Embedding ICT across the curriculum – Hands on Support Project “Knowing Me, Knowing You” Knowing Me, Knowing You Promoting Community Cohesion and Intercultural Understanding “The project is an exciting opportunity for pupils from different ethnic backgrounds to use ICT to share information about their cultural customs and traditions.”
The project is an opportunity for schools to… “Knowing Me, Knowing You” The project is an opportunity for primary and secondary schools to: Provide opportunities for their pupils to meet and work with pupils from other ethnic backgrounds Develop activities around the themes of “Intercultural Understanding” and “Community Cohesion” Work alongside Bilingual Advisory Teachers, Leading ICT Teachers and other Educational Providers Create links with community groups and establish a database of contacts Encourage their pupils to use digital resources and new technologies to publish and share learning with other project schools
What will our schools and children be doing? “Knowing Me, Knowing You” Partnerships and Schools will be invited to plan Intercultural activities (involving in some instances members of the local community) and publish details of these on the project web-site: Activities will include: Food from different cultures Music and Dance Storytelling Art Religious Festivals Places to visit Learning a new language Activities can last a lesson, a week or a term. They will be a wonderful opportunity for pupils to meet, make new friends and learn about other cultures.
How will we share our work with others? “Knowing Me, Knowing You” Pupils from all schools taking part in the project will have the opportunity to publish their work on “Making the News” and the Project Micro-site. Pupils work can include: Written reports Multimedia presentations (including storybooks) Audio files (stories, interviews, music) Video files Art Work
How will we share our work with others? “Knowing Me, Knowing You” Pupils will also have the opportunity to web conference using FlashMeeting and post questions for each other to answer on the project blog.
How can we use ICT to record and present our work? “Knowing Me, Knowing You” During the project all pupils will have access to a wide range of ICT equipment and digital learning resources. These include: FlashMeeting Making the News Digital Cameras and Camcorders Digital Voice Recorders Cook IT! Celebrating Languages Comic Life National Education Network Gallery Audacity /Blogging Audio Network Visit the National Education Network for details about many of these applications
Who can help? - Project Partners “Knowing Me, Knowing You” Groups and organisations supporting the “Knowing Me, Knowing You” project include: ASK Hands on Support ICT Consultants MCAS (KCC Bilingual Advisory Teachers) MFL Leading Teachers ICT Leading Teachers South-East Grid for Learning Project Officers Community Leaders For details about what is happening across the South-East region visit:
Publishing and Sharing our Learning with others “Knowing Me, Knowing You”
Are you taking part? “Knowing Me, Knowing You”