Adaptive Multiple Relay Selection Scheme for Cooperative Wireless Networks WCNC 2010 Gayan Amarasuriya, Masoud Ardakani and Chintha Tellambura {amarasur, ardakani, 6/1/2015 University of Alberta, Canada 1
Outline: introduction – single relay selection, multiple relay selection motivation proposed scheme analysis numerical results conclusion 6/1/20152
All participate relaying (APR): 6/1/2015 APR [Laneman, 2003] needs L +1 orthogonal time-slots low spectral-efficiency all L relays cooperate simple and efficient optimal in the sense of diversity and coding gains low spectral efficiency can be overcome by selection a subset of available relays 3
- only one relay cooperates spectral-efficiency increases 6/1/2015 Single relay selection (SRS): SRS - SRS schemes best SRS [Zhao, 2007] best–worst SRS [Bletsas, 2006] best–harmonic mean SRS [Bletsas, 2006] partial SRS [Sadek, 2006] 4
6/1/2015 Multiple relay selection (MRS): MRS - more than one relay cooperates better trade-off between spectral- efficiency and available degree of freedom of the wireless channel - MRS schemes Optimal MRS for orthogonal channels - [Michalopoulos, 2006] Optimal/suboptimal MRS for shared channels - [Jing, 2009] GSC-based MRS - [Ikki, 2009] 5
Motivation: best SRS does not use available degree of freedom SNR outage and BER are lower optimal MRS high search complexity complexity increases exponential with number of relays GSC-based MRS may select more relays unnecessary end-to-end SNR may far exceed the system requirements above schemes require CSI of all relayed paths We would like a MRS scheme which offers better trade-offs between the error/outage performance and spectral-efficiency! 6/1/20156
Proposed MRS scheme: 6/1/2015 Key idea Adaptive threshold checking at D [Chen, 2004], [Yang, 2005] proposed scheme selects the first relays such that the combined SNR of the first relayed paths and the direct path exceeds a preset threshold. 7
Analysis: The end-to-end SNR can be written as The CDF of is given by to make the analysis tractable, we use the well-known upper bound: the CDF, PDF and the MFG of are derived in closed-forms. lower bounds are derived for (i) outage probability, (ii) average SER, and (iii) the average number of selected relays. upper bounds are derived for (i) average SNR and (ii) ergodic capacity. 6/1/20158
Analysis (ctd): the CDF of can be derived as where and The PDF of is given by 6/1/20159
Analysis (ctd): the average SER is derived as the average number of selected relays is given by 6/1/201510
Numerical results: 6/1/2015 Average BER of BPSK 11
Numerical results (ctd): 6/1/2015 Average number of selected relays 12
6/1/2015 Numerical results (ctd): Outage probability comparison 13
6/1/2015 Numerical results (ctd): Average BER of BPSK comparison 14
Conclusion: Our MRS scheme – outperforms optimal SRS, GSC-based MRS and fixed L c out of L relays in low-to-moderate SNRs. – utilizes the wireless resources adaptively in fading environments. Future directions – performance in high SNRs can be improved by first ordering the relays then applying the proposed algorithm 6/1/201515
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6/1/2015 Thank You! 17