary steps Molecularity - rate equations for elementary steps Rate determining steps Supporting/disproving a proposed mechanism using kinetic data